over 5 years

hey lucy i think it's time emjack dies and we add some of its more convenient features to epicmafia itself so i made this bundle of 3 independent features you can throw anywhere in mafia_game.js and i can port over some of the more complex features if you're interested


i agree
14 signed
i support this and more importantly i'll sign anything
over 5 years
doesn't even have to be a lobby setting, just disable copypasting in ranked/comp, enable it in unranked imo
over 5 years
i also think i've come up with the most flexible setup creation system (not coded yet), but let me sketch it out and link you all to an imgur some time next week
over 5 years

123emilS says


sounds good! btw, i believe the suicide bug is fixed! credit goes to denial

i'll be adding wordsmith (scrabble clone) next Monday, and then i can get to these additions

re: copypaste, yup, i can consider making it a lobby setting
over 5 years
over 5 years
Lucid I think a solution to this that would make everyone happy is if you added copypaste as a toggleable lobby option that the lobby owner can set.

That way main can have copypaste disabled (since it is against the rules there), but sandbox can have it enabled (it's how we play).
over 5 years
Focus on ADDING things to the game; not taking things away. People will just script their way around it if need-be.
over 5 years
& since we're in sandbox forum i'll point out: copy/pasting is a feature we use a LOT in sandbox. It's part of the game here. Imo instead of making it harder to copy/paste, make it easier to fake claim. Emjack has a handy feature that lets you pull up system messesages.
over 5 years
Can you fix that it won't let us copy paste? I can't even copy paste someone's username now to ping them
over 5 years
i added the first two! the last one i can't add because i remember there were security issues with presenting links in-game

Soluciones says

i think you should make games with boxes ticked

ohh, yeah, i can possibly build this. like if you created an unranked games, it should remember your settings with the game boxes on top?
deletedover 5 years
i think you should make games with boxes ticked
over 5 years
i trust fay