You are living in a sterile, meaningless, materialist, childless, hedonistic, self-absorbed, anti-male, anti-marriage, atomised, anti-community, anti-tradition, atheist, corporate empire that wants to work you to death, suck you dry and tell you that's what a full life is. That's what happiness is.
The world offers you empty desires precisely because the lust for pleasure, status, power and money can't ever satiated. You have within yourself an infinite longing, and the world knows this; exploiting it so as to profit off you.
That longing you feel in the very pit of your being can only be satisfied by God, and the way of life laid out in the beatitudes. That is the only straight path to happiness.
Know your God-given, inherent qualities as a woman. You were made to bring life into being, to guard it within your flesh as it develops, and nurture it with your very self after you bring it into the world.
Anything else is a lie, and I won't lie to you.