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Plissken's Message

deletedabout 7 years

This is Plissken's message (I did not write this or read this yet)

As a known figure I think I could get a final word to the public. I don't say that with any ego but after hosting games this long, you know I wanna say goodbye.

Look I hate Jamal and always will. nearbeer caught it a month in before anyone suspected a thing. Yes the plan was to kill the church from within. The list. that beautiful list was going to be my true recruits for you are all WOKEN to the BS that is the Church.

You all need to remember everything I did since last Spring was a lie and me playing a character

I understand I hurt ppl. Too many to name but Uprizzle I'd still like to think we're cool. All I still hope you get it even though you support Jamal. Snowy I blew you off and I'm one of few who even said goodbye to you hell I even honored you at Plissken's 200th.

Euphrasie I never was that account that harassed you. I never had issues with you. I would never go out of my way to harass you despite the fact that in my opinion you're the cutest user on the site.

I want to remind you all that I'm still the same guy that just loves creating setups and hosting them and ido want my account back to do that again

The thing is the Church was toxic and this war started a year ago. I planned all of this since before Plissken's 200th and it was set to end last September initially but I had so much fun playing the character because you all were feeling finally what I felt about Jamal. No one hates him more than me. Check the thread. I oppose him and was going to go from TAFKAP to WOKEN Plissken to PlisskenCLASSIC and overly exaggerated version on me just to hammer the point home of just how bad this all is and always was.

I just wanted ppl to let go of the cult crap and drama and play games so to kill it I had to become it and make it bad

I will host SAW Mafia Massacre one final time with my friends you all my most popular game

Please tell them to let me back for a Month

I had planned to make a Plissken lobby and take all with me who were actually about games not tokens or forum drama because my games were never about rewards but the fun

Anyone who knows me should know better. It was nice to hear all the outcry for Plissken to come back even from people who hated my Plissken Games.

Even the females who joined knew what was coming when died. What my will always said. After investigations you discover (enter girl's name) isnt wearing any panties.

And they didn't feel harassed they would playfully say 'how did you know?' it was all in good fun and only Ally ever asked me to eventually leave her out and I did

So no I don't do anything outside of that as myself. Now in character for the past several months I did lots of things to get heat on the church I mean my group is called JUDAS we were gonna betray him. This bsn ruined it because yes ok I took it too far but there is undeniable proof that some of you are entertained by this.

Nine of the top twenty threads in 2018 were about Jamal and myself. We are great enemies and great together in any capacity from a standpoint of interest. We draw interest. His own congregants of the church thread only just broke like 7k views since it was made and token for the woken double that and beyond within days. Dare I say no one drew more interest for the church than his biggest enemy me. But then that's why my title was The Fallen Angel of the Epic of The Greatest Day.

It may sound bad that I'm praising it but I'm just being fair in saying yes I hurt some of you but entertained others

Ultimately it had to be done. I had to stop the Jamal madness. Also I only promised tokens to a few ppl. I was gonna give them out in June

I just want to host my games again. Because the last part of what would have happened is... I was gonna have a Farewell Tour and stop hosting and leave EM on my ten year anniversary in 3 years

But a month will do. If that's possible. My page is still there. Give me my account back. Let things go back to normal. I would never actually s Act like that

You have no idea how many times I wanted to break character. Then there were all the times I laughed so hard at your comments on me and the church. I can't believe I got ppl calling him Ja'al. just became fun to just BS and watch it take off. But I know I lost a lot of you forever

lilin shocked me when she talked to me. I hope more of you will. I just would like a month to personally reach out to many of you personally. I have poor friends from years ago that don't know what's wrong with me

Poor TrueHelios came back to freaking TAFKAP. Uprizzle was messed with over my antics. It was all to make you hate the church. I took one for the team.

I know some of you still won't get it but if you weren't actually here a year ago when this was truly disgusting... Yeah you missed it. It needed to die and still does.

I don't wanna make this too long but thanks for the support over the years with my custom games

zoella, ivana JUDAS is over it's job is done. Didn't go as planned but hey.

On a final note for reasons I won't go into I did get a different look in things and I must say for nothing attached to myself but other incidents that I won't mention out of respect for others Bebop is truly despicable and I've lost all respect for him due to several things but one in particular. How he can be a mod and do the he does is beyond me then I get banned for obviously playing a gimmick. Yes I took it too far to kill the church. I even gave every the end date June 30th and heavily hinted at the coming betrayal as so e still weren't catching on.

I just am me. Plissken. And if the community wants to experience the magic of Plissken Games again then let's start a petition. If I can't come back try and get them to give me a month. There are so many things I had planned for you all that never got to be.

