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Best Sandbox User 2018: Nominations

over 5 years

Hello, I'm Shwartz99, host of Best Sandbox User 2018!

This thread is for nominations. So just put the usernames of anyone you know in here. Seriously, that's all. Just drop those usernames (you can also pm them to me)!

I'll be stealing the following technical stuff from Amelio:

Almost every nominated user will be taken in mind. And I will add users that weren't nominated but I feel like they deserve to be in the competition. This competition is also supposed to be a Sandbox thing. So users that mainly play in other lobbies will not be taken in mind.

This competition is supposed to be about current players, or at least players that added a lot to the site in 2017. People who haven't played much or at all since 2016 shouldn't be nominated.

I will need a certain specific amount of players, so there is a chance that not everyone nominated will be in the final competition, but I will try to add the big majority, and I will ask people who they think are the less deserving of being in the competition out of the ones in doubt.

Ideally I'd need a total of 160 or 192 or 256 users, but we'll see how it goes, there are ways to handle it if there are less or more than that.

The 2 of each group that pass to the next round will be passed on to the next round and from there on it will be a regular bracket tourney, made in Challonge.

Oh and if you don't want to be part of this you can let me know by pm or here.

The nomination stage will go until 12:00 AM EST December 8th.

Competition link:

Who is the best "Best Sandbox User" winner?
Golbolco (2016)
XFire1994 (2017)
DearLeaderKim (2013)
Hood (2014)
gardenfulloflies (2015)
over 5 years
Entil, Shwartz99 and ReadyForBready. And I second the nominations of everyone above :^ )
over 5 years
will someone nominate pickel
over 5 years
Ok. Add me - moonlightseal pls. Also moonunit, vom53, wertyo, staming, lastprophet, shayismyname, plissken, jamal

Idk if my memory is correct but 2018 is a lackluster year of EM. First half of the year sandboxer tried to play many types of games and setups until Euroban happened. And then sandbox was dead until Lucid added new roles.

Idk if Plissken thing happened this year
over 5 years
i nominate gardenfulloflies
over 5 years
Can I nominate myself? I don't expect to win, I just want to be part of something.
over 5 years
just to try to add more people to this and bc the people i want to nominate have already been said i'll nominate gameshowmaster, shigginator, luis4rod, associate and emsychum

i can't really think of anyone else for now so i'll put more later
over 5 years
let me throw Succinct, Shoopie, Associate, meowmeulin, TheSilentHero, vom53, riskitforthebiscuit, pip, slorp, PhoenixDood and Tree into this big pot of stew as well

just don't ask me to taste the stew once it's done <3
over 5 years
im voting dailysimpsons for everything
over 5 years
i won't keep doing this shwartz ffs my right hand is numb and somehow my knee fell off my leg idk why since i type with my hands and my legs aren't involved at all but anyways i'll just name them out because for some reason my arms feel heavy too and i think i smell burnt toast

LeChuck, Sakin, ivana, gameshowmaster, Doomedjellyfish, luis4rod, Taki, Jacobjohn2, jingahegami, Alyssa, Herredy, Blacklucio, awesomeyetdangerous, blood4bloodgod, ogwam, XFire, Seplo, Ashe, shockflare100, sisty01, Natacha, ReadyForBready, littlewhitey, Volta ( rip ), Jampire, Christopherzilla, quasimodo, shounen, Bebop, Ace, Mizzmox, Shwartz99, dia, cub, JamalMarley.
over 5 years
jacobkrin - morel ike JACOBCRINGE lmaooo srsly though this dude is so awkard jesus christ just thinking of him makes me cringe so hard!! can't believe brad even invites him to hang out. i hate him. he sucks.

But he's super cool on EM!!! Defientely nominated.

HuskyJiminie - Husky " Tokyo " Jiminie...

Man she always wanted to go to Tokyo. Whenever locations at all came to conversation she was like

" You know guys, i'd really like to go to Tokyo! "

I really hope Husky achieves her dream! I bet when i'm really old and we all group up to hang out when we're all old she's gonna be like

" Sorry guys i cant go!! I'm too far away! I live on Tokyo ".

That'd seriously make me cry :,)
over 5 years
mysteriouscrystals - We call mysteriouscrystals Roar.

