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Junior Council of Sandbox

about 5 years


With the recent events brought upon the box of sand, I've decided we need a Junior Council of Sandbox to assist with the addressing of ongoing conflicts within Sandbox/EpicMafia. Young accounts are the future, our voices will be heard!

Requirements of Membership:

  • Have an account created in 2017 or later (2017, 2018, 2019)
  • Be unbiased and mature
  • Be active
  • Meme when necessary
  • Be good looking

What do you get?

  • A white robe and staff
  • Advising powers over the Sandbox/EpicMafia community and it's "drama"

Comment below if you have ideas/want to become a member.

Community Discussion Thread:

Successful Campaigns

  • Our first successful campaign of giving all Sandbox users a voice was successful! Congratulations everyone.
Is this a good idea?
about 5 years
about 5 years
sorry ogwam, you are too old to be a contributor to our decision making and discussions : (
Therefore, SirAmelio will not be banned nor will we lobby for it, at least not right now

but feel free to create an intermediate council of sandbox
about 5 years
topic of discussion 2: siramelio is to be banned from sandbox

thanks for agreeing the policy has PASSED. *bangs gavel*
about 5 years
Born too late to be a senior councilmember, born too early to be a junior councilmember.
about 5 years
i personally believe that no, it shouldn't be shut down but the option should be considered

i foresee a great war in the future with many casualties, however spilled blood helps grow new flowers

one day sandbox can truly become beautiful
about 5 years
my account is only a bit over 3 years old can i be slow tracked on account of my great service to the community haha :P
about 5 years