I genuinely enjoy hosting and creating. That's me. One way or another at least we will have one final game.

Sandbox will always have it's taste of Plissken. Bye. It shouldn't end this way.

It should've ended with Plissken's 500th as planned

Message me to talk one on one. All my friends or newly met ppl who never met ME because I was sticking to the script hard. Farewell.

I'm gone and that idiot Jamal is still here. Some justice that is. Still proud of those of you who try. I heard it all. I know some of you were saying you were creating games and they'll never be as good as mine which was flattering but the point was to inspire ppl to create their own games as this is about exploration and you all know we had a lot of fun in the past 7 years. let's do it again

Your Plissken

about 7 years
Can you add a #BringBackPlissken petition, I have only been here for like less than a month, and even I knew he was joking, he might have gone too far but he was trying to do something right, plus we all kinda found it funny. Don't deny it, you laughed at least once lately over a Plissken reaction to being accused of mafia, you know it. I say bring him back and just give him one more chance. If he does something too outrageous again, then he can be banned again. Just thought I would say this, I never really spoke to the "real" Plissken but he sounds fine as his regular self, and I want him to have the chance.
about 7 years
about 7 years
This is Plissken's message (I did not write this or read this yet)

I didnt read that line before reading everything


F.u lilin
about 7 years
about 7 years
TL;DR: My name is Plissken. Since last spring, I was stranded in a internet roleplay cult with only one goal: DELETE. Now I will fulfill my accounts dying wish - to use the list of names that i wrote and bring down those who are poisoning my EpicMafia. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

about 7 years

quasimodo says

im going to miss all the fun we had trading our favorite les mis lyrics, also always having to ask him to leave me alone

oh you like les mis quotes too? my favorite is "The sewer is the conscience of the city. Everything there converges and confronts everything else. In that livid spot there are shades, but there are no longer any secrets. Each thing bears its true form, or at least, its definitive form. The mass of filth has this in its favor, that it is not a liar. Ingenuousness has taken refuge there. The mask of Basil is to be found there, but one beholds its cardboard and its strings and the inside as well as the outside, and it is accentuated by honest mud. Scapin's false nose is its next-door neighbor. All the uncleannesses of civilization, once past their use, fall into this trench of truth, where the immense social sliding ends. They are there engulfed, but they display themselves there. This mixture is a confession. There, no more false appearances, no plastering over is possible, filth removes its shirt, absolute denudation puts to the rout all illusions and mirages, there is nothing more except what really exists, presenting the sinister form of that which is coming to an end."
about 7 years

im going to miss all the fun we had trading our favorite les mis lyrics, also always having to ask him to leave me alone
about 7 years
Joking about pedophilia and r*pe is unacceptable and disgusting, as are you.

You have made so many users uncomfortable and quite frankly, it was both an honour and a privilege to exile you from the grand Church.

Your arms are just too short to box with God, Plissken.

Do not return or I will defeat you for a third time.
about 7 years
I actually waited to post that so I wasn't the one bumping the thread, I'm an honorable user
about 7 years

Uprizzle I'd still like to think we're cool.

Yeah no. This went on for far too long without you contacting me at all for us to still be cool.

Had you even just shot me a PM saying that it was all a gag for the reason of "bringing down Jamal" or whatever then it would've been fine. But that never happened, you never showed the slightest bit of remorse or even hinted that this was leading to anything else until you were banned and it was too late.

Learn to tell when something has run its course. Best of luck in your future endeavors.
about 7 years
Have they still not figured out plissken is a sl0n alt?
about 7 years

JM123 says

I thought everyone knew that Jamal's thing is a meme for all of us to have fun

now that I see so much drama and walls of texts I'm

most people were aware i think but theres always people offended over everything because its epicmafia
about 7 years

rockgirlnikki says

blood4bloodgod says


Get out.

Get Out (2017) written and directed by Jordan Peele starring Daniel Kaluuya
about 7 years
about 7 years

blood4bloodgod says


Get out.
about 7 years
about 7 years
bumps this thread

about 7 years
Stop bumping this thread I'm going to have to necro more threads now
about 7 years
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain" - Abraham Lincoln
about 7 years

Zippyvinman says

JM123 says

Anyone who takes internet forum roleplaying memes seriously (like you) is not only an idiot, but also has borderline r'etardation

If you agree w/ JM upvote his post

Awh, look at the role mods banding together over comments that attack people with disabilities. Perhaps you shouldn't even be role mods. Whatever that is.
about 7 years

JM123 says

Anyone who takes internet forum roleplaying memes seriously (like you) is not only an idiot, but also has