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Sandbox Big Brother 4: Game Thread

about 7 years
[10:27:46 PM] TheStyleAisle: In 15th place with a total of 0lbs...
[10:27:50 PM] dyke: ME
[10:27:53 PM] TheStyleAisle: Sodadoda1!
[10:27:55 PM] MajesticTerrapin: TSA = The stupid announcements
[10:28:01 PM] TheStyleAisle: ok
[10:28:07 PM] dyke: I’m screaming I hope I get 69 or 42 pounds
[10:28:11 PM] MajesticTerrapin: gg soda :(
[10:28:13 PM] itxLuca: I want 420 lbs
[10:28:15 PM] Knife: 42.0
[10:28:17 PM] Bebop: william's wild ride
[10:28:19 PM] dyke: 42.0
[10:28:21 PM] TheStyleAisle: In 14th place with a total of 99lbs is...
[10:28:22 PM] itxLuca: yeah that
[10:28:27 PM] Knife: gimme 66.6
[10:28:29 PM] TheStyleAisle: 1Candy1!
[10:28:31 PM] dyke: OH YEA
[10:28:43 PM] MajesticTerrapin: omg this is the complete opposite of what i said
[10:28:49 PM] MajesticTerrapin: if i get first this is rigged
[10:28:49 PM] dyke: I want 7th place (6.9th place) with 69 points
[10:28:51 PM] Merlot: give me 66 or riot
about 7 years
[10:26:23 PM] TheStyleAisle: Therefore, the totals may be a bit off, but we will continue with the results as is. Their items/removals will not be randomly assigned or anything like that.
[10:26:30 PM] MajesticTerrapin: if you dont garden with hoes, garden with me
[10:26:35 PM] TheStyleAisle: NOW.
[10:26:37 PM] MajesticTerrapin: :P
[10:26:39 PM] TheStyleAisle: THE RESULTS.
[10:26:43 PM] MajesticTerrapin: gl
[10:26:45 PM] dyke: I wish I understood that pin
[10:26:54 PM] dyke: this is so suspenseful
[10:26:59 PM] dyke: (worry)
[10:27:03 PM] MajesticTerrapin: ^
[10:27:03 PM] TheStyleAisle: In last place with a total weight of 122lbs...
[10:27:08 PM] Knife: me
[10:27:09 PM] TheStyleAisle: MrMongrel!
[10:27:11 PM] Ohdearmycatisgone: :O
[10:27:11 PM] dyke: LMAO
[10:27:11 PM] MajesticTerrapin: damn
[10:27:12 PM] itxLuca: lOL
[10:27:14 PM] dyke: KIN WITH THAT
[10:27:14 PM] MajesticTerrapin: WOW
[10:27:14 PM] Bebop: lmfao
[10:27:15 PM] bone: RIP
[10:27:16 PM] Merlot: LMAO
[10:27:16 PM] MajesticTerrapin: XDDDDD
[10:27:18 PM] Knife: lol
[10:27:24 PM] itxLuca: holy sh*t rip
[10:27:25 PM] Merlot: someone made some enemies kfjndgjkdfg
[10:27:26 PM] dyke: RIP
[10:27:30 PM] MajesticTerrapin: lol
[10:27:31 PM] dyke: f to pay respects
[10:27:33 PM] dyke: f
[10:27:34 PM] MajesticTerrapin: f
[10:27:35 PM] itxLuca: f
[10:27:36 PM] bone: f
[10:27:37 PM] Serafina: F
about 7 years
[10:24:00 PM] dyke: HIT US UP
[10:24:00 PM] agus strider/SirAmelio: :S
[10:24:00 PM] Knife: ALRIGHT
[10:24:03 PM] Merlot: drop the results lads
[10:24:07 PM] TheStyleAisle: H Y P E
[10:24:09 PM] Knife: here we go guys
[10:24:10 PM] Ohdearmycatisgone: Hype indeed
[10:24:12 PM] dyke: (:|
[10:24:14 PM] TheStyleAisle: First, two announcements:
[10:24:38 PM] Bebop: from our sponsors
[10:24:38 PM] MajesticTerrapin: okay
[10:24:43 PM] MajesticTerrapin: lol
[10:24:54 PM] TheStyleAisle: 1) Thank you guys for your organized responses and for not being afraid to ask questions blah blah blah
[10:24:59 PM] dyke: 1- ur all gay and were nowhere close what we expected the highest was 12
[10:25:02 PM] Knife: blah bla
[10:25:11 PM] MajesticTerrapin: blah
[10:25:34 PM] TheStyleAisle: 2) MrMongrel did not submit their lists in time, and has received their first strike, as well as the first strike of the game. Remember, three strikes and you will be evicted!
[10:25:43 PM] dyke: RIP
[10:25:44 PM] MajesticTerrapin: hot
[10:25:45 PM] Knife: rip
[10:25:46 PM] itxLuca: press f to pay respects
[10:25:46 PM] itxLuca: f
[10:25:49 PM] dyke: f
[10:25:50 PM] MajesticTerrapin: f
[10:25:50 PM] bone: RIP
[10:25:50 PM] bone: f
[10:25:51 PM] Knife: f
[10:25:56 PM] Merlot: f
[10:26:04 PM] Ohdearmycatisgone: F
[10:26:08 PM] Serafina: F
[10:26:12 PM] dyke: second, the winner is MrMongrel!
[10:26:17 PM] dyke: lmao that’d be wild
[10:26:20 PM] itxLuca: plot twist
about 7 years
[2/24/2018 10:05:03 PM] Bebop: what the f*ck
[2/24/2018 10:05:06 PM] TheStyleAisle: We will begin sending the individual lists to your DRs now!
[2/24/2018 10:05:53 PM] itxLuca: lol wut
[2/24/2018 10:07:32 PM] bone: can I use a street shout-out,
[2/24/2018 10:09:25 PM] Bebop: is this challenge intentionally overcomplicated because a rock paper scissors tournament would have sufficed
[2/24/2018 10:09:35 PM] Forrest: I only pick rock
[2/24/2018 10:09:36 PM] itxLuca: so uh
[2/24/2018 10:09:41 PM] itxLuca: what was with the numbers before
[2/24/2018 10:09:59 PM] agus strider/SirAmelio: It was to randomize who gets which items
[2/24/2018 10:10:14 PM] itxLuca: oh ok
[2/24/2018 10:10:21 PM] agus strider/SirAmelio: It was planned like player 1 gets this player 2 gets that etc
[2/24/2018 10:10:53 PM] 1Candy1: o cool
[2/24/2018 10:15:46 PM] Nat: I hit my foot and I'm gonna have the biggest bruise
[2/24/2018 10:16:17 PM] Forrest: u a lame dnt tell me how 2 life live
[2/24/2018 10:52:05 PM] MajesticTerrapin: [Saturday, February 24, 2018 10:07 PM] bone:

<<< can I use a street shout-out,are you sure a mobile wouldnt be better?
[2/24/2018 10:52:15 PM] bone: damn ur right
[2/24/2018 10:53:15 PM] MajesticTerrapin: Also I went afk right after I said Im back so I missed a chance to make fun of TSA's explantions
[2/24/2018 10:53:22 PM] MajesticTerrapin: :/
[2/24/2018 10:53:36 PM] Serafina: i'll be the last
[2/24/2018 10:53:47 PM] bone: believe in urself pal
[2/24/2018 10:59:27 PM] MajesticTerrapin: i claim 15th place
[2/24/2018 10:59:33 PM] MajesticTerrapin: :)
about 7 years
Once we reach the time deadline, we will begin revealing the scores. Here is how that will work:

The player with a carry on bag that is exactly 50 pounds will win the Head of Household. In the likely event that no one has a bag that is 50lbs, the winner will go to the player whose bag is either 49lbs, or 51lbs. Once again, in the event there is no player that fulfills this, we will award the player whose bag is either 48lbs, or 52lbs.

We will reveal all player’s total weight, starting with the player in last place, who was furthest away from the 50lb goal, but we will not reveal who placed or removed items from their bag.

If there are any further questions, please ask either publically or in your Diary Rooms! We will answer them as soon as possible. Overwhelmed? Well, welcome to Sandbox Big Brother!

