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let me draw you

almost 6 years

hello it is me lesbian pirate

i would like to draw your avi for you

but you must pay me in compliments (example: you look very healthy and good)

if you say something mean i wont be happy. not at all

almost 6 years

LesbianPirate says

SinB says

ugh god is a woman

you're a legend

woah im shook this is good af. like give me some of your skills and thanks for calling me a legend
almost 6 years
I had no Idea you were so talented :o <3
almost 6 years
please draw me lesbian u are a great friend and sinb's drawing is really good
almost 6 years

SinB says

you have a fun personality and your drawing skills are top notch.

hello you tangy taurus thank you for saying i have a fun personality it makes me happy when people compliment my personality
deletedalmost 6 years
i loved the drawing you did of uglie can you draw this one :D and congrats on mod youre my favorite okay ily bye
almost 6 years

Song says

Hi I really loved your art and am definitely not an alt of a person who posted here previously looking for more art.

hello song i am more than happy to draw for you and your alts regardless because i love you and you are one of my favorite people
almost 6 years

GretchenWieners says

draw me pl0x ps ur a goddess and if i wasn't already kinda gay for regina i would totally turn kinda gay 4 u

hello gretchen thank you for your flattering words i admire your loyalty to regina and would never want to come between you and her. you are fun to play with
almost 6 years
Hello ~ Do me please
deletedalmost 6 years
Hey there congratzi pahtnah!! Team getting sunnier day by day :)

can i get a avi draw tho
almost 6 years
hi guys in celebration of being a mod now i am reviving this thread and will start drawing soon

thank you for your patience
almost 6 years
Idk how to compliment. Is "Hey Pirate, you're so lesbian." works?
almost 6 years
omg plz draw me bff ily
almost 6 years
is it too late to request myself
deletedalmost 6 years
hi lesbianpirate you're a super nice and funny person and thanks for sharing that porkchop hehe

plz do me :D
deletedalmost 6 years
hi lesbianpirate ur an amazing person and ur super cool and thanks for that porkchop hehe
almost 6 years
omg lesbian can u please do me. Here are some compliments as per your request

Wow lesbianpirate, u are the best pirate i have ever seen? Miss me on the Captain Jack Sparrow , lesbianpirate is the only hero that can captain MY SHIP. Did i mention how good the fashion sense is? Lesbianpirate started wearing crocs before they were cool, all the haters just try to cramp her style.
almost 6 years
wow nice drawings lesbian pirate
almost 6 years

yeasayer says

itt shamu tries to steal the thunder of em's prolific flavor of the week artist

I just wanted to see someone attempt to draw my thing.

No thunder stealing for me.
deletedalmost 6 years
she doesn't wanna draw that ugly tree matthew.
almost 6 years
You are ok
almost 6 years
deletedalmost 6 years
itt shamu tries to steal the thunder of em's prolific flavor of the week artist
almost 6 years
I see your incredible mspaint art and raise you my own.

it's my avi...
almost 6 years

SteelixMega says

LesbianPirate says

Army says

LesbianPirate says

SteelixMega says

The avis for my accounts


where is my very nice and not forced compliment

i once pretended to be a lesbian on an account called dreamgate so i could spread awareness of lesbianism

hello army/lionei/steelixmega i am glad you were able to spread awareness of lesbianism by pretending to be one. i used to pretend to be a hunky 6 foot tall blonde man named shane when i was 12.

nice. How about this account?

Pleasepleaseplease the other one was great
almost 6 years

LesbianPirate says

Enamored says

i love your art

please may you bless me

hello enamored thank you for loving and appreciating my paint art. you are already blessed without needing me to bless you

sorry for the late response, life has been bz

this is wonderful - tysm!!! <3