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right to play

deletedover 6 years

hi. i came back today after 1.5months away, and i just wanted to play a few games. i joined the only open games, but then charley reported me to stay away from her games and forest ordered this.

then i spent like 30min trying to fill a game. i could not. when her game would end she had others join my game and tell people to join her game

so are you guys really going to not allow me to play at all? charley and i are adults, so why cant we play together as adults. we did play a few games okay but then she again started the drama.

an admin needs to fix this, as people have the right to play and people cant dictate who joins their games

over 6 years
Oook that's enough. If you two want to make up then discuss it in private, otherwise just refer to the report and please don't create more drama. Thank you
deletedover 6 years

charley says

>my game

You purposely left your game to join mine, which I hosted. Why should I leave a game I hosted so that you can force people to ply with you??? Honestly it’s not my fault if I host a game and no one joins yours. That’s all on you.

i purposely left a game of 1 person to join a game of like 7 people? are you hearing yourself?
deletedover 6 years

charley says

You want me to be an adult and forgive you and be civil and what not right? Why don’t you take a step back and think “ok she clearly gets stressed when I’m around and doesn’t feel comfortable playing with me. I’ll leave her alone” ?????

I’m embarrassed to admit this.. because even I know this is pathetic. Mtlve you infuriate me so much.. I get legitimately angry at you being anywhere near me. When you constantly spam my inbox (then when I block you, you messaging me on Skype) it makes me want to rip my own hair out. I have tried explaining this to you before, maybe I was too aggressive. Can you please just avoid me? Like I’m seriously getting stressed over someone on the internet...... like please just.. please.

before you reported me to stay out of your games, name one thing that i did to you in the last month?

Go hit a pillow a million times or something. I did nothing to make you mad yesterday to request that i stay out of your games. it is not my fault that you can't stand me. if you cant, then just excuse yourself from the game... you can re-host when my game starts. i should not have to wait an hour to play a game because you have anger issues directed at me. if you treat me with respect and just play the game, i would do the same and be able to play with you..
deletedover 6 years
>my game

You purposely left your game to join mine, which I hosted. Why should I leave a game I hosted so that you can force people to ply with you??? Honestly it’s not my fault if I host a game and no one joins yours. That’s all on you.
deletedover 6 years
i have a better solution. we just play together like normal people and not start this drama.

you know if you had just left the games that i was in and re-hosted, I would have stayed in my game (or even just played this game normally). you would have avoided me entirely and we would have avoided all this drama.

how many people have you told that they could not pick and chose their comp tables?
deletedover 6 years
You want me to be an adult and forgive you and be civil and what not right? Why don’t you take a step back and think “ok she clearly gets stressed when I’m around and doesn’t feel comfortable playing with me. I’ll leave her alone” ?????

I’m embarrassed to admit this.. because even I know this is pathetic. Mtlve you infuriate me so much.. I get legitimately angry at you being anywhere near me. When you constantly spam my inbox (then when I block you, you messaging me on Skype) it makes me want to rip my own hair out. I have tried explaining this to you before, maybe I was too aggressive. Can you please just avoid me? Like I’m seriously getting stressed over someone on the internet...... like please just.. please.
over 6 years
Why is it that she finds it so hard to play with you if you're being an angel to her? I'm kinda doubting this one bruh
deletedover 6 years
No I don’t think the mods and admin need this drama once a month. I completely agree with you!!! I have a solution.. it’s a great one.. are you ready for this? You’re gonna be fcking blown away at my genius idea.

Stay away from me. Stop making threads about me.

deletedover 6 years

poser says

dr3amer says

why not answer this charley? if it is so easy to fill a game, rehost the game and let me play the game i joined. according to you both should fill fast. if i leave a game that is starting to join your new game, then i lobby camped, but i should have the right to join the only open game.

i did not attack you in a game once. i just joined to play the game. i even ignored your attacks on me lately. you do not like me, but why should i be banned from playing games at all because of this?

if you do not want to play, you can easily re-host after that game fills and we are both happy. you are also welcomed to stay and play the game and we can treat each other with respect during the game, as we should as adults

Wait, why are you telling her to go rehost a new game when you join a game that is 80% full and she's already in it? It sounds like it should be you who looks for her and then leaves? Do you just want her to bend to your will while you're making threads about her lol

i can play okay with her. i am not asking her to leave my game. you cant pick and choose your table. if her or anyone hates me enough that they do not want to play with me, they are welcomed to leave and make a new game

soda ran last game. a bad noob joins his table the last day, but does he have the right to ask them to leave? no, but he can remake after the game starts and try to get a better table.

we all do this. making others not play for an hour because you do not like them though, should not be acceptable in competition
deletedover 6 years
this thread is on your bs ban of me playing any games because you do not like me, but you expect us to not talk about you.....

stop causing drama and play a game with me in peace and we will all be happy. do you think the mods and admins really need all of this drama once a month?

maybe we should try to get along and handle things like adults. if you cant stand to be in my game, you can always make a new game after mine starts
over 6 years

dr3amer says

why not answer this charley? if it is so easy to fill a game, rehost the game and let me play the game i joined. according to you both should fill fast. if i leave a game that is starting to join your new game, then i lobby camped, but i should have the right to join the only open game.

i did not attack you in a game once. i just joined to play the game. i even ignored your attacks on me lately. you do not like me, but why should i be banned from playing games at all because of this?

if you do not want to play, you can easily re-host after that game fills and we are both happy. you are also welcomed to stay and play the game and we can treat each other with respect during the game, as we should as adults

