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Sandbox Big Brother 4: Game Thread

almost 7 years
[10:54:29 PM] agus strider: 1. Was Merlot evicted BEFORE or AFTER visiting the first African country?
2. Was MajesticTerrapin evicted BEFORE or AFTER the first unanimous vote?
3. Did bone win a competition BEFORE or AFTER being nominated?
4. Was the first PoV save BEFORE or AFTER Serafina's eviction?
5. Was the IKEA challenge BEFORE or AFTER the TOUCHY SUBJECTS challenge?
6. Was Bebop evicted BEFORE or AFTER Merlot?
7. Did Sodadoda1 quit BEFORE or AFTER the nominations were announced?
8. Was FireDragonPrince added as a host BEFORE or AFTER rctnk99's eviction?
9. Was Germany visited BEFORE or AFTER Australia?
10. Was 1Candy1 nominated a second time BEFORE or AFTER Sodadoda1 was nominated for a second time?
11. Was the first vote that broke the streak of unanimous evictions BEFORE or AFTER bone's eviction?
12. Did Knife win his second HoH BEFORE or AFTER Natacha won her first HoH?
13. Was the USA visited BEFORE or AFTER the UK?
14. Was the first flash game of the season played BEFORE or AFTER MrMongrel's ejection?
15. Was the first No Bag Left Behind advantage given BEFORE or AFTER the first disadvantage?
almost 7 years
[10:50:33 PM] agus strider: So lets end Stephen's suffering.
[10:50:45 PM] agus strider: The winner of Task 3, and winner of the Final HoH
[10:51:05 PM] agus strider: Is itxLuca, with a score of 12/15 over Schikgil's 11/15!
[10:51:09 PM] Natacha: OMFG
[10:51:23 PM] agus strider: itxLuca has won the Final HoH. He has until tomorrow, May 5th at 10pm EST to decide who he is evicting. He must deliver a speech "without making obvious" who is getting evicted, as well as goodbye message for the evicted person. As for Natacha and Schikgil, you guys must also submit a goodbye message for each other.
[10:51:38 PM] agus strider: Congratulations on making it to the final Stephen!!!
[10:51:48 PM] itxLuca: I'm in shock
[10:51:50 PM] agus strider: Natacha and Schikgil... sucks to be you!
[10:51:55 PM] itxLuca: LMAO
[10:51:55 PM] Natacha: Well
[10:51:59 PM] itxLuca: I love you both
[10:52:06 PM | Edited 10:52:10 PM] itxLuca: i hate agus rn for making us wait
[10:52:13 PM] agus strider: (cwl)
[10:52:14 PM] Natacha: [10:51 PM] agus strider:

<<< Natacha and Schikgil... sucks to be you!Well ofc it sucks to be me... ik that since ever
[10:52:23 PM] Natacha: SJDNKMCXVC
almost 7 years
[10:49:05 PM] agus strider: wanna add more suspense and tension to this moment?
[10:49:08 PM] itxLuca: no
[10:49:10 PM] agus strider: natacha what do you think?
[10:49:17 PM] Natacha: IDONTKNOW
[10:49:20 PM] agus strider: okay
[10:49:22 PM] Natacha: they are both good contestants
[10:49:27 PM] agus strider: oh I meant
[10:49:29 PM] Natacha: this challenge was so
[10:49:29 PM] agus strider: should we add more suspense
[10:49:34 PM] Natacha: OH NO
[10:49:40 PM] agus strider: ok I will anyways hehe xd
[10:49:42 PM] agus strider: so the thing is
[10:49:46 PM] Natacha: I'm shaking and it wasn't my challenge
[10:49:50 PM] agus strider: you both had a VERY close score
[10:49:51 PM] itxLuca: I HATE EVERYTHING
[10:49:53 PM] agus strider: a 1 point of difference score.
[10:49:56 PM] itxLuca: NOPE
[10:49:58 PM] Natacha: O
[10:49:59 PM] itxLuca: OH MY GOD
[10:50:00 PM] Natacha: sh*t
[10:50:02 PM] Natacha: WTF
[10:50:08 PM] agus strider: reminds me of last season
[10:50:10 PM] Natacha: YOU GUYS
[10:50:15 PM] agus strider: in which xfire and emile actually went to a tie-breaker!
[10:50:16 PM] Natacha: WERE SERSIOUSLY
[10:50:20 PM] agus strider: but like we said that's not what happened here
[10:50:21 PM] Natacha: INSANELY GOOD
[10:50:32 PM] Natacha: just by one point
almost 7 years
[10:46:16 PM] agus strider: hello folks
[10:46:20 PM] agus strider: anyone here for some early results?
[10:46:42 PM] Natacha: I am
[10:46:54 PM] itxLuca: I'm so nervous
[10:47:02 PM] agus strider: 2/3! that works
[10:47:05 PM] agus strider: okay so
[10:47:05 PM] Natacha: I can send you something
[10:47:10 PM] Natacha: that will make u traumatize
[10:47:13 PM] Natacha: and not nervous
[10:47:17 PM] agus strider: as you guys know you faced each other in a BEFORE OR AFTER competition
[10:47:17 PM] itxLuca: no that's ok
[10:47:28 PM] agus strider: there were 15 questions
[10:47:41 PM] Natacha: I want to know the questions
[10:47:44 PM] Natacha: (angel)
[10:47:51 PM] agus strider: oh sure ill send them after the announcements
[10:47:55 PM] Natacha: :D
[10:47:57 PM] Natacha: awesome
[10:47:58 PM] agus strider: and in the case of a tie, we would have a LIVE tiebreaker
[10:48:05 PM] itxLuca: if we tied just kill me
[10:48:19 PM] Natacha: what do u mean a live tiebreaker
[10:48:26 PM] agus strider: so you guys will have to arrange for a time in which you can both do it within the next 24 hours
[10:48:33 PM] agus strider: ...or that's what I would say if it was a tie
[10:48:34 PM] itxLuca: uhhh
[10:48:35 PM] itxLuca: ok
[10:48:43 PM] agus strider: because we do have a winner
[10:48:45 PM] itxLuca: was about to say not sure if that would work
[10:48:49 PM] itxLuca: holy ok
[10:48:52 PM] Natacha: oh sh*t
almost 7 years
Go Schik go
almost 7 years
go natacha,
almost 7 years
[2:44:32 PM | Edited 2:46:16 PM] agus strider: Task 3: BEFORE OR AFTER

Participating: Schikgil, itxLuca

This challenge will take place in your Diary Rooms. There will be 15 questions, phrased like this:

“Did William win his first HoH BEFORE or AFTER Ally’s eviction?”

You will then have 5 seconds to say either “before” or “after.” We will not count down, we will use timestamps on skype. The person with the most points will WIN FINAL HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD. In the event of a tie, we will have a SUDDEN DEATH LIVE ROUND.

The questions can be about ANYTHING that happened this season. Competitions, evictions, twists, countries, house events, etc, so study everything! The thread and the wiki ( ) are excellent resources for this.

This challenge can take place anytime between NOW and 9pm EST on Friday May 4th (So in a bit under 36 hours from now)
almost 7 years
[2:42:37 PM] agus strider: So Natacha and itxLuca were facing each other in task 2
[2:42:40 PM] agus strider: in one of my favorite flash games!
[2:42:44 PM] Natacha: WTF
[2:42:53 PM] agus strider: And the winner was...
[2:43:16 PM] agus strider: itxLuca with a score of 49370, while Natacha got a score of 35430
[2:43:21 PM] Natacha: WTF
[2:43:22 PM] Natacha: HOW
[2:43:58 PM] agus strider: This means that itxLuca will move on to Task 3. Natacha, you are now the first nominee of the week.
[2:44:11 PM] Natacha: O boi
[2:44:14 PM] Natacha: gl boys
almost 7 years
[12:51:50 PM] agus strider: Welcome to Task 2 of the Final HoH!

Participating: itxLuca & Natacha

Today you will be playing Bugs! In this game, you will click and hold on your mouse to create a bubble, release your bubble and land somewhere to shoo any bugs caught in your bubble. Be careful not to let the bugs touch you or your bubble. Green bubbles are immune to bugs killing them.

Like usual, remember to post in your Diary Room including skype in your screenshot as well as timestamp, etc.

