Blister says oh my goddddd shut upppppp lol arent u that 1 em pedophile who asks 15 year old girls for nudes
deleted over 6 years
Chicago says Sherk, just ask for his number already man. Seems like all you did is think about him. You talk about him with everything you do. Let's start a gofundme and raise enough money to fly one of them to other and rent a nice hotel room.
BeepBeepLettuce says Reggiebear, please tell me how you changed your name to sherk just send lazy yami nudes bro
he'll take care of the rest
going outside sucks it's hot and everybodys sweaty >:(
Imagine coming back to a thread to tell people you went outside for once lol
SHERK says blacksnakemoan says Jeff says Still confused why you had to step down in order to call someone a cûnt lol he didn't, he stepped down because he felt he couldn't be himself on the forums and hold a mod star because mods have to act a certain way and himself is an arsehole lmao So I had an actual life to live the past few weeks and couldn't be fked to write anything serious after making the post but I have some time to blow now so here goes: imagine taking the title of this post literally like I had no actual reasons to decide to step down as mod and wasn't just memeing imagine being the only mod who was screaming "omg but ur a mod!!!!!!! u cant do that!!!!" whenever i said anything remotely offensive in my games/on the forum and then having the audacity to say that it was ME who thought I couldn't act in a certain way "which is why i stepped down" -- I was evidently calling people fkin "mongoloids" and "r*tarded" and equally offensive things in each and every one of my games before and after i became a mod. So u can keep trying to misrepresent me but I clearly gave no fuks and everyone knows it. The reason I could get away with saying pretty much anything while everyone hates u is because I practiced what I preached and didnt hold everyone else to a higher moral standard than myself. U think urself as a literal white knight of justice on this internet site or some chit which is honestly quite pathetic in itself; whats even sadder is u dont even conduct urself like an honorable or respectable person -- u are literally like claude frollo except ur not some rich priest dude with power, u are just a pathetic sadsack internet moderator who tries to flex his cyber might on internet trolls to feel like he's actually making a difference in the world when ur really just wasting the fresh oxygen that someone else could be breathing same
Reggiebear, please tell me how you changed your name to sherk
Sherk, just ask for his number already man. Seems like all you did is think about him. You talk about him with everything you do.
SHERK says btw for all the non-mod cuckolds coming at me when i dont even know u irrelevant c*nts, if u want a real reason as to why i stepped down as mod, i have plenty: - too busy with irl stuff to want to bother dealing with petty/annoying reports that i dont even get paid for to do lol - didnt think there was any point of being a mod team if all i was going to do was tell bsm to end himself in the mod chat instead of doing actual work - realized my eventual aim as a mod wasn't actually ever going to be possible/feasible - realized i actually wanted to go out in the world and do something with my life instead of just acting like a fkin small testicle cyber loser like bsm - lots of other stuff tldr: eat chit u little drama vultures haha, and bsm if u want to be a non-thinking conformist so badly plz just join a modern cult and drink some "special" koolaid already thx lol!!! oh my goddddd shut upppppp lol
im sorry u couldnt achieve ur aims as online moderator, but that gives u no reason to wish me harm! hope u get to resolve your anger issues! xoxo
deleted over 6 years
<3 blacksnakesherk <3
SIoth says It's very obvious you two want to bang, so just get it done with so we can move on to the next chapter of em drama. i dont know if you just have some kind of fked up sense of romance because your parents didn't love each other or you, or if you're just socially autistic, but that's not what love or lust looks like sweetie
deleted over 6 years
It's very obvious you two want to bang, so just get it done with so we can move on to the next chapter of em drama.
Shoopie says It's okay I love you Sherk <3 You flashed and out with a bang! Bright like litnen! thank u shoopie ily 2 bbg, id stand in the rain with u any day xoxo
do u want to secretly kiss blacksnakemoan
Zhuorb says two of your four reasons include blacksnakemoan lol if i havent made it very obvious at this point
i just really dont like the tin man motherfker
somethingwhatever says he so busy, he has to come back n tell everyone about it! what a cool guy! thanks isnt it time for u to die in a gulag or something
Shoopie says shut up flygon. go give ur mum a call and tell her you love her but i don't
BeepBeepLettuce says somethingwhatever says he so busy, he has to come back n tell everyone about it! what a cool guy! is this guy that orly dude? no vash is capable of being funny
shut up flygon. go give ur mum a call and tell her you love her
somethingwhatever says he so busy, he has to come back n tell everyone about it! what a cool guy! is this guy that orly dude?
he so busy, he has to come back n tell everyone about it! what a cool guy!
i too am deeply disturbed by the concept of not being able to hide behind my mod star when i want to attack and ridicule people
two of your four reasons include blacksnakemoan lol
deleted over 6 years
Welcome to the salty spitoon, how tough are ya?