

It's me, "havelava"


5 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20He's Batman
deletedover 11 years
+k u cool
deletedabout 12 years
GG, nice hammerin, plussed ! Cya !
deletedabout 12 years
Some say i'm the worst player to grace the game of Epicmafia.
about 12 years
you picked the best kill, +k
over 12 years
+ked you to 12!
over 12 years
+K for hammering right twice, fixing my horrible reads in that game. xD
deletedover 12 years
lol at ur will
over 12 years
+K you back :)
almost 13 years
+k'ed :)
over 13 years
+k because I like your screenname.
over 13 years
returning +k
over 13 years
thank you, for being an awesome mafia, and you died with honour, if i had 2000 points i would +k you
almost 14 years
:( Left the game a second too late, huh?
deletedalmost 14 years
+K'd for good game, and returned. :D
almost 14 years
Thanks, sorry for not defending you more. I've lost so many games today that I began to question my scumhunting and decided to let confident Justin make the choice.
deletedalmost 14 years
almost 14 years
+Ked back! (:
almost 14 years
Negged for fail lynch on cop D1
almost 14 years
thankyou<3 +King you back once i get the points :D
almost 14 years
+k to bring you back up to 0 :\