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A Proposition

over 5 years

Dooze, you know the state that Sandbox is in. You've admitted it yourself, albeit jokingly. So I'll get right to the point: in order for Sandbox to be revived, we have to have a more active owner. If things continue as we have seen in the past, you are not going to be more active. You aren't unfit to be Sandbox Owner; in fact, your sense of justice is admittedly better than mine. This is one of the reasons you had my support for owner. Yet what is the point of having all of the skill in the world if you aren't here to use it? It is understandable that your own life is busy and that you do not have time to check in on us all the time. It would thus be unfair to say that you "killed Sandbox", but rather it was a byproduct of your negligence. Nobody could foresee the lobby's slow decline, and obviously there were events like the GDPR ban which were out of your control. However, while the rest of EpicMafia has had a revival due to activity and the return of lucid, Sandbox has not. So, unless you are planning to come back, Sandbox needs a new owner.

My proposition: Give me ownership of Sandbox Lobby. It saddens me to see this lobby dying as it is right now. If I am owner, I will be more active and attract people to come to Sandbox to the best of my ability. My credentials are well-known enough and should prove that my desire for ownership is rooted in my desire to bring back the activity of Sandbox. Dooze, give me one month as owner to make changes and revive the lobby. If my skills are unexpectedly inadequate to bring the lobby back, I promise to return ownership to you and admit defeat. You know me well enough that I will not renege on this promise. If you can think of a different way to revive Sandbox, then by all means, I will support your decision - but I can promise you that, as owner, I will do my best to rejuvenate this lobby. I am open to discussion on this proposition.

Thank you for your time.

8 signed
Let's restore the former greatness of Sandbox.
Should Shwartz be given a chance as owner to revive the lobby?
over 5 years

shayneismyname says

I disagree with disabling colsed role setups in main, at least for the forseeable future. You're risking Main Lobby users not clicking over to sandbox to join the games, and then just having more people leave the site. The good thing about closed role in main is that it ALLOWS them to fill. You can't be certain that people would migrate over to Sandbox to join them when it could just as likely be 'out of sight, out of mind.'

You might be right. It's hard to predict the outcome of these things. However, I can say that I have seen users who would normally play in Sandbox there, so if closed roles were disabled there, they'd naturally go here. This is why advertising in Main is also important. In any case though, it's better to at least try something, because obviously allowing closed roles in Main isn't making people migrate to Sandbox.
over 5 years
Shoot me a pm on discord when you’re around my g.
over 5 years
I disagree with disabling colsed role setups in main, at least for the forseeable future. You're risking Main Lobby users not clicking over to sandbox to join the games, and then just having more people leave the site. The good thing about closed role in main is that it ALLOWS them to fill. You can't be certain that people would migrate over to Sandbox to join them when it could just as likely be 'out of sight, out of mind.'
over 5 years
5. Keep the memes coming. Remember when the Spam subforum was teeming with nonsense? When the lobby wall had memes other than "sandbox is dead"? This wasn't too long ago. But remember when the OWNER of sandbox was involved in the shenanigans? This hasn't happened since the end of Owner Wars. Yes, a major vector of Sandbox memes is drama, and there hasn't been much of that since the end of Owner Wars either. But hey we memed the hell out of that Sandbox Big Brother announcement, and we decried the rigging of superlatives!

6. Unite the dual kingdoms of Sandbox and Games. Games Lobby has its roots in Sandbox and the lobbies have been tied since their creation. While unification is unlikely to happen with a direct merge, minigames will be cycled in Sandbox through this system.

7. Expand the lobby mod team. Right now lobby mods can't do much, except manage the forums. But who knows, if we are able to revive Sandbox to the point that the forums need moderating, I would not hesitate to introduce lobby mods. If lucid increases the power of lobby mods, this would be even more helpful. In any case, they would work as a nice "cabinet" to discuss things with and also potentially as a power upgrade for those who truly are doing all they can to help the lobby regrow.


Once again, I am willing to discuss any or all of these plans out with dooze.
over 5 years

Golbolco says

What, exactly, do you plan on doing to help revive the lobby? What actions do you plan on taking that you believe Dooze has not taken or cannot take?

I was planning to talk this out with Dooze in the event of which she said no, as all of the plans I have can be done IF someone is active enough to carry them out. Here they are:

1. Actively change Sandbox background/banner/poll/emotes/pinned setups. As much as I like bob dancing away in our lobby banner, we have to give other banners a chance as well. As for the background, changing it once in a while based on holidays would be good. In the past, it was mostly me reminding dooze to change these things, but this is obviously inefficient. I asked Lucid if he could give lobby mods more power but he hasn't responded to this. If he does I'd be content with being a lobby mod to make these changes, so long as dooze enacts the rest of these planned changes.

2. Disable passworded games. This will either get rid of the users who play them altogether or assimilate them into sandbox games. Either of which is good.

3. Make Main disable closed role setups. This is most instrumental for the return of players to Sandbox. I have sworn to never play a closed role game in Main. I am currently talking to JonSnow about this so stay tuned for updates.

4. Advertise Sandbox in Main. While closed role games should be disabled in Main, there are users there who would make good Sandbox users. Part of the old Sandbox culture went with the users who left. Main is thriving and has users who would be a good fit to Sandbox, and new culture can be formed from them. We must all be open for change.
over 5 years
What, exactly, do you plan on doing to help revive the lobby? What actions do you plan on taking that you believe Dooze has not taken or cannot take?
over 5 years
I suggest evacuating everyone left into an official EM discord, since most of you all come on to troll anyway and not play the game
over 5 years
There's only one thing that can really be done to revive Epicmafia as we knew it (i.e. buying the site off of Lucid and revamping it), and it'll never happen, so who gives a sh!t any more?
over 5 years

shayneismyname says

and re: this thread, was this really dooze's fault? what was he suppossed to do? afaik 90% of this mess was Lucid letting an entire continent get banned from the site for like 2 weeks.

sandbox lost 90% of popularity once dooze removed everybody's favourite emote
over 5 years
and re: this thread, was this really dooze's fault? what was he suppossed to do? afaik 90% of this mess was Lucid letting an entire continent get banned from the site for like 2 weeks.
over 5 years

Volta says

obman says

Weren't you the guy who called furries gay not too long ago

and is he wrong?

does ANYONE know any furries who are not LGBT? I'm legitimately asking.
over 5 years
a pop position
over 5 years
over 5 years

obman says

Weren't you the guy who called furries gay not too long ago

and is he wrong?
over 5 years
pretend i made the above post from my main
over 5 years
i support shwartz for owner and i also support my own third term

over 5 years
I should be the one to receive ownership of this here lobby. I had this lobby stolen fro me by a merry band of misfits, the Clique. It's disgusting and I was never able to roll out my grand plans that would have saved this lobby from reaching the state it is in right now.

I do, however, agree that dooze is unfit for duty and should no longer be owner.
over 5 years
Weren't you the guy who called furries gay not too long ago