about 5 years

pick your poison

and keep the discussion civil please

i'm a big fan of
bernie 'bernard' sanders
elizabeth 'lizard' warren
donald 'the don' trump
pete 'al neuman' buttigieg
andrew 'secretly white' yang
tulsi 'tryhard' gabbard
cory 'identity crisis' booker
joe 'cryptofascist' biden
kamala 'calamity' harris
marianne 'everybody gets a car' williamson
about 5 years

shayneismyname says

aquarius says

shayneismyname says



Most of Sanders' policies are very popular with the country, though. They're not "too radical" and most of them have been picked up by others on the party's platform. Liveable minimum wage, free tuition, healthcare for all, for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes. These are not "far out," and they are very popular.

We cannot afford to be centerist as the conservatives, especially with this current administration, keep moving the overton further and further to the right.

it's like people care more about the packaging than the cookie
about 5 years

aquarius says

shayneismyname says



Most of Sanders' policies are very popular with the country, though. They're not "too radical" and most of them have been picked up by others on the party's platform. Liveable minimum wage, free tuition, healthcare for all, for the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes. These are not "far out," and they are very popular.

We cannot afford to be centerist as the conservatives, especially with this current administration, keep moving the overton further and further to the right.
about 5 years
and if any of you (god forbid) are basing your ballot preferences on an epicmafia forum poll, i will be the one to personally terminate you from existence
about 5 years

Morgan says

i just wish you had included him in the poll

i know; i really should just remake the thread without a poll. it does nothing to propel the conversation forward.
about 5 years
shout out bob hawke true legend
about 5 years
i just wish you had included him in the poll
about 5 years
stay off twitter in general
about 5 years
do the world a favor and stay off twitter when deciding which candidate you're going to endorse
about 5 years

nepenthe says

i mean yeah i actually like what i've seen from him (which is basically just the 'make bush go to jail instead of snowden and manning' tweet) but he's still an absolute meme to the point i literally just remember him as 'that chapo guy'

he doesnt run his own twitter or his campaign, look past his social media presence at his policies and stances

about 5 years

shayneismyname says


i think the problem with the "establishment" right now is generational division. younger people who are becoming more politically active just don't trust anyone who's an old geezer (even if they seem to align with their political beliefs).

of course, i don't think we should have a 25 yr old in the white house and i agree that a track record is really important. that's why i'm looking at middle aged candidates who a) do have plenty of experience as i would say most of these candidates have been politically active for at least 5 yrs and have otherwise qualifying experience elsewhere and b) are still young enough to engage gen z and younger millennials while still being old/mature/experienced enough for older voters.

i legit don't think sanders or warren are the best candidates the dems can put out there. the dems HAVE to scale back and become more centric if they want to gain voters. i'm tired of the candidates everyone wants being so far out on the political spectrum in every direction.

sanders is way too radical for most of the country and the fact that he's an independent really distances him from the party itself. i like warren but i don't think she has the kind of energetic personality that people are looking for - she's soft-spoken, and she does not excite me.
about 5 years

error says

aquarius says

that takes out:


i mean i love bernie and i like biden and warren but you gotta retire at some point. i hate that all these people are career politicians. but of course term limits for congress will never be passed.

there's nothing wrong with a younger candidate, but the ones that we currently have poised for the ballot miss the mark on a lot of crucial domestic and foreign policy points. they're either blank canvasses that have crowdsourced their rhetoric without a real platform, or woefully misled when it comes to addressing the stranglehold that corporate america has on our legislature.

This this this this this x1000.

By putting an age cap, you took out Sanders and Warren (imo the 2 best options). I'm not apposed to young candidates. I think fresh blood is important. But with older candidates you have experience and a track record (which can help or hurt you, but track record is the most important thing. it shows how you will govern and if you're all talk or not) that you do not have with the younger candidates.

If some younger candidates who are truly progressive and do not have a muddied track record I'm all for it. Age doesn't have to matter in either direction, but I'm just not as happy with the current crop of younger ones running, compared to Warren and Sanders, who imo have both good track records, and experience that will help to get the job done if they win.
about 5 years

error says

nepenthe says

aight i'm european so i need someone to confirm whether my understanding is correct:

every candidate is either: a human piece of trash (harris, trump), yet another moderate with no interesting ideas whatsoever (buttigieg, o'rourke, booker, gabbard, klobuchar, and apparently like 1000000 others), 70+ (sanders, warren), 70+ and a creep (biden), or a literal meme (yang, whoever the hell that guy who is pushed by all the annoying chapo kids is)

more or less but don't get it twisted: mike gravel is incredibly cool

i mean yeah i actually like what i've seen from him (which is basically just the 'make bush go to jail instead of snowden and manning' tweet) but he's still an absolute meme to the point i literally just remember him as 'that chapo guy'
about 5 years

nepenthe says

aight i'm european so i need someone to confirm whether my understanding is correct:

every candidate is either: a human piece of trash (harris, trump), yet another moderate with no interesting ideas whatsoever (buttigieg, o'rourke, booker, gabbard, klobuchar, and apparently like 1000000 others), 70+ (sanders, warren), 70+ and a creep (biden), or a literal meme (yang, whoever the hell that guy who is pushed by all the annoying chapo kids is)

more or less but don't get it twisted: mike gravel is incredibly cool
about 5 years
aight i'm european so i need someone to confirm whether my understanding is correct:

every current candidate is either: a human piece of trash (trump, harris), yet another moderate with no interesting ideas whatsoever (buttigieg, o'rourke, booker, gabbard, klobuchar, and apparently like 1000000 others), 70+ (sanders, warren), 70+ and a creep (biden), or a literal meme (yang, whoever the hell that guy who is pushed by all the annoying chapo kids is)
about 5 years
where is evil bernie from dark vermont
about 5 years
i dont give a sh*t about politics but let it be known that if u voted trump in this poll i hate u uwu
about 5 years
ok i just want to say

shout out to all the people with laptop, water bottle, and car stickers that say 'beto for senate' who lost and now have to carry around the sticker of failure
about 5 years
this was an okay thread, once
about 5 years
i am literallly shak i,,ng i ,cannnot belieevv how many lliazrdphhobbes tthre are on epicmaif;a??? what thhe;; hell im jusst cryi'ng o hard i hope yyou allaare ashamaed of your actions, [being so huurtful t olizards like this
about 5 years
word, word...
about 5 years
ok lizardphobe i'll see u in hell
about 5 years

dzke says

im disappointed no one voted for the lizard :pensive: :ok_hand:

she's ostensibly a hawkish zionist, and i'm waiting to be convinced otherwise
about 5 years

cory talks big about skyrocketing drug prices, but voted on the side of pharma lobbyists when it came to a bill proposed by bernie to set up a reserve fund which would allow americans to buy lower-priced drugs from canada. it's the little things that can be the most unsettling. there's a little trump in every democrat.
about 5 years
im disappointed no one voted for the lizard :pensive: :ok_hand:
about 5 years
tulsi gabbard has the most promise out of the younger contenders as an organic anti-war candidate WITH veteran appeal, but she's an advocate for decentralization and pretty disagreeable when it comes to our defense budget.