
Precious Roy Shopping Network

This is Precious Roy, and I just fought a otter. Buy my chili powder... SUCKERS!!!!!

Precious Roy, Precious Roy, Making lots of suckers out of girls and boys. This was a pretty good game.

over 13 years - You are not allowed to spec games in training lobby. That is cheating. Cheat again and you will be banned. 24 hour suspension.
over 13 years
dont mind me to neg you moar you already got -9k moron and btw you are just a fucking racist youare pathetic as shit.
deletedover 13 years - training lobby is still moderated, even in unranked, if you want to troll keep it to sandbox
deletedover 13 years
heyyy mister sock puppet :)
over 13 years
Why won't you tell me the story!!
deletedover 13 years
Just a word of advice: on a setup with a mislynch, always use the mislynch, never no lynch. The lynch is the only way town can kill mafia. By no lynching with a ML, you decrease your odds of winning dramatically.