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Sandbox Big Brother 4: Game Thread

almost 7 years
Reactions in the house to these news:

[7:57:06 PM] Ally: HOUSEGUESTS, PLEASE GATHER IN THE LIVING ROOM! We have an announcement.
[7:59:25 PM] Knife: uh
[7:59:26 PM] Knife: hi
[7:59:35 PM] Ally: hello
[7:59:36 PM] Ally: one will do
[7:59:40 PM] Knife: the best one
[7:59:47 PM] Ally: Ohdearmycatisgone has elected not to remain on the jury for the season. As a result, she will be blacklisted from future SBBB seasons, and rctnk99 has joined the jury.
[8:00:05 PM] Knife: ....
[8:00:16 PM] Knife: wtf is going on this season lol
[8:00:19 PM] Ally: and by "elected" i mean "she hasn't spoken to us since she got evicted and then left all the chats and self deleted this morning"
[8:00:21 PM] Ally: (((((((((((((((((((((:
[8:00:33 PM] Knife: yep that sounds pretty final to me
[8:00:44 PM] Knife: sean finally made jury lol
[8:39:10 PM] Natacha: congrats rct
[8:39:21 PM] Natacha: now someone else gives up and majestic is jury
[8:39:22 PM] Natacha: lol
[9:29:58 PM] itxLuca: wtf? She self deleted?
[9:30:01 PM] itxLuca: jesus christ
almost 7 years
We are sad to announce that after weeks of inactivity ever since she initially fell nominated, ending up in an ultimatum to get back to us due to jury duties starting soon, Ohdearmycatisgone has decided to leave every chat and self-delete from epicmafia without giving us any explanation.

She has obviously been removed from Jury and blacklisted from ever returning in a future Sandbox Big Brother season.

rctnk99 will be taking her place in Jury.

Draft points will be updated accordingly next time, giving +3 to rctnk99 and -3 to Ohdearmycatisgone.
almost 7 years
Wooo itxLuca
almost 7 years
[12:00:56 AM] agus strider: HoH results
[12:01:12 AM] agus strider: Knife was outgoing HoH so he couldn't play
[12:01:28 AM] agus strider: so
[12:01:31 AM] agus strider: In 3rd place...
[12:01:41 AM] agus strider: Natacha, with a score of 5 points.
[12:01:44 AM] itxLuca: (clap)
[12:01:55 AM] itxLuca: gj nat
[12:02:04 AM] agus strider: Meaning it comes down to itxLuca and Schikgil!
[12:02:32 AM] agus strider: And the winner is...
[12:03:05 AM] agus strider: itxLuca with a score of 12 points over Schikgil's 8 points!
[12:03:08 AM] agus strider: Congratulations itxLuca you have won the HoH! You are officially a Sandbox Big Brother Trophier! You have until April 26th at 11pm EST to submit your nominations, single key, and speech.
[12:03:16 AM] itxLuca: wow
[12:03:23 AM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[12:03:30 AM] itxLuca: Great job nat and schik that was so hard
almost 7 years
Don't get third again knife! I NEED THE WIN
almost 7 years
dyke m'love you deserve the world, you did great bb ♥
almost 7 years
You fought bravely, Dyke. I'm glad I drafted you.
almost 7 years
knife; listen to me. win. you have played this game better than anyone here by a landslide. while i was in this house i wanted you gone, for my game. but now that i’m out, i want you, will all my heart and soul, to win. i’m so appreciative that you came to me, telling me things up front even if i didn’t want to hear them. i appreciate that so much. you have played this game strategically on the social and gaming front. you know when its best to win things, when its best not to, and how winning too many competitions will give you a target, but just the right amount is perfect. i watch big brother religiously and you may not, but you remind me of a powerful and amazing player named paul. he got third last year, and this year got to the final two. i hope you can follow paul’s steps and get into the final two. i am so incredibly awed by how well you’ve played. i hope you put all you can into these next weeks- just a few left. best of luck.

good luck to all of you- i’d love to stay in contact. message me if you want, i’m [REDACTED BY SBBB PRODUCTION] on discord, or [REDACTED BY SBBB PRODUCTION] o on snap. i love all of you and loved playing amongst players like you.

