deleted almost 7 years
after me and a group of scientists finished looking at that setup, we all concluded that it was bad and then killed ourselves.
Is it alright if I comp a friends setup, he worked pretty hard on balancing it. deleted almost 7 years
Added a moderator! No reasons yet. Sachy • 3 minutes
blacksnakemoan says Sachy says It’s double points too You're a legend. Can I comp Justin's one for now and mods can keep an eye on the winrate? It's at 60/40 but it's only got 5 plays yah it doesnt matter at that stage
Sachy says It’s double points too You're a legend. Can I comp Justin's one for now and mods can keep an eye on the winrate? It's at 60/40 but it's only got 5 plays
Justin says blacksnakemoan says Justin says comp this and ily forever There were concerns that the hooker made it too maf-sided? Mod+ this so I can try make a new setup usable in comp! If it gets mafia sided the mods can decide to de-comp it later on. it has heaps of karma now
Sachy says Justin says blacksnakemoan says Justin says comp this and ily forever There were concerns that the hooker made it too maf-sided? Mod+ this so I can try make a new setup usable in comp! If it gets mafia sided the mods can decide to de-comp it later on. it cannot be compd if made after the round began. said that already KDMASLD
Justin says blacksnakemoan says Justin says comp this and ily forever There were concerns that the hooker made it too maf-sided? Mod+ this so I can try make a new setup usable in comp! If it gets mafia sided the mods can decide to de-comp it later on. it cannot be compd if made after the round began.
blacksnakemoan says Justin says comp this and ily forever There were concerns that the hooker made it too maf-sided? Mod+ this so I can try make a new setup usable in comp! If it gets mafia sided the mods can decide to de-comp it later on.
Any setup created on the date the round "starts" aka starts the 24hr timeclock is ineligible to be comped, so even if you get enough votes which is like +16 or something it won't be able to be comped.
black I upvoted ur setup you just need 3 more if you're lucky and don't get mod downvoted to oblivion. :o
Justin says comp this and ily forever If you can upvote a few of my setups to +10 I think we can have a deal :D
I'll send them to you in PM.
Justin says comp this and ily forever There were concerns that the hooker made it too maf-sided?
Mod+ this so I can try make a new setup usable in comp! denial says YYC Pretty sure roles that remove a player from the game were banned from comp ~5 years ago. No fiddler.
denial says FJ2.0 Blacklisted afaik.
Alex says Comp the better version of stbs instead Alex wyd... that win rate
Comp the better version of stbs instead GUESS ITS TIME FOR SOME YYC OR FJ2.0