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The Mods Are At It Again

about 6 years

Corrupt moderator blacksnakemoan has sent me and shounen a private message telling us not to play games with each other anymore, signing it with “your friendly mod team x”.

Besides the obvious passive aggressiveness dripping from that signature, the sanctions laid upon me and shounen are unjust and peak definition of this place being a toxic environment. It shows that even something like playing a round together with a specific person can result in suspension. It’s discriminatory and hurtful. Yes, we’ve played every round this comp together. No, we did NOT cheat. You can play a game with the same people and not cheat, you know. It’s called having friends. Not to forget, we were on opposite teams a lot of the time, and I’m not even in the top 28 anymore. Why are we being accused of something like this? We did nothing wrong.

Now's your chance to voice your opinion in the form of a poll. Is mod blacksnakemoan corrupt?
about 6 years
look mom we made it past page 50
about 6 years
Jonsnow sucks
about 6 years
neither do I. in fact jonsnow was my friend before he banned me and left
about 6 years
I don’t really talk to many people here anymore but I don’t hate anyone anymore
about 6 years
doing calc work rn. anyways, wanna be friends Jeff?
about 6 years
about 6 years
tbh I can OPI blister (joga) because he was on the role mod team for the brief time I was on there
about 6 years
that was confusing but his whole I was gonna OPI’d him thing is awkward and untrue
about 6 years
just to clarify what he said I was gonna post his picture is he said I could because he denied his name was ____ but I had proof and he was just lying so once he admitted he was lying I said ok ty
about 6 years
its time for me to go. good discussions tonight boys
about 6 years
holy fcuk sorry i didnt go to college i dont understand that
about 6 years

part of the incomplete website I made

slightly different than regular road or topographic maps
about 6 years
i played Firewatch without using the map markers so i think i could do that
about 6 years

firecape says

how2play says

my eagle scout project? a permanent orienteering course in a state park.

most other people in the valley do school murals, gardening work, or headstone levelling. But I helped to innovate a new sport to the valley, encourage working out, and allow convenient access to materials in a popular scouting location

is that like geocaching ?

geocaching = GPS and coordinates

orienteering = map and compass
about 6 years

how2play says

my eagle scout project? a permanent orienteering course in a state park.

most other people in the valley do school murals, gardening work, or headstone levelling. But I helped to innovate a new sport to the valley, encourage working out, and allow convenient access to materials in a popular scouting location

is that like geocaching ?
about 6 years

firecape says

how2play says

firecape says

scouts are badass but i stopped after Webelos

on 13 Feb, I actually made Eagle Scout

then why do you still do scouts? isnt that the highest tier

yeah, but now they need me to sit on boards of review to help with the younger scouts' advancements
about 6 years
my eagle scout project? a permanent orienteering course in a state park.

most other people in the valley do school murals, gardening work, or headstone levelling. But I helped to innovate a new sport to the valley, encourage working out, and allow convenient access to materials in a popular scouting location
about 6 years

how2play says

firecape says

scouts are badass but i stopped after Webelos

on 13 Feb, I actually made Eagle Scout

then why do you still do scouts? isnt that the highest tier
about 6 years
why did you call him ugly
about 6 years

firecape says

scouts are badass but i stopped after Webelos

on 13 Feb, I actually made Eagle Scout
about 6 years
tbh I want to send a pic of me RN, but I feel like someone is going to try to blackmail me like when Jeff was about to post my Facebook profile pic on the site when I called him ugly
about 6 years
scouts are badass but i stopped after Webelos
about 6 years
meh, I don't have enough time. I got enough to do for ROTC, Scouts, and Sports
about 6 years
primewire probably has the most comprehensive selection though, and the best interface. it has a lot of stuff that is missing from other sites
about 6 years
remember when LetMeWatchThis and the other one they had got hijacked somehow lol