love to all of you and i wish you the best!
[11:28:30 PM] agus strider: it is time to go
[11:28:35 PM] dyke: goodbye friends :D
[11:28:43 PM] *** agus strider removed dyke from this conversation. ***
almost 7 years
schik; you had a chance to get knife out, and i still don’t know why you didn’t take it. i wish you had voted him, but there is no use wishing on what could’ve, should’ve, would’ve happened had knife gone— it didn’t happen. i feel like that was the mistake of your game, but at the same time, i could be wrong. your gameplay is something i can’t say i’ve seen much of in any games. you don’t lurk, but you don’t make a name for yourself either. you’re there, sort of in the back of our minds, but not big enough to think of as a threat, or a deadweight. your game is interesting, but you need to amp it up. it would be the time to consider weighing pros and cons of your allies, who to keep, and who to let go. i don’t see you making it to f2 unless you do what needs to be done. of course, this doesn’t mean i am not hoping for an underdog comeback from you. i haven’t heard or seen much of, but i do recall being in a f3 with you and knife. that drifted apart pretty fast, but it was fun being apart of the bad boyz. i hope you play to the best of your ability and don’t give up in the voting if you ever get nommed, like i did.

nat; we spoke maybe once or twice. i can’t personally attest to your gameplay— i can only comment only through what i have heard and what i perceive you as. you seem to follow what knife wants blindly. you told someone(was it candy or soda?) knife wasn’t a threat, and chose not to vote him when you could have. at least schik tried. you look like a coward. you were a snake, i heard. i don’t know how you made it this far, to be honest, except possibly knife choosing to keep you for the vote. i don’t trust you with an inch of my life in this game, but i presume that’s just because you’re a follower and don’t make any decisions for yourself. maybe you really are a good player, but from my perspective, you’re only here because you’re an easy free vote for knife.
almost 7 years
[11:25:47 PM | Edited 11:26:07 PM] dyke: and finally, i’m sure what the people in here are waiting for- to the people in this household;

luca; i think your effort to backdoor knife was amazing. you getting bebop and winnie out was amazing. it immediately gave you an air of strength and ‘i don’t mess around’. it was very cool seeing a power move that early in the game. it was nice talking to you, though i only got really talking with you around last week. you play the game with very precise moves, and you have a plan until the end of the game. you need to stop saying things in a way that basically comes off as ‘this thing will improve my game so i will do this’ because while it might improve your game, sometimes going straight through a brick wall is more painful than walking around it. i noticed that this week. be careful. the whole house practically wants you out because you are a threat, and not only that, but willing to take big risks, make big moves, and play hard when you need it most. i hope the other house members realize that what we did last week was a move that honestly should have gone through, but didn’t. i wish you the best, and hopefully your plans go as you want.
almost 7 years
[11:25:20 PM] dyke: dear friends of the household and people who are inevitably reading this on the sandbox big brother game thread;

never did i think i’d get this far in this game. i saw so many stronger players, and i knew, in the end, these players would get me out. seems my intuition was right.

to the people who drafted me; i am so incredibly grateful. it feels wonderful having people cheer you on from the sidelines, and not feeling alone in the house. lozzy, qrs, snoreach, jingy, [b]olive, jp, game, shounen, dooze, and seplo, i give you my biggest thanks. it was an honor to be drafted by each of you. it motivated me to be the best i could be and play as best i could. i hope i helped with your draft, too. thank you again.

to the hosts; this game was wonderful. it’s wonderful playing this game, feeling the butterflies as you wait to see what happens each day. its always an enjoyable feeling, and even though i’m typing this before i get out, i still am very excited for the vote that will ultimately end my run. i’m glad you contacted me about applying again- this was exceptionally fun, and i hope maybe some day i can get cast again.

