about 5 years

Hi friends!

So we all know that playing on mobile is rough. Lucid has asked us to get your feedback in terms of improvements we can make to the mobile site! This can be functional things, design, etc. (basically, help us make EM more playable on mobile)

Please comment your ideas and we'll send the popular/best ones over to Lucid!

about 5 years
(speaking to everyone reading that post and particularly tumblr)
about 5 years
It's you. You are the problem. People don't like you.
about 5 years
People use the worst websites in the world when they like the community
about 5 years

Alyssa says

I'm sad that the Forums have little functionality when it comes to mobile. They're a great addition to the site and I think revamps would boost activity around here.

I use Safari for mobile and what I cannot do there on mobile:
-Cannot edit posts
-Cannot edit topics
-Cannot view/vote on polls
-Cannot view countdowns
-Cannot view/sign petitions*
-Cannot goto this post*
-Cannot lock/delete topics*
-Cannot view/edit game modes
-Cannot view/use hurt and heal games
-Cannot search by user in a topic
-When on desktop mode, there's no box to post at all

(asterisk are stuff that I cannot do in mobile normally, but can do on desktop mode on mobile)

this is not what's preventing activity here lol
about 5 years
Donate the proceeds to an LGBTQP charity of course
about 5 years
He could have made a bunch off that by now charging exorbitant amounts for a little guy in the corner of your avatar
about 5 years
Or go all in with the club penguin thing and give them the profile pets they've always wanted
about 5 years
Pull the plug
about 5 years

expose says

The best improvement to the mobile site is to remove it completely.

my girl
about 5 years
The best improvement to the mobile site is to remove it completely.
about 5 years
Yeah exactly or I only have like 4 names to shoot from and I yolo and hope one is mafia. Also its a pain in my a$$ to contact on mobile as spy or agent, manhunt was a good example of this
about 5 years

shayneismyname says

In game on mobile: Mobile kills items, as im sure you know.
When you hit the drop-down menu, it automatically selects the first thing on the list.
So if you get gunned on mobile, you are forced to shoot whoever ends up being first on your list.

This is extremely important. It also applies to voting sometimes, and you can't lynch properly.
about 5 years
when you use certain browsers in mobile you cannot whisper : (
about 5 years

Linxe says

tannyboi says

fix the voting bar
as a disguiser
when you pick kill the list does not close
thus you cant pick guise from the list and you veg

You can click it again and it disappears...

Tell him to delete Epicmafia from mobile. If not possible, at least allow quotes on mobile. Also polls.

you can quote on mobile by double tapping

what you cant do is actually scroll down the page so unless youre using an ipad some stuff is gonna be off border
about 5 years
haahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahah Lucid
about 5 years
on chrome on phone the graveyard looks fckt

its a nightmare to go to your profile settings
deletedabout 5 years

tannyboi says

fix the voting bar
as a disguiser
when you pick kill the list does not close
thus you cant pick guise from the list and you veg

You can click it again and it disappears...

Tell him to delete Epicmafia from mobile. If not possible, at least allow quotes on mobile. Also polls.
about 5 years
mod abuse
about 5 years
In game on mobile: Mobile kills items, as im sure you know.
When you hit the drop-down menu, it automatically selects the first thing on the list.
So if you get gunned on mobile, you are forced to shoot whoever ends up being first on your list.
about 5 years
oh and that reminds me being able to see hidden posts on mobile too
about 5 years
a good start would be to delete access to the website from mobile devices
about 5 years

Alyssa says

-Cannot edit posts
-Cannot edit topics
-Cannot view/vote on polls
-Cannot view countdowns
-Cannot view/sign petitions*
-Cannot goto this post*
-Cannot lock/delete topics*
-Cannot view/edit game modes
-Cannot view/use hurt and heal games
-Cannot search by user in a topic
-When on desktop mode, there's no box to post at all

also viewing upvote/downvotes on posts
about 5 years
EM's main mobile page has a very nice splash with different tabs, and using that design within a topic would look very nice for the stuff that's missing(where if the topic has a poll, hurt and heal, game mode there'd be clickable tabs on that topic, such as there is on the main EM page for game list/chat/topics. It looks extremely nice.)

Although if I have to list by priority, editing topics/posts and locking/deleting stuff takes highest priority obviously
about 5 years
I'm sad that the Forums have little functionality when it comes to mobile. They're a great addition to the site and I think revamps would boost activity around here.

I use Safari for mobile and what I cannot do there on mobile:
-Cannot edit posts
-Cannot edit topics
-Cannot view/vote on polls
-Cannot view countdowns
-Cannot view/sign petitions*
-Cannot goto this post*
-Cannot lock/delete topics*
-Cannot view/edit game modes
-Cannot view/use hurt and heal games
-Cannot search by user in a topic
-When on desktop mode, there's no box to post at all

(asterisk are stuff that I cannot do in mobile normally, but can do on desktop mode on mobile)
deletedabout 5 years
The voting bar is broken.