over 5 years

pick your poison

and keep the discussion civil please

i'm a big fan of
bernie 'bernard' sanders
elizabeth 'lizard' warren
donald 'the don' trump
pete 'al neuman' buttigieg
andrew 'secretly white' yang
tulsi 'tryhard' gabbard
cory 'identity crisis' booker
joe 'cryptofascist' biden
kamala 'calamity' harris
marianne 'everybody gets a car' williamson
over 5 years

aquarius says

that takes out:


i mean i love bernie and i like biden and warren but you gotta retire at some point. i hate that all these people are career politicians. but of course term limits for congress will never be passed.

there's nothing wrong with a younger candidate, but the ones that we currently have poised for the ballot miss the mark on a lot of crucial domestic and foreign policy points. they're either blank canvasses that have crowdsourced their rhetoric without a real platform, or woefully misled when it comes to addressing the stranglehold that corporate america has on our legislature.
over 5 years
that takes out:


i mean i love bernie and i like biden and warren but you gotta retire at some point. i hate that all these people are career politicians. but of course term limits for congress will never be passed.
over 5 years
im really tired of having 60+ year olds in the white house can we PLEASE have someone who actually appeals to more than just greatest gen/baby boomers
over 5 years
over 5 years
thats a really smart idea
over 5 years
absent of anything to suggest a more positive turnaround for some of these candidates, it's a pretty good idea to scrutinize their voting record more than their contemporary platform. you'd be surprised, disappointed even, at the things you find.
over 5 years

dooze says

also error u missed the opportunity to do elizabeth "pocahontas" warren

i feel you, but i don't think that it would be as funny as much as it would be inflammatory
over 5 years
also error u missed the opportunity to do elizabeth "pocahontas" warren
over 5 years
wait malones whats up w kamala
over 5 years
realistically probably voting for bernie - beto is completely vapid and i do not trust kamala as far as i can spit
over 5 years
Haha an epicmafia role being president would be so funny, why did you add donald trump to his name though?? https://epicmafia.com/role/7296
over 5 years
i like cory booker.
over 5 years

Bebop says

based gravel
over 5 years
over 5 years
In university I was taught that neoliberalism = bad and that the welfare state = good. I don't think in those terms anymore.
over 5 years
Pete is a religiously illiterate religious person.
over 5 years

shayneismyname says

Pete is really nice at platitudes, but every time he opens his mouth and reveals an actual position or policy, I tend to get disappointed.

(https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/5/13/18535423/prisoner-felon-voting-rights-bernie-sanders-2020) Arguing that those that are in prison shouldn't be able to vote.

(https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/436162-medicare-for-all-where-2020-dems-stand) On healthcare, Pete endourced what he calls "Medicare for all WHO WANT IT" (aka not single payer) but he wants to have his cake and eat it too. See this tweet where he asks "When/where have you ever heard me oppose Medicare for All?" (https://twitter.com/PeteButtigieg/status/964863858849574913).

The MSM likes Pete cause he he has a good backstory and does a good talk and you can project whatever you want onto him. He has no track record to back himself up, so he can't be held to anything. He's gonna be screwed in the debates where he has to come down hard on actual positions and policies.

he's just a poorly dressed up neoliberal
over 5 years
Pete is really nice at platitudes, but every time he opens his mouth and reveals an actual position or policy, I tend to get disappointed.

(https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/5/13/18535423/prisoner-felon-voting-rights-bernie-sanders-2020) Arguing that those that are in prison shouldn't be able to vote.

(https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/436162-medicare-for-all-where-2020-dems-stand) On healthcare, Pete endourced what he calls "Medicare for all WHO WANT IT" (aka not single payer) but he wants to have his cake and eat it too. See this tweet where he asks "When/where have you ever heard me oppose Medicare for All?" (https://twitter.com/PeteButtigieg/status/964863858849574913).

The MSM likes Pete cause he he has a good backstory and does a good talk and you can project whatever you want onto him. He has no track record to back himself up, so he can't be held to anything. He's gonna be screwed in the debates where he has to come down hard on actual positions and policies.
over 5 years

shayneismyname says

also you forgot Kirsten Gillibrand but that is totally understandable. but how do you forget beto?

i somehow fail to acknowledge him, even when he's bloviating while standing on bars
over 5 years
also you forgot Kirsten Gillibrand but that is totally understandable. but how do you forget beto?
over 5 years
funny how the narrative was Bernie is too old and that narrative totally stopped when biden announced he was running
over 5 years
It feels like only yesterday he was an angry middle aged man
over 5 years
Hold the freaking phone Biden is 76
over 5 years

error says

rigby says

wheres pamela rocker

had no clue who she was until now

going to go ahead and verbalize my disapproval of reparations as a strategy to address engines of inequality and inequity.
over 5 years
that being said, jeb! jeb! jeb!