This is the last Flash Game of the season, so enjoy it! :P

You have until tomorrow, April 3rd at 12:00 PM (so in about 24 hours) to submit!
[12:54:23 PM] Schikgil: Good luck guys
almost 7 years
[12:48:28 PM] agus strider: In 3rd place, losing this task and going to task #2...
[12:48:42 PM] agus strider: Natacha, with 15 stars remaining.
[12:49:00 PM] Schikgil: rip nat
[12:49:14 PM] agus strider: there is a difference of only 4 stars between the other two
[12:49:50 PM] Schikgil: :s
[12:50:02 PM] agus strider: The winner of this task, that will move on to task #3 automatically, without needing to play task 2...
[12:50:31 PM] agus strider: ...Is Schikgil with 26 stars remaining, over itxLuca's 22 stars remaining
[12:50:44 PM] Schikgil: YES
[12:50:48 PM] agus strider: This means that itxLuca will participate in task 2 alongside Natacha.
[12:51:00 PM] itxLuca: Gj schik
[12:51:04 PM] Schikgil: Thank you lord I mean Jeff I mean Agus
[12:51:39 PM] Schikgil: I have reversed the curse
almost 7 years
You will have an opportunity to select six times an hour, for twenty four hours. Although this game is possible to win without making a single selection, the more spaces you select, the more chances you have to hit an opponent and keep your stars in the game.

Some rules:
1) You may only state coordinates in the chat. Saying anything else could lead to a punishment in the challenge. Please do not discuss scores, as we will reveal them at the end.
2) You will be responsible for keeping track of selected squares yourself. The hosts will not update on your behalf.
3) When it is your time to select, you may only select once, and may not change your mind once you have selected.
4) In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by who made the most amount of legal shots. Illegal shots include shots made outside of your selection minute, shots made on squares that have already been chosen, and shots made in a format other than LETTERNUMBER (ie. Q8, S18, Z20)
5) If you select a square with your own star on it, it will count. Be careful making your selections!
almost 7 years
Part 1 of the Final HoH

For this challenge, each of you have given us a series of numbers for each letter of the alphabet. Those positions have been used to place your stars on this grid:

Therefore, each of you have three stars hidden in row A, three stars hidden in row B, etc. through to T. The coordinates you gave us for U-Z were not used and simply discarded. Thank you anyway!

Starting at 9:00am EST, players will be added to a seperate chat, and will have an opportunity to select coordinates, removing them from the game. At 9:00am EST tomorrow, whoever has the most stars still in the skygrid will be the winner of this challenge.

You will select positions on the graph starting in a specific order that was randomly determined using the 3 provided to us earlier tonight.

Natacha will select from the grid starting at 9:03, and may select a position every ten minutes (xx:13, xx:23, xx:33, xx:43, xx:53...)
itxLuca will select from the grid starting at 9:06, and may select a position every ten minutes (xx:16, xx:26, xx:36, xx:46, xx:56...)
Schikgil will select from the grid starting at 9:09, and may select a position every ten minutes (xx:19, xx:29, xx:39, xx:49, xx:59…)
almost 7 years
[10:17:04 PM] agus strider: While in previous Sandbox Big Brother seasons we gave the Final 3 four or five different tasks to do over 72 hours, this season we have decided to change things up a little bit, and go for a more traditional Big Brother experience:

You will be doing three different tasks, having 24 hours for each task, as we will only do one task a day.

All three of you will participate in task 1. The one of you who wins task 1 will automatically be in task 3.

The two of you who don't win task 1 will face each other in task 2. The winner of task 2 will face the winner of task 1 in task 3, while the loser of task 2 will be the first nominee of the week.

Then in task 3, the winners of both previous tasks will face each other, and the winner of task 3 will win the HoH competition, and the loser of task 3 will be the second nominee.

A lot at stake, as winning task 3 gives you the HoH, which not only guarantees you a place in the final, but also gives you the single vote to evict someone this season, deciding who gets 3rd place and who follows you to the final.

Task 1 is an ENDURANCE task and will begin tomorrow, May 1st at 9AM aka NINE IN THE MORNING, EST, running for 24 hours.
[10:17:55 PM] agus strider: note that while you don't need to be there for 24 hours, it would most likely helpp
[10:18:20 PM] itxLuca: oh so it's like actual bb nice
[10:18:25 PM] Natacha: oh boy
[10:18:33 PM] Natacha: ENDURANCE in a house with 2 vivors
[10:18:39 PM] Natacha: pass me to stage 2 already
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Knife robbed.
almost 7 years
[4/29/2018 10:55:10 PM | Edited 10:57:35 PM] FireDragonPrince: Rites of Passage

You've made it to the final 3 and will leave this game with a trophy and some money; Something that 13 others were not able to do. Take this time to look back at the past contestants that either had a big or small impact on your journey, the memories you have of them, and what they meant to you.

You will write about each eliminated contestant. You choose how long to make it and what to write. It will be posted in the thread once you’re all done.

You must do it on a separate google doc of your own making.