to the pre-evicted who are still following the game; i’m proud of all of you for participating and i miss several of you. i look forward to meeting some of you again in jury.
almost 7 years
[11:19:58 PM] agus strider: dyke -- You might be going to the Jury House tonight, if so, is there anything from the game you regret? Is there anything you feel like you can change this late into the game if you stay?
[11:22:23 PM] dyke: well agus,
i know im going to the jury. i'm at peace with that! i don't really regret anything, everything i did had a purpose and i feel like nothing really massively contributed to my eviction- this was going to happen- knife/schik/nat are a group and insanely loyal to each other. probably a big regret is just that i used a trackpad this week! but even then, it's nothing big. if i were to stay i'd definitely continue to campaign to get knife out. he's the big threat, you know? everything changes when i get to jury, and i can't say i'm not excited.
[11:22:44 PM] dyke: here's to the end of one journey, but it leads me to another :D
[11:23:42 PM] agus strider: alright
[11:23:54 PM] agus strider: well
[11:24:03 PM] agus strider: With a vote of 2-0...
[11:24:32 PM] agus strider: Natacha
[11:24:37 PM] agus strider: ...Is safe from the eviction. Dyke you have been evicted from the house, and you have 5 minutes to say your goodbyes.
[11:24:46 PM] dyke: thought so i was like hm
[11:24:49 PM] dyke: OK LADDIES HERE I GO
almost 7 years
[11:16:00 PM] agus strider: Knife -- You are nearing the end of the game, and you will be only able to play in one of the two competition in bubble week, does this make you feel uneasy?
[11:16:02 PM] Knife: questions
[11:16:09 PM] dyke: greetings luca
[11:16:18 PM] dyke: [11:07 PM] agus strider:

<<< itxLuca -- We are nearing the end of the game, at this point, next week is bubble week... being this close to the end, how did it feel to go from HoH to nominee (for the first time!) to winning the PoV and saving yourself?
[11:16:27 PM] dyke: its fine just ABANDON me
[11:16:29 PM] agus strider: yeah u can both reply
[11:17:19 PM] Knife: yes it makes me feel very uneasy. ofc id rather play in both competitions, but it was also important to be safe this week
[11:17:31 PM] Knife: also im just better at remembering the bahamas flag
[11:17:34 PM] Knife: i guess
[11:18:36 PM] itxLuca: I didn’t like being nommed! It felt weird and made me more nervous than usual about the game. Once I won pov I was really happy that I could spin some penguins fast. Feels good to possibly bubble
almost 7 years
[11:07:23 PM] agus strider: itxLuca -- We are nearing the end of the game, at this point, next week is bubble week... being this close to the end, how did it feel to go from HoH to nominee (for the first time!) to winning the PoV and saving yourself?
[11:09:24 PM] dyke: Stephen (itxLuca)
[11:12:17 PM] dyke: rip no one is here
[11:12:20 PM] agus strider: .
[11:12:27 PM] dyke: that is ok
[11:12:28 PM] agus strider: ok
[11:12:35 PM] dyke: f
[11:13:22 PM] dyke: well this sort of sucks
[11:13:39 PM] dyke: im spilling some tea and no one is here to hear it
[11:13:41 PM] dyke: except the hosts
[11:13:55 PM] Knife: here lol my bad
[11:14:03 PM] agus strider: o
[11:14:04 PM] dyke: oh nut
[11:14:09 PM] Knife: [11:05 PM] dyke:

