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right to play

deletedover 6 years

hi. i came back today after 1.5months away, and i just wanted to play a few games. i joined the only open games, but then charley reported me to stay away from her games and forest ordered this.

then i spent like 30min trying to fill a game. i could not. when her game would end she had others join my game and tell people to join her game

so are you guys really going to not allow me to play at all? charley and i are adults, so why cant we play together as adults. we did play a few games okay but then she again started the drama.

an admin needs to fix this, as people have the right to play and people cant dictate who joins their games

deletedover 6 years

twirl says

You reported me for harassment and i got the violation. If i harass you so much why do you even want to join my games? You were told by an admin to stay away from me and we all know you are trex so stop pretending and i didn't have others join my game i informed 1 friend who i was playing with at the time i couldnt join your game because you told me to stay away from you and im respecting your wishes. You kicked up this huge fuss about me harassing you.

You cant have it both ways

you deleted the harassment vio and wasnt that like 6months ago now? can't you move on like an adult and try to play together civilly?
deletedover 6 years

twirl says

my game fills whilst yours has just started so i don't see the problem..

it took 45min for my game to fill, while you filled 2 games in that time after stealing people from my game both times
deletedover 6 years
my game fills whilst yours has just started so i don't see the problem..
deletedover 6 years
Lobby Camping
Deliberately joining multiple games with people who are trying to avoid you in order to antagonize them.
deletedover 6 years
You reported me for harassment and i got the violation. If i harass you so much why do you even want to join my games? You were told by an admin to stay away from me and we all know you are trex so stop pretending and i didn't have others join my game i informed 1 friend who i was playing with at the time i couldnt join your game because you told me to stay away from you and im respecting your wishes. You kicked up this huge fuss about me harassing you.

You cant have it both ways
deletedover 6 years
i kept waiting to fill games. her game would end and she would re-host and send people to come recruit from my games so i could not play