You have until 11pm EST on April 30th to send in your RoP. Thats in a bit over 24 hours from now.
[4/29/2018 10:55:15 PM] FireDragonPrince: wow
[4/29/2018 10:55:19 PM] FireDragonPrince: non bolded
[4/29/2018 10:55:23 PM] FireDragonPrince: ill fix that but
[4/29/2018 10:55:26 PM] FireDragonPrince: ROP!
[4/29/2018 10:55:33 PM] itxLuca: yesss I love rop
almost 7 years
[4/29/2018 10:52:24 PM] FireDragonPrince: Once the vote is read, the evicted houseguest will have 5 minutes to pack up their belongings and say their goodbyes.
[4/29/2018 10:52:35 PM] FireDragonPrince: By a vote of 1-0…
[4/29/2018 10:52:42 PM] FireDragonPrince: Knife…
[4/29/2018 10:52:48 PM] FireDragonPrince: You have been evicted from the Big Brother house.
[4/29/2018 10:52:56 PM] Knife: surprise surprise
[4/29/2018 10:53:07 PM] itxLuca: Love ya dude, you've played incredibly
[4/29/2018 10:53:12 PM] Knife: ok ill just say one thing
[4/29/2018 10:53:25 PM] Knife: sigh gg guys. nat, you couldve said something to me within the last 3 hours instead of ghosting me lol; stephen, congrats, you finally got me out; schik, i honestly wish you good luck with those 2. congrats on trophying and good luck with the rest of this game, and i cannot wait to ask the f2 my jury questions
[4/29/2018 10:53:36 PM] Knife: good luck guys
[4/29/2018 10:53:42 PM] itxLuca: Thanks dude
[4/29/2018 10:53:57 PM] *** Knife has left ***
[4/29/2018 10:53:58 PM] Natacha: I was kind of here and not here knife
[4/29/2018 10:54:01 PM] Natacha: o
[4/29/2018 10:54:03 PM] Natacha: rip
[4/29/2018 10:54:03 PM] itxLuca: rip..
[4/29/2018 10:54:21 PM] itxLuca: Congrats y'all
[4/29/2018 10:54:28 PM] FireDragonPrince: congrats steph, schik and nat
[4/29/2018 10:54:32 PM] FireDragonPrince: for making f3
[4/29/2018 10:54:36 PM] itxLuca: ty jake
[4/29/2018 10:54:36 PM] FireDragonPrince: now is a time
[4/29/2018 10:54:42 PM] FireDragonPrince: to reflect on the past
[4/29/2018 10:54:44 PM] itxLuca: rop
[4/29/2018 10:54:44 PM] itxLuca: rop
[4/29/2018 10:54:45 PM] itxLuca: rop
[4/29/2018 10:54:46 PM] itxLuca: rop
[4/29/2018 10:54:46 PM] FireDragonPrince: ya know what that means
[4/29/2018 10:54:47 PM] FireDragonPrince: ?
[4/29/2018 10:54:55 PM] itxLuca: pls rop
almost 7 years
[4/29/2018 10:46:11 PM] FireDragonPrince: nat wished to do a speech
[4/29/2018 10:46:31 PM] Natacha: ok
[4/29/2018 10:46:37 PM] Natacha: I'm not very good with this
[4/29/2018 10:49:06 PM] Natacha: Knife: I’ve been by your side since very long, I guess not everyone noticed the obvious that we were together in an alliance… an f4. What I did for you in this game I would’ve done it for schik and luca, lucky for them they were never threads in the eyes of the house guest eyes, and the fact that I was loyal to this f4 made the other house guests upset towards me.

Schik: Like I mentioned above, yes I would’ve done the same for you! Not sure if the house saw this… us being in the same alliance, considering we were always just being silly around the house. I’ve quite grew fond with you.
[4/29/2018 10:49:39 PM] Natacha: This was a pretty tough decision, I had to think very much based on what both of you have told me, based on your game play and of course, based on my individual game as well.

