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right to play

deletedover 6 years

hi. i came back today after 1.5months away, and i just wanted to play a few games. i joined the only open games, but then charley reported me to stay away from her games and forest ordered this.

then i spent like 30min trying to fill a game. i could not. when her game would end she had others join my game and tell people to join her game

so are you guys really going to not allow me to play at all? charley and i are adults, so why cant we play together as adults. we did play a few games okay but then she again started the drama.

an admin needs to fix this, as people have the right to play and people cant dictate who joins their games

over 6 years

Flygon says

like. she lied about killing herself to troll the userbase. yall still not gonna ban her?

More than 1,500 fish species live on the reef, including the clownfish, red bass, red-throat emperor, and several species of snapper and coral trout. About 5,000 species of mollusks live on the reef.
over 6 years

Flygon says

like. she lied about killing herself to troll the userbase. yall still not gonna ban her?

what sort've precedent is that
over 6 years
like. she lied about killing herself to troll the userbase. yall still not gonna ban her?
over 6 years

blacksnakemoan says

interesting how all these anti mtlve comments negged by one person but then that other one isn't hmm

Out of South America only Chile and Ecuador do not share a border with Brazil. The ones that do are Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana.
over 6 years
interesting how all these anti mtlve comments negged by one person but then that other one isn't hmm
over 6 years
so can yall ban mtlve already?
over 6 years
girl you were not gone lmao
over 6 years

feenikss says


What the f dude chill out
deletedover 6 years
ITT mtlve insists over and over that she's an adult because she wears adult sized diapers
over 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

you cant pick and choose who you are around as an adult

over 6 years
The heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The right atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.
over 6 years

townyyy1 says

charley i am calling you out now to play the only open table and play with anyone that joins. you cant dictate who joins your table.....

maybe if you actually tried to get to know me, you might actually like me...

you know that you have no legit reason to avoid playing with me

over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
charley i am calling you out now to play the only open table and play with anyone that joins. you cant dictate who joins your table.....

maybe if you actually tried to get to know me, you might actually like me...

you know that you have no legit reason to avoid playing with me
deletedover 6 years
i was wrong about it being deleted by now. i got my harrassment vio within a few days of hers and there is 14days left on mine.

still we are all adults and just should act like one?

we showed that we can play okay together. why not act like adults then and continue to play together until something actually happens?

if we both act like the adults that we are, nothing should even happen again.......
deletedover 6 years
If she deleted the vio it wouldn't say "violation given to charley for harassment"

She has the vio
deletedover 6 years

charley says

it was put back on, on the wrong report for some reason. This is the last i will interact with you.

we all know that you you can delete the vio and not see it on the report. show a screenshot of your current vios on charley now
deletedover 6 years

Nathan says

There's no real reason to mention her kids bud okay? Hot tip, try not to insult the person when you're apologising if you're meaning for it to sound sincere.

I'm tired of this. You will avoid charley until you both find a way past it. I don't care how that happens. If you can't, I'll start handing out vios based off whatever's been done/said.

You're both not right and I don't really give enough of a damn to step in to mediate something here. Figure it out.

Again she is an adult and should act like one. she is a mod, so she should be on even better behavior. if some random person was doing this to anyone else, you would tell them to stop and they can play together. you would tell them to stop the drama.

i understand why you do not want to get involved. that being said, she lacks a reason to ask me to not play with her. you should tell her that she can avoid my games but i can join any open table. you know that this is how it is aways done on em.

you know this would like all go away if you just asked her to stop causing drama and told her she cant pick and choose who she plays with?
deletedover 6 years

it was put back on, on the wrong report for some reason. This is the last i will interact with you.
over 6 years
There's no real reason to mention her kids bud okay? Hot tip, try not to insult the person when you're apologising if you're meaning for it to sound sincere.

I'm tired of this. You will avoid charley until you both find a way past it. I don't care how that happens. If you can't, I'll start handing out vios based off whatever's been done/said.

You're both not right and I don't really give enough of a damn to step in to mediate something here. Figure it out.
deletedover 6 years

sky says

Ra1nyDay says

do you have the violation now?


screen shot that you have the vio on charley
deletedover 6 years
seriously though charley. you have 2 kids. start acting like an adult. you cant pick and choose who you are around as an adult. set an example for your kids of how to be the better person and try to get along with people around you.

we literally would have had no problems before what you started today. we played 2 games together without incident before you started this again

grow up and start acting like an adult.

i am sorry for whatever i did to p1ss you off so much. i want to act like an adult and avoid this drama though. the least you can do is do the same thing. you are still a mod, but you set a horrible example for the players on this site and your kids by doing stuff like this. i was literally gone for almost 2 months. i came back and we played 2 games together okay, and then you instantly start drama again for absolutely no reason....GROW UP!!!!!!!!
over 6 years

Ra1nyDay says

do you have the violation now?

deletedover 6 years
do you have the violation now?

why can't you play like an adult. I gave you a chance to play with me and we did okay. why start drama right when i came back?

as you said, i reported you for harassment 6months ago, so i should not want to play with you. i decided to give you a chance. there was no reason for you to request that i do not play with you here, when you harassed me in our past life...
deletedover 6 years
i didn't delete the harassment violation i was hacked, idiot.