They keep playing the " roar " scene of Shrek: Forever After.

it seriously creeps me out mysteriouscrystals needs help and he makes us watch without our consent i think its illegal 7 of our friend's members have commited suicide to prevent being kidnapped by mysteriouscrystals on " roar wednesdays " when he makes us watch the scene on repeat for 3 hours straight. We need your help.
over 5 years
I'm here to request not to be in the nominations
over 5 years
dzke - dyke. figure it out.


anyways when we were in freshman year this dude had SUUUCHH A HUGE CRUSH on this girl called jessica and he like even wrote her name on papers when he was bored with little hearts it was sooo cute and funny. And honestly in our class we were all a gang you know? So brad hosted a party and through contact he invited jess and groshu to the party and we all did our part to get them together THEY WERE SO CUTE!1 anyway so one day after many hook ups and stuff and us trying to get them together a CRAZY thing happened.

So one day he says they were at his house all chill and it was all going nice, ( BOTH PLAYED EPICMAFIA TOGETHER ) so they had smth to talk about. AND MY MAN GROSHU SAYS SHE LEGIT WHISPERED TO HIS EAR " I just wanted to say that budget venom outfit really fits you... Would you mind showing me how your real tongue works? " AND WINKED!!!

so the dude totally had it in the bag, he obviously told her to wait a lil cuz he had to get some protection: Once he got it he saw it.

A big bowl of ravioli on his room. If they got in his room she would think he was a lazy-booty who didn't clean his room.

So the dude tried to go downstars and she saw her: All naked and posing.

He said it was the most beautiful thing he saw. So beautiful, he didn't think straight and feel down the stairs and ravioli on him.
over 5 years
TFSFrieza - Oh man the absolute boss! That's how we called him actually!! Boss! It fit him well for being such a boss!!

MrMongrel - When MrMongrel was eight years old her grandmother choked on a steak. It was horrible, it is a very sad part about his life to touch. He always break down emotionally and it is just traumatizing for him, to remember when he saw her grandmother collapse and die on the floor... It is definetely a night to forget.

oh btw we call him " code master " he's good with computers
over 5 years
Ok so shwartz told me i can't nominate 3 digits of people without mentioning them and their nicknames!

My nominations are:

FilthyLawn - We used to call him King Kong he always played the game on highschool days when we all hanged out to do stuff together while he just stayed at home to play Donkey Kong. He was cool though! Not one of those weird incels. Just a chill guy who probably played Donkey Kong too much lol!

Golbolco - Omg Golbolco? More like " PLATUSS " lool.. We never figured out what it meant but it was a word Golb made up and we always bursted up laughing when she said it whatever it meant!! When we asked golb would just say " PLATUSS " and we always just said " Oh golbolco :D you did it again ".. Fun times fun times.

SpookyNoodle - We just called him SpookyNoodle actually! That's where his username comes from! We never told him why we call him that to keep the secret lol and we will take it to our graves!! Sadly i cannot tell :( bc he'll read this!
over 5 years
Thanks doc
over 5 years
oh yeah if you post here or vote in the poll i'll put you in automatically so you dont have to nominate yourself
over 5 years
TheStyleAisle, Ally, FireDragonPrince, Uprizzle, TheTigress, MyCheeze, OhLookACat, rctnk99, OikawaTooru, Zarfot, Borrach, dooze, ThoughtfulOlive, Jampire, desta, lozershus, nattless, Mauschen, Natacha, XFire, coolkidrox123, Sakin, Schikgil, Reamix, tricksterer, theturningRAY, dyke, Zahra, Fred, baabaa, 1Candy1, Seplo, killic33, blood4bloodgod, Bebop, Merlot, NoAviNoKnowledge, rockgirlnikki, FannyChmelar, verumbark
over 5 years
i norminate rigby (me :P) view (good taste in music haver) shwart(z99) and ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the deceased bitsy
over 5 years
If Jamal is added obvious winner, but Golb is pretty sick
over 5 years
Oh and i nominate everyone in my friends list
over 5 years
I nominate myself
over 5 years
can't forget DailySimpson and my upvote buddy ivana too
over 5 years
Everyone knows that I am the greatest user. There is no competition.
over 5 years
theturningRAY, LeChuck, baabaa, jingahegami, borrach, obitosigma, xfire, golbolco, spookynoodle, sl0nderman, nakhhash, ace, coolkidrox123, YellowPear

There are a ton of users who deserve to be nominated, and I picked just a few that came to mind. A bunch of lovelies if you ask me <3