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Change blues to mechanics

about 6 years

It would be funny to change blues in comp setups to mechanics so people have to claim mechanic instead of blue. Just think about the comedy.

Scenario 1:

Person 1: Whats your role

Person 2: Mechanic

Person 1: fking topkek shouldn't u be at work

Person 2: stfu


Senario 2:

Person 1: Whats your role

Person 2: blue

Person 1: slip! there are only mechanics

Person 2: fk


Senario 3

Person 1: wtf does a mechanic do

Person 2: Absolutely nothing

Person 1: then why is it in this setup

Person 2: Exactly


Obviously in setups where mechanic and blue are interchangeable without affecting the setup.

Link to a mechanic guns and hookers if you wanna play for yourself:

about 6 years
the first link is a link to multiple images so i cant change it to a image pic
about 6 years
imagine being so brainlet you edit you last post 3 times and still can't get the images correctly
about 6 years

imgur links of pics if u didnt see them
about 6 years
dont forget about the movement
about 6 years
u gotta remove the s from https in the image link
about 6 years
Are you guys unable to view the images I posted?
about 6 years
Haha it would be really funny if you did the thing with the death OP :))
about 6 years
hello beutiful can you post images good
about 6 years
Redlarch88 roasts unsuspecting man

about 6 years
This man is a genuis we can now call blues orange topkek
about 6 years
more topkek
about 6 years
Example of topkek while in game

about 6 years
Em user nooby won the thread lol
about 6 years
Is this even enough to placate F types from not rolling a PR?
about 6 years
SteelixMega this actually makes it more townsided, because then Mechanic can claim as uncc'd mechanic, or force a cc within maf.

wait nvm i see but i'd rather not
about 6 years
Idea: do this, but like Schrodinger's setup.

0mec 3blue
1mec 2blue
2mec 1blue
3mec 0blue

And have there be like a sab/fab instead of a hooker, and detective instead of a cop.

You would never know who would be ccs. You would never know entirely if you can trust any of the claims until checked.
about 6 years
mechanicide doesn't have the same ring to it as bluecide
about 6 years
no jm those setups require too much brain power the beauty of the mechanic is that its absolutely useless.
about 6 years
really like this thread
about 6 years

JM123 says

comp setups with fun roles? i gotchu - JMTD - penguin telepath paparazi toreador - JMTA - keymaker justice don whisperer

too bad only gters who always lynch the penguin play this setup
about 6 years
comp setups with fun roles? i gotchu - JMTD - penguin telepath paparazi toreador - JMTA - keymaker justice don whisperer
about 6 years
I made a set up like guns and hookers but with mechanics and I did a test run and it was a blazing success.
about 6 years
petition to rename blue to gay
about 6 years
bewildered can u not comment on my post
about 6 years

PatrykSzczescie says

Win a trophy and comp a setup with mechanics instead of blues.

He can't do that without cheating and meta abusing.