do you just hate steph or the warriors? hard to tell? you know absolutely nothing about basketball if you don't realise how much impact steph has even when he shoots 12 times in a game, he gets doubled immediately all game and the couple times he doesn't he cooks nene and hits this dagger. Steph leads the league in hockey assists because of his gravity but go on, tell me how 18 points and perpetual double teams means he isn't valuable. Props to KD too, showed the rockets who the superior team are
you clearly have some personal issues you need to deal with because your hatred of this warriors team isn't healthy. if you watch the game in its entirety you'd notice the exact same missed calls on harden were missed on steph too, so what are you actually trying to argue here? and imagine thinking harden isnt one of the most protected players in the last few years, his nickname is literally hitler
warrens you're upset because harden didn't get "landing zone" calls but you're absolutely blind because it happened to steph tonight too and not only that, it happens to steph more than ANY OTHER PLAYER in the league today, you're selectively bias