<<< get evicted i meanT-T
[11:14:11 PM] dyke: Stephen
[11:14:15 PM] dyke: its ok babe
[11:14:19 PM] dyke: I'm At Peace
[11:14:32 PM] dyke: lskdjflskd i'm gonna get Hated after this
[11:14:38 PM] Knife: im worried about whats to come
[11:14:43 PM] dyke: LOL
[11:14:45 PM] dyke: tbh you should be
[11:14:48 PM] dyke: its like a paper :/
[11:15:04 PM] dyke: 12 paragraphs
[11:15:34 PM] Knife: oh man if this is your goodbye im worried about your jury speech lol
[11:15:43 PM] dyke: i have to give a jury speech????
[11:15:48 PM] dyke: wrow
almost 7 years
knife quoting mean girls out of the blue, the hoh we all deserve ♥
almost 7 years
pin really goin for it here
almost 7 years
Save my draft and kill Natacha the snake. Eevee more like Ekans
deletedalmost 7 years
[9:23:26 PM] Ally: Stephen shimmies in with the PoV around his neck
[9:23:34 PM] Ally: Stephen: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. As PoV holder, I have the ability to save myself or dyke from eviction. I have chosen...
[9:23:44 PM] Ally: Stephen: to use the Power of Veto on myself. "Take it all in all, I do not believe anybody on Earth has it worse than an Emperor Penguin." - Apsley Cherry-Garrard.
[9:23:55 PM] Ally: Stephen: Knife, since I have vetoed one of your nominations, you must now select a replacement nominee.
[9:24:02 PM] Ally: Knife: I nominate...
[9:24:11 PM] Ally: Knife: Natacha.
[9:24:13 PM] Ally: Knife: Well Natacha's the only one left who's never been nommed, so welcome to the club! On Wednesdays we wear pink. Good luck with the vote guys!
[9:24:18 PM] Ally: Stephen: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
[9:24:30 PM] Ally: This means dyke and Natacha are the final nominations. Stephen and Schik, you two have until 10pm ET tomorrow, April 24th to submit your votes to evict as well as goodbye messages. Knife, you must submit a tiebreaker vote, optional speech, and goodbye messages by the same time. dyke and Natacha, you must submit goodbye messages for each other.
almost 7 years
Lynch Natacha
almost 7 years
[4/22/2018 11:04:24 PM] dyke: (clap) for second and (clap) for first
[4/22/2018 11:04:26 PM] Natacha: LOL
[4/22/2018 11:04:29 PM] dyke: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:04:30 PM] itxLuca: gg's
[4/22/2018 11:04:30 PM] Ally: congrats, itxluca, u have won pov!
[4/22/2018 11:04:30 PM] Natacha: wtf
[4/22/2018 11:04:37 PM] Natacha: WTF IS WRONG WITH U
[4/22/2018 11:04:39 PM] dyke: idk how yall did that tbh
[4/22/2018 11:04:43 PM] itxLuca: it was so hard
[4/22/2018 11:04:46 PM] itxLuca: I played for so long
[4/22/2018 11:04:50 PM] dyke: i could imagine :O
[4/22/2018 11:04:54 PM] dyke: what was your strat?
[4/22/2018 11:05:00 PM] itxLuca: ya gotta
[4/22/2018 11:05:02 PM] itxLuca: do clean sweeps
[4/22/2018 11:05:03 PM] Natacha: KILL THE PENGUINS
[4/22/2018 11:05:10 PM] itxLuca: don't jerk your mouse
[4/22/2018 11:05:10 PM] dyke: thats what i tired
[4/22/2018 11:05:18 PM] dyke: but my trackpad
[4/22/2018 11:05:20 PM] Ally: Congratulations, itxLuca, you have won the Power of Veto! You have until 10pm ET tomorrow to decide whether or not to save yourself, dyke, or no one and submit a speech. Knife, you have until the same time to submit a renomination for if the veto is used, as well as a speech.
almost 7 years
[4/22/2018 11:03:22 PM] Ally: in 4th place.....
[4/22/2018 11:03:26 PM] dyke: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:03:32 PM] Ally: dyke w/ 29!
[4/22/2018 11:03:35 PM] dyke: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:03:35 PM] itxLuca: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:03:38 PM] Ally: in 3rd place.........
[4/22/2018 11:03:49 PM] Ally: Knife w/ 20!
[4/22/2018 11:03:49 PM] Natacha: (cwl) lmao
[4/22/2018 11:03:51 PM] dyke: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:03:52 PM] itxLuca: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:03:54 PM] Natacha: Oh sh*t
[4/22/2018 11:03:56 PM] Ally: and finally
[4/22/2018 11:04:00 PM] Natacha: bellow that
[4/22/2018 11:04:03 PM] Ally: it comes down to Schikgil and itxLuca
[4/22/2018 11:04:07 PM] Ally: the winner of the Power of Veto is
[4/22/2018 11:04:09 PM] itxLuca: gl schiky
[4/22/2018 11:04:12 PM] Natacha: boys on fire
[4/22/2018 11:04:22 PM] Ally: ITXLUCA with a score of 13 to Schikgil's 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 7 years
[4/22/2018 11:02:46 PM] Ally: ok
[4/22/2018 11:02:47 PM] TheStyleAisle: my life
[4/22/2018 11:02:49 PM] TheStyleAisle: take it away
[4/22/2018 11:02:50 PM] Ally: in 6th place.............
[4/22/2018 11:02:53 PM] TheStyleAisle: wat
[4/22/2018 11:02:54 PM] Natacha: me
[4/22/2018 11:02:55 PM] itxLuca: wat
[4/22/2018 11:02:58 PM] TheStyleAisle: ALLY
[4/22/2018 11:03:01 PM] Ally: 5th
[4/22/2018 11:03:02 PM] Natacha: LMAO
[4/22/2018 11:03:02 PM] Ally: ???
[4/22/2018 11:03:04 PM] Ally: are there only 5 of you
[4/22/2018 11:03:04 PM] Ally: okay
[4/22/2018 11:03:07 PM] Ally: in 5th place....
[4/22/2018 11:03:09 PM] TheStyleAisle: she is so shook
[4/22/2018 11:03:16 PM] Ally: Natacha w/ 93!
[4/22/2018 11:03:19 PM] TheStyleAisle: (clap)
[4/22/2018 11:03:21 PM] Natacha: LMAO
[4/22/2018 11:03:22 PM] itxLuca: (clap)
almost 7 years
[11:13:16 PM] agus strider: PoV Competition: Penguin Spinner

