JM123 says idk why the most pointless boring topics are the ones that create active Volta is using the same one track logic that makes people think that kneeling is only happening to disrespect the flag
Volta says "no one is defending nike" - says the guy who is defending nike lmaaaaaaaao I never defended Nike. I even explained myself. Please stop acting illiterate on purpose.
shout out to starting with an ad hominem and then accusing someone of ad hominem when addressing ur ad hominem, good troll! lol
Volta says imagine being on nike side and thinking you're winning the argument Volta says imagine resorting to ad hominem instead of actually following the subject this guy sure loves to imagine things! guess it's easier than having an actual thought about something real!
Jeff says LMAO Volta is attacking a straw man ouch u call view beatable l0l
LMAO Volta is attacking a straw man
imagine resorting to ad hominem instead of actually following the subject
volta honestly all your edgy japes are doing is making you look like an idiot
"nike is a trash company" hmmmm riiiight defending
"no one is defending nike" - says the guy who is defending nike lmaaaaaaaao
Nobody is on "nike side". Nike is trash company with pandering and slave labour. People are on Kaepernick's side, or at least on the side of what he stands for (the end of police brutality).
most of the thread wasnt even about the nike situation
? no one is defending nike
imagine being on nike side and thinking you're winning the argument
DatGuiser is funny because he’s that guy that feels the need to drop the race of every Black and Latino person he ever talks about in his posts. So my BLACK teacher and my LATINO teacher,
Honestly, if you burn your own $100+ shoes the only one who is losing is you. Plus kneeling for the anthem is small beans to get mad at. Like who has time to get legitimately buff-angry over a footballer kneeling in protest of police brutality unless you literally support police brutality?
damb rereading these posts more closely these people are really high tier loons
Also did DatGuiser legitimately just cite a guy whose biggest claim to fame is having been filmed shoving a banana up his arse as one of the bases for his world-view? If so that's incredible
somethingwhatever says truly a hegelian Can you stop the personal attacks please?
deleted over 6 years
the mess!
SteelixMega says view says "slavery (totally not racist btw) was justified bc the slaves were sold for money uwu" it only became racist when they began to be mistreated, but it hadn't crossed those people's minds that it was mistreatment. looool this guy is an idealist and loves contradictions!! truly a hegelian
The idea of people being privileged for having scaffolding that helps them overcome their lack of privilege is the best logical flaw that DatGuiser has said ever.
SteelixMega says You are taking the advantage and playing the victim card when you are on the lower side this setence would make hegel shed a tear with its contradictions lol