Wait, why are you telling her to go rehost a new game when you join a game that is 80% full and she's already in it? It sounds like it should be you who looks for her and then leaves? Do you just want her to bend to your will while you're making threads about her lol
deletedover 6 years
Stop talking about me move on.
deletedover 6 years

denial says

its probably too late but stop attacking her if you want to play games with her

coming into this and saying "charley has two kids she should be able to act like an adult and set a good example by playing with me" is a really stupid move if at the end of the day if you want the lobby camping vio removed

all in all there probably shouldn't be a restriction between the two of you playing games with eachother because at the end of the day you just both don't like eachother and it doesnt seem like its so severe that you should be barred from playing with the other

sidenote: if you're really willing to let bygones be bygones and and want to play games with charley, there really shouldn't be anything thats stopping her from interacting with you in fear of a harassment vio, btw

i did not say that to attack her. sometime i do say things that are phrased badly i think, and you kind of have to get to know me i guess to understand it. this is probably why this other guy and i had issues (on top of neither of us could kill each other but we tried a lot!).

i am an adult, and willing to try to play with her in peace, and we have game examples where we did this. there is no reason we cant play together. she just does not like me and is using her power to demand me to stop playing with her. like if soda had said something like this, you guys would have just laughed at him!
over 6 years
Sweetheart :)
deletedover 6 years

MisterPresident says

Ok now kiss

as i told her, i do have a precedent of hating someone on a game like this, as we attacked each other a lot in a war game and we were rude to each other. my group and his group merged. we both threatened to just leave our groups because of the other person. he joined though and my leader basically threatened me in this war game. he said if you leave and attack him, then we will all kill you in the game but he was joining my group and i had no choice. i ended up staying and this guy and i became great friends. He because one of my most trusted game friends and we played together closely for years and on many servers.

i have told her this and said we should just try to get to know each other and move past the issues, but she has no interest in this.

i am actually a sweetheart if you get to know me, but she has no interest in trying to even fix our problems

tbh i think we will need an admin to like force us to play together in peace for anything to get resolved, similar to what happened on my other game :(
over 6 years
its probably too late but stop attacking her if you want to play games with her

coming into this and saying "charley has two kids she should be able to act like an adult and set a good example by playing with me" is a really stupid move if at the end of the day if you want the lobby camping vio removed

all in all there probably shouldn't be a restriction between the two of you playing games with eachother because at the end of the day you just both don't like eachother and it doesnt seem like its so severe that you should be barred from playing with the other

sidenote: if you're really willing to let bygones be bygones and and want to play games with charley, there really shouldn't be anything thats stopping her from interacting with you in fear of a harassment vio, btw
deletedover 6 years

MisterPresident says

Ok now kiss

yeah i have tried to patch things with charley, but i am not even allowed to play with her so it is kind of hard. if we actually gave each other a chance, we might get along

i kind of feel bad that we pull everyone into this drama. people like nathan are very sick of it. making us not play together is not going to fix it though. it will not go away until we are like force to play together and not cause drama in the process
over 6 years
Ok now kiss
deletedover 6 years
ok well if you are only reporting for HC.. thats not hc. : )
over 6 years
lamest drama
deletedover 6 years

charley says

Now that you have reported me for harassment (im guessing since calling someone a dunce isn't hc) you wont want to join my games? I mean why would you want to play with someone who harasses you? The only reason you would want to play with someone who harasses you is if you don't actually feel harassed?

Which is it mtlve?

i reported you for the hateful comments that you said.
deletedover 6 years

charley says

Now that you have reported me for harassment (im guessing since calling someone a dunce isn't hc) you wont want to join my games? I mean why would you want to play with someone who harasses you? The only reason you would want to play with someone who harasses you is if you don't actually feel harassed?

Which is it mtlve?

deletedover 6 years
why not answer this charley? if it is so easy to fill a game, rehost the game and let me play the game i joined. according to you both should fill fast. if i leave a game that is starting to join your new game, then i lobby camped, but i should have the right to join the only open game.

i did not attack you in a game once. i just joined to play the game. i even ignored your attacks on me lately. you do not like me, but why should i be banned from playing games at all because of this?

if you do not want to play, you can easily re-host after that game fills and we are both happy. you are also welcomed to stay and play the game and we can treat each other with respect during the game, as we should as adults
deletedover 6 years
Now that you have reported me for harassment (im guessing since calling someone a dunce isn't hc) you wont want to join my games? I mean why would you want to play with someone who harasses you? The only reason you would want to play with someone who harasses you is if you don't actually feel harassed?

Which is it mtlve?
deletedover 6 years

dr3amer says

charley says

Edark says

charley says

I didn't ask anyone to come into your game and tell them to join mine. If someone did that it was of their own accord. I asked one person to leave your game and join mine via discord because we were playing together and i reminded them that i could not join your game. Now stop spreading lies about me. Stop talking about me. Stop interacting with me.

This is the last time i want to interact with you but you keep posting random sh*t that i feel like i need to defend my self. You're a liar everyone knows that by now.

You cant really stop anyone from following the problably only active gold heart game, nor should you be allowed to.

dude how come when hers is filled i can fill another game? Oh thats right because people don't want to play with her. Stop blaming me for that.

so if i join a game with like 8/10 people. why cant you just leave and re-host the game. people like you so you can fill it quickly as you say. instead you just yell at me to leave. we all know that you do not leave, because you will either wait 20min for the game to play or it will not fill at all....

if it is so easy to fill the 2nd table, then go do it yourself

orrr why dont you self delete?