Participating: Everyone!

In this game you must move your mouse fast through the penguins to make them spin. But be careful! If you do that to a penguin that is already spinning, it will stop spinning and you will have to make it spin again!

You must play in Normal Difficulty.

The person with the fastest score will win the Power of Veto.

Tie-breaker: We will have a Penguin Spinner showdown!

Remember to include Skype and timestamps on your screenshot.

You have until April 22nd at 10PM EST to submit your challenge.
almost 7 years
[11:12:00 PM] agus strider: You sit huddled beside a fire, covered in blankets as you try to stay warm. The freezing feeling is apparent in more than just the climate. As fewer people remain in the game, you find yourself becoming increasingly lonely. You are so close to the end you can almost taste it, but that makes this stage the most difficult. All who remain are those you have spoken with for months now. How will you decide your next move? What will see you make it to the end?
[11:12:01 PM] dyke: Stephen ask what that is
[11:12:12 PM] itxLuca: no I've fallen into that trap too many times
[11:12:15 PM] dyke: ask it
[11:12:17 PM] dyke: fine
[11:12:20 PM] itxLuca: what is it
[11:12:26 PM] agus strider: As you contemplate this, you board the plane. Your flight is long and seems very tedious, you cannot see much out of the windows, only the white landscape created by the clouds below. As you begin to descend your hands come together in prayer, as you hope for a warmer location. Unfortunately, luck is not on your side today. You land in a tiny airport with no visible signage, and you peer around at the white blanket of the ground. Welcome, houseguests, to Antarctica.
[11:12:27 PM] dyke: what’s what
[11:12:35 PM] itxLuca: what's what what
[11:12:38 PM] dyke: wait weren’t we here last week
[11:12:41 PM] itxLuca: oh we're cold af
[11:12:44 PM] *** agus strider has renamed this conversation to "Sandbox Big Brother 4: Week 11 -- Antarctica" ***
[11:12:45 PM] dyke: haha not much luca what’s up with u
[11:12:53 PM] dyke: antartica
almost 7 years
[11:10:22 PM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[11:10:24 PM] dyke: I already know what’s happening so I’m chillin
[11:10:25 PM] itxLuca: ready to be nommed? maybe?
[11:10:29 PM] agus strider: Knife walks in with the nomination wheel.
[11:10:32 PM] dyke: I Accept My Fate
[11:10:47 PM] agus strider: Knife: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will pull the first key, and that person will be safe. They will pull the next key, and so on. The two houseguests that do not have a key will be the nominees for the week.
[11:10:51 PM] agus strider: First key goes to...
[11:10:55 PM] dyke: byke
[11:10:55 PM] agus strider: Natacha
[11:11:01 PM] agus strider: Second key goes to...
[11:11:04 PM] agus strider: Schikgil
[11:11:04 PM] dyke: Schikgil
[11:11:05 PM] itxLuca: me
[11:11:07 PM] itxLuca: rip
[11:11:09 PM] agus strider: Knife: This means I have nominated dyke and itxLuca for eviction.
[11:11:15 PM] dyke: I already knew this but I am ok with this
[11:11:15 PM] agus strider: Knife: You're both worthy competitors in this game. Good luck to you both in PoV!
[11:11:22 PM] itxLuca: what a speech
[11:11:23 PM] dyke: >worthy
[11:11:24 PM] itxLuca: 10/10
[11:11:24 PM] agus strider: Knife: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.