TIEBREAKER : When you submit your actions, please also submit the total number of items that was added to the player you think will get last place in this challenge. In the event there is a tie, we will look at your TIEBREAKER answer. Whoever named the number closest to the correct answer will win HoH. You may NOT talk to your fellow houseguests about your TIEBREAKER selection. We will also not remind you of the TIEBREAKER; therefore, if you tie for the win however submitted your actions without a tiebreaker, you will not be winning Head of Household.

about 7 years
[2/24/2018 10:03:47 PM | Edited 10:04:04 PM] TheStyleAisle: Please note the following rules before making your decisions :

1) You are welcome to share your lists with your fellow players, but you are not obligated to be honest. Player’s individual lists will not be posted after the challenge.

2) You must place/take every item that are on your lists.

3) You may place/take items from your own bag, if you choose to do so, as long as you follow Rule 5.

4) The minimum weight a bag can have is 0lbs. There is no potential maximum.

5) You may not take/place items from a single housemates bag that exceeds 10 Pounds. Confused? No problem! Here is an example: If I were submitting my actions, I could not place a total of twelve pounds of Skittles in Ally’s carry on, because that exceeds the ten pound limit. I also can not place a total of twelve pounds of Skittles, as well as remove a three pound pair of binoculars from Ally’s carry on. Although this second scenario only alters her bag by 9 pounds, we are looking at a cumulative amount of weight that is changed, not the total. Therefore, because cumulatively I affect her bag by 15 pounds, it is an invalid move.

6) There is an equal amount of weight that will be placed and removed between all sixteen players.
about 7 years
[2/24/2018 10:03:11 PM] TheStyleAisle: Welcome, Travellers, to your first Head of Household of the competition: Weight For Check-In! The winner of this challenge will not only guarantee they will not be the first player evicted from the game, but will have the power to nominate two of their fellow flyers for eviction.

The group of you have arrived at an Airport with your luggage, only for an attendant to inform you that your particular aircraft is rather small, and anything you wish to bring will have to fit into a carry on bag that can sit on your lap. You all work on sorting your belongings and transferring the necessities, and conveniently everyone’s carry on bags now weight exactly *50 pounds*; the maximum weight limit.

However, some of you really want to sneak on a few more items...
[2/24/2018 10:03:29 PM | Edited 10:04:41 PM] TheStyleAisle: For this challenge, each player will be messaged privately in their Diary Rooms. You will be given two lists: An ADD list, and a REMOVE list.

Under the ADD list you will find items and their corresponding weight that you will be sneaking into the carry on bags of your fellow travellers.

Under the REMOVE list you will find items and their corresponding weight that you will be taking out of carry on bags of your fellow travellers.

By the end of 24 Hours, you must post in your diary room who’s carry on you will place items into, and who’s bags you will remove items from.

The player who has a carry on bag as close to the original 50 pounds capacity as possible will be the winner of this challenge!
[2/24/2018 10:03:29 PM] Forrest: a bomb
about 7 years
[2/24/2018 10:00:42 PM] TheStyleAisle: OK!
[2/24/2018 10:01:40 PM] Bebop: ok
[2/24/2018 10:01:46 PM] MajesticTerrapin: Trying not to myself as i feed my pets and read skype
[2/24/2018 10:01:50 PM] MajesticTerrapin: im so talented
[2/24/2018 10:02:03 PM] itxLuca: hello
[2/24/2018 10:02:05 PM] TheStyleAisle: Welcome, one and all, to your first HoH. As a warning, we're starting off with a very rule intensive challenge. This will give you a good idea of how intensive some of the challenges may be this season. If you need any sort of clarification at all, please please please don't be afraid to ask in your DR for any clarification.
[2/24/2018 10:02:16 PM] TheStyleAisle: Intensive.
[2/24/2018 10:02:44 PM] TheStyleAisle: .
[2/24/2018 10:02:44 PM] TheStyleAisle: .
[2/24/2018 10:02:45 PM] TheStyleAisle: ..
[2/24/2018 10:02:45 PM] agus strider/SirAmelio: Wooo
[2/24/2018 10:02:49 PM] agus strider/SirAmelio: We love rules
[2/24/2018 10:02:53 PM] Sodadoda1: Hehe
[2/24/2018 10:02:55 PM] MajesticTerrapin: ...........................
[2/24/2018 10:02:57 PM] TheStyleAisle: Date: February 24th, 2018
Location: Airport in Unknown Location
Time: 2000
[2/24/2018 10:02:58 PM] MajesticTerrapin: >Amelio
about 7 years