This is such an intense game, I don’t even have words.
[4/29/2018 10:50:16 PM] Natacha: Everyone worked so hard to reach here, we all got ups and downs...
[4/29/2018 10:51:15 PM] Natacha: With this my vote goes to knife...
[4/29/2018 10:51:25 PM] FireDragonPrince: :o
[4/29/2018 10:52:00 PM] FireDragonPrince: ok
[4/29/2018 10:52:06 PM] FireDragonPrince: to make it official and all
[4/29/2018 10:52:14 PM] FireDragonPrince: It is now time to read the vote.
almost 7 years
[4/29/2018 10:35:22 PM] FireDragonPrince: N or Knife
[4/29/2018 10:35:29 PM] Natacha: me
[4/29/2018 10:35:30 PM] Knife: me next then
[4/29/2018 10:35:31 PM] Natacha: o
[4/29/2018 10:35:36 PM] FireDragonPrince: iconic
[4/29/2018 10:35:42 PM] Natacha: ill be last then
[4/29/2018 10:38:55 PM] FireDragonPrince: k Knife Q: Given that there's only 4 players in the house, and your fate lays in the hands of one, do you think the previous weeks have an impact on that life or death decision or that its solely gonna be the social work you may have put in this week?
[4/29/2018 10:39:10 PM] Knife: hmm
[4/29/2018 10:41:31 PM] FireDragonPrince: while he considers his answe
[4/29/2018 10:41:33 PM] Knife: ofc the previous weeks have an impact on this vote, and i think i did all i could to save myself this week, but whether it matters or not will be seen very shortly. and im not feeling very optimistic lol
[4/29/2018 10:44:26 PM] FireDragonPrince: @Nat Q: as the sole person who has the decision to make, the final person to have a guaranteed trophy, the pressure on you is immense! Describe as best you can, the feelings and choices that have gone into this decision!
[4/29/2018 10:45:02 PM] Natacha: jesus all of them?
[4/29/2018 10:45:13 PM] Natacha: happiness, sadness, confusion
[4/29/2018 10:45:37 PM] Natacha: I don't even know where it start is just ugh
[4/29/2018 10:45:51 PM] FireDragonPrince: there is a reason I asked this question
[4/29/2018 10:45:57 PM] FireDragonPrince: because normally where
[4/29/2018 10:46:02 PM] Natacha: ugh
[4/29/2018 10:46:04 PM] FireDragonPrince: we'd do a vote reveal
almost 7 years
[4/29/2018 10:28:29 PM] FireDragonPrince: This ceremony is gonna run a bit differently but we will get to that shortly
[4/29/2018 10:28:45 PM] itxLuca: interesting
[4/29/2018 10:31:29 PM] FireDragonPrince: okay coolio thanks for your patience houseguests
[4/29/2018 10:31:32 PM] FireDragonPrince: as always
[4/29/2018 10:31:44 PM] FireDragonPrince: we get questions before anything big occurs
[4/29/2018 10:31:53 PM] itxLuca: is there an order or nah
[4/29/2018 10:32:06 PM] FireDragonPrince: nah
[4/29/2018 10:32:12 PM] FireDragonPrince: its whoever wants one
[4/29/2018 10:32:14 PM] itxLuca: can I go then
[4/29/2018 10:32:16 PM] FireDragonPrince: sure
[4/29/2018 10:33:02 PM] FireDragonPrince: Q: How does it feel going into the final stage of the game, with all that's happened over the past few weeks?
[4/29/2018 10:34:09 PM] itxLuca: I feel great that I made it to see the last challenge, and have a chance to play for an f2 spot. These past few weeks have easily been the toughest of the game, but that's the beauty of the endgame. No one's gonna give up and everyone's gonna put up a fight
almost 7 years
[11:03:26 PM] agus strider: PoV Ceremony
[11:03:38 PM] agus strider: itxLuca walks in with the Power of Veto around their neck.
[11:04:01 PM] agus strider: itxLuca: Welcome to the Power of Veto ceremony. I had nominated Knife and Schikgil for eviction. As Power of Veto holder, I have the ability to veto one of these nominations. I have chosen…
[11:04:14 PM] agus strider: itxLuca: Not to use the Power of Veto.
[11:04:20 PM] Knife: ...
[11:04:22 PM] Knife: :O
[11:04:24 PM] agus strider: itxLuca: This was a difficult decision, but ultimately I have to go with who I trust the most in this game. Knife, Schik, I wish you both luck and whoever gets evicted, it was great playing alongside you the entire game. Love you guys.
[11:04:43 PM] agus strider: itxLuca: This veto ceremony is adjourned.
[11:06:23 PM] agus strider: This means that the final nominees are Knife and Schikgil! Natacha you will have the single vote to decide who gets evicted this time. You may optionally submit a speech with it. You must also submit goodbye message for the person you are evicting. Nominees, you must send goodbye messages for each other. itxLuca you must submit a goodbye message for both nominees. You all have until 10pm EST on April 29th to do so.
almost 7 years
[10:36:02 PM] agus strider: PoV Results
[10:36:29 PM] Knife: here i am
[10:36:31 PM] Knife: ready for results
[10:36:43 PM] agus strider: alright
[10:36:49 PM] agus strider: Coming in 4th place...
[10:36:54 PM] agus strider: Natacha with a time of 12:06
[10:37:08 PM] agus strider: In 3rd place...
[10:37:16 PM] agus strider: Schikgil with a time of 11:13
[10:37:35 PM] Knife: uh oh
[10:37:56 PM] agus strider: It comes down to Knife and itxLuca
[10:38:01 PM] agus strider: with a difference of just a bit
[10:38:05 PM] agus strider: over a minute
[10:38:22 PM] agus strider: The winner of the LAST Sandbox Big Brother 4 PoV is...
[10:38:48 PM] agus strider: itxLuca with a time of 6:36 over Knife's 7:49
[10:39:00 PM] Knife: rip
[10:39:05 PM] Knife: congrats stephen
[10:39:06 PM] agus strider: itxLuca as the HoH AND the PoV wielder, you will decide who stays off the block and gets the one and only vote to evict someone this week. You have until April 28th at 10pm EST to submit what you are doing with the PoV as well as a speech.
almost 7 years
[12:40:16 AM] agus strider: Date: April 27th, 2018
Location: Spain (LPA)
Time: 2330

