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over 8 years
shrubcraft or dorzelftw? find out next time on Minecraft and her many lovers! :)))
anonymousover 8 years
Get ready for some PUN-CAKE
uh, ok
over 8 years
Here is a question for you. What do you admire most in the world? Take your time and actually think about this. You don't have to answer, just think about it if you want :)
this world, its nature the heart of all of us. Its beautiful.
anonymousover 8 years
do you really like shrub, I ship you guys to much
Ok im going to clear things up shrub is my FRIEND and only my friend. uhh so much drama
over 8 years
i wanna know the answer to that question too VVVV


35 / 35Boozin'
25 / 25Eye of the Beholder
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Clint Eastwood
almost 7 years
terrible at the start. got better towards the end
almost 7 years
meow :3 pls you know me well enough
almost 7 years
subbed, what kind of question is that? :P
almost 7 years
Uhh, I didn't really hate both that much apart from when Rolo killed Shirley so I guess I hate Rolo more.
almost 7 years
shirley :3
almost 7 years
I command both of them to die. Near is my most hated character though
almost 7 years
geass, since I could just command people to kill themselves anyway.
almost 7 years
I did, someone hacked and refunded a heap of games though so now I have to go do it again and effort....
almost 7 years
I just say C.C cuz C2 sounds weird :3
almost 7 years
:o another game I should worry about? And hmm, Kallen I guess, love both tho.
almost 7 years
well you would never give up league anyway so I don't have to worry about it :3 and I couldn't give up either but I'd give up water before I gave up coffee :3
almost 7 years
Pfft, I'd give up Code Geass then :3
almost 7 years
well you not watching code geass has no effect on me so let's go with that :3
almost 7 years
epicmafia.... I'd rather just about anything than you being addicted to league :3
almost 7 years
em games, bb, orgs, survivor
almost 7 years
hooker :3
almost 7 years
wtf... poker ofc
almost 7 years
Lmao good question, idk
almost 7 years
tf, no making me choose between people! They're both amazing <3
almost 7 years
Death Note I suppose