SirAmelio says

[8:16:33 PM] Nat: hey guys
[8:17:01 PM] Nat: who wants a fun activity
[8:17:06 PM] MajesticTerrapin: for 10 hours and 30 minutes
[8:17:10 PM] bone: uhH
[8:17:17 PM] MajesticTerrapin: This is not a sorority. I'm sorry, it is a model competition.

so i gotta be awake
[8:17:20 PM] bone: i'd like a fun activity? question mark?
[8:17:24 PM] MajesticTerrapin: so i can find le snekus
[8:17:25 PM] Nat: bone!
[8:20:20 PM] Nat: i'd like you to make a vocaroo/send a file of you singing/humming/whatever the sound from this video
[8:20:21 PM] Nat:
[8:20:52 PM] bone: Oh my god
[8:20:56 PM] Nat: :)
[8:33:11 PM] bone: Here is my challenge thing. Hope you enjoy.
[8:33:13 PM] bone:

The voice of an angel. Also how dare you take out the 'no i wanna play' spam. :P
about 7 years
[8:16:33 PM] Nat: hey guys
[8:17:01 PM] Nat: who wants a fun activity
[8:17:06 PM] MajesticTerrapin: for 10 hours and 30 minutes
[8:17:10 PM] bone: uhH
[8:17:17 PM] MajesticTerrapin: This is not a sorority. I'm sorry, it is a model competition.

so i gotta be awake
[8:17:20 PM] bone: i'd like a fun activity? question mark?
[8:17:24 PM] MajesticTerrapin: so i can find le snekus
[8:17:25 PM] Nat: bone!
[8:20:20 PM] Nat: i'd like you to make a vocaroo/send a file of you singing/humming/whatever the sound from this video
[8:20:21 PM] Nat:
[8:20:52 PM] bone: Oh my god
[8:20:56 PM] Nat: :)
[8:33:11 PM] bone: Here is my challenge thing. Hope you enjoy.
[8:33:13 PM] bone:
about 7 years

Moomo says

I love Ohdearmycatisgone, Bone and Natacha!

So pretty much you love sandbox
about 7 years
I love Ohdearmycatisgone, Bone and Natacha!
about 7 years
about 7 years
However, whilst travelling around the world, you’ll have to be more cautious than ever about your relationships with those in jeopardy. As the first twist of this season, there is going to be *No Bag Left Behind!*

When a traveller gets evicted, they will choose in their diary room who they want to give their baggage tag to, and what they want to include in their luggage. They will have the option of giving an *advantage in the HoH competition* or a *disadvantage in the HoH competition.* The outgoing HoH is not eligible to be selected. The house will be informed of who the evicted player selected and what they chose to put in their bag at the time the HoH is announced.

Will they choose revenge on those who wronged them, or to reward those who did good by them? Only time will tell.

Take the next 24 hours to get to know your fellow players and absorb everything we’ve told you. Tomorrow, we will depart, and you will receive your first Head of Household competition. Have a good night travellers!
about 7 years
Everyone, please gather in the living room!

We hope you’re all settling in well, and getting to know your fellow competitors. However, this wouldn’t be Big Brother without a few twists, wouldn’t it?

Before we get to those, it’s time to introduce you to our theme this season.

For the last two seasons, we've spent our time within a Virtual World, and visiting the heights of Heaven and depths of Hell. This season, we've decided it's time to explore the land in which we already reside-- planet Earth.

Welcome to Sandbox Big Brother 4: Around the World! (click the link pls)

Each week, we will travel to new destinations, exploring the world around us, while also playing the game of Big Brother. For those of you that don’t know how Big Brother works, each week will start off with a Head of Household competition. The winner of this competition will become HoH and will be safe for the week. However, in addition to that safety, the HoH is granted the power and responsibility to nominate two houseguests for eviction. Following the nomination ceremony, the HoH, two nominees, and 3 randomly selected houseguests will participate in a Power of Veto competition, the winner of which will have the ability to remove one of the nominees from the chopping block. In the event one of the nominees has the PoV used on them, the HoH will renominate. The Power of Veto holder cannot be renominated. The house (minus the HoH and the nominees) will then vote between the two nominees, and the person with the most votes will be evicted from the Big Brother house and will not continue on our journey around the world. In the event that the vote is tied, the HoH will cast a tiebreaker vote.
about 7 years

Logs of the first night as people were getting added!