PoV: Memory Web

In Spain's Canary Islands, there is the largest telescope on Earth. You can look through it and find the constellations. You can draw lines through stars, name them... Similarly to a Memory Web.

In this challenge, you will be linked to a Google Drawing. This drawing will have pictures of the eliminated houseguests, plus red dots and boxes. These boxes will contain descriptions pertaining to the game. Your job is to correctly place the houseguests photos in the fastest time possible by putting them on the red dots that match the descriptions. Some people may fit in multiple places but there is only one correct solution. Your time will begin once you send the link and end once you message your diary room saying "done" and you have the correct solution on the drawing. If you are incorrect, we will inform you as such, and you will have to fix the drawing and message "done" to your diary room again for us to check it.

We recommend you study the wikia as well as the game threads before attempting this challenge.

You guys have until 11pm EST on April 27th to FINISH your challenge.
[12:41:31 AM] agus strider: wikia regarding dyke's eviction week will be properly updated tomorrow morning
[12:42:14 AM] agus strider: and events such as who won the pov, hoh or the vote count in the anonymous week will not count for this
almost 7 years
[12:36:36 AM] agus strider: time to go to a new country
[12:36:41 AM] agus strider: any suggestion?
[12:37:14 AM] agus strider: no? ok
[12:37:15 AM] Knife: hmm
[12:37:19 AM] agus strider: oh
[12:37:20 AM] agus strider: go ahead
[12:37:29 AM] Knife: philippines
[12:37:32 AM] Knife: no clue lol
[12:37:37 AM] agus strider: nah rip
[12:37:42 AM] agus strider: You exit the United Nations headquarters and head towards the airport. As you board the plane, all you can think about is the importance of this upcoming Veto competition. For the 3 of you that aren’t safe, this competition could literally mean life or death within the game. You wonder if you have what it takes…
[12:37:51 AM] agus strider: Your plane flies through the air, as do the thoughts through your head. Before you know it, the plane is beginning its descent.
[12:37:58 AM] agus strider: You look out the window and see the vast Atlantic Ocean. You notice a grouping of islands and volcanoes in the distance.
[12:38:07 AM] agus strider: Welcome, travelers, to Spain!
[12:38:16 AM] *** agus strider has renamed this conversation to "Sandbox Big Brother 4: Week 12 -- Spain" ***
almost 7 years
[12:34:58 AM] agus strider: Nomination Ceremony
[12:35:04 AM] agus strider: itxLuca walks in with the nomination wheel.
[12:35:20 AM] agus strider: itxLuca: Welcome to the nomination ceremony. As Head of Household, it is my duty to nominate two houseguests for eviction. I will pull the first key, and that person will be safe. They will pull the next key, and so on. The two houseguests that do not have a key will be the nominees for the week.
[12:35:26 AM] agus strider: First and final key goes to...
[12:35:35 AM] agus strider: Natacha
[12:35:39 AM] agus strider: itxLuca: This means I have nominated Knife and Schikgil for eviction.
[12:35:46 AM] Knife: unexpected lol
[12:35:47 AM] agus strider: itxLuca: Noms don't matter at f4, best of luck to you guys in pov. On a personal level I'm very happy that we all made it, because we really did run this game. Love you guys.
[12:36:03 AM] agus strider: itxLuca: This nomination ceremony is adjourned.