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Detectives and Criminals II

almost 6 years

Version II: (long live jfk, death to dethy edition)

Simple forum game I am testing for 8 people!

The players are secretly divided between 4 anonymous detectives and 4 criminals. All criminals know identity of the The Mole (who wins as a criminal, but appears as a detective), and all detectives know the identity of The Informant (who wins as a detective, but appears to be a criminal), but nothing else.

A suitcase containing millions of dollars starts the game lying on the ground. 24 hours after the game beings, someone can say they want to grab the suitcase.

When someone has the suitcase, their alignment will be revealed, and they will have 24 hours to pass it to another player whose role is still unknown. When that player recieves the suitcase, their alignment is revealed and they must pass it to someone in 24 hours... etc.

All normal detectives will be revealed as detectives, and normal criminals will be revealed as criminals. However, since The Informant and The Mole are sneaks, the Informant will be revealed as a criminal even though he is sided with the detectives, and The Mole will be revealed as a detective even though he is sided with the criminals.

The detectives win if 3 detectives and the Mole are revealed and the criminals fail to guess the Informant. The criminals win if 3 criminals and the Informant is revealed and the detectives fail to guess the Mole.

The winning team absconds with the suitcase with all the cash inside.

Post below if you would like to play!

almost 6 years
oops i linked the wrong one in the dm
i gotchu though

real link is here:
almost 6 years
post it in the new one mattay
almost 6 years
I confirm that I would like to play again.
almost 6 years
i don't think we should be allowed to PM becuz i think it's more fun if team members ARENT allowed to strategise in private which could make it more difficult for the other team to work things out

also if we PM'd then the public chat would probably be really empty except for when people say they're grabbing the case
almost 6 years
Also sam you should mention if we are(n't) allowed to pm before creating the next one
almost 6 years
are you gunna send RAVENZ
almost 6 years
I'd like to join in the next one, i'll actually find an alternative way to get here w/o internet connection. (if needed)
almost 6 years
The only thing I want to say is when your actions are called out as suspicious, you should at the minimum explain the why behind your posts.

Also okiedokes you blatantly disregarded the game I proposed and never said why so... there was no way you weren't my #1 suspect
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
ah yes, i definitely did not try as much as bluest villager, with their whopping 5 posts
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
almost 6 years
wdym who do you think didnt try????????
almost 6 years
yeah no offense but i felt like they didnt really try but it is what it is!!!
almost 6 years
well im SURE glad he wasnt
almost 6 years
For okie to be informant
almost 6 years
OOOh what were you expecting hatrium oWo
almost 6 years
I am somewhat surprised by the results
almost 6 years
i thougbt they were VERY bloody bloody subtle i never wouldve noticed them

my intelligence is pretty shittay

almost 6 years
Wrong account

Damn, good game
almost 6 years
Lumi you see my hints now?

I really thought someone could have picked up on them but maybe they're just too subtle even for detectives to pick up.
almost 6 years
Villager y didn't u do okie lol
almost 6 years
Damn, good game
almost 6 years

okie the devious survivor traitor got it rigHT
almost 6 years

matt says

Also, who guessed who

Lelmoo --> Okie
Hatrium --> Okie
Okiedokes --> Villager
Villager --> Lelmoo