+k. Have a good day and hopefully you won't get maf too often
deletedalmost 14 years
Removed neg and thanks. It was fool, go neg him. lol.
deletedalmost 14 years
-k Returned because I didn't suicide. I have only ever suicide once ever, check my stats. Wasn't me. I'll remove it once you remove mine and apologize for the confusion.
i dont think it was a good gambit, also a late claim cant usually force a lynch on you but, when you are being lynched and you claim doc its kinda scummy. Anyway at that point the maf would know who the doc is so its useless not to claim. :) Hope this helps
I demand that you grovel before me and say how deeply and truly sorry you are for tunneling on me even when I was town AND thank me for never even accusing you for being maf. lol I kid. <3 Seriously though, I don't blame you. I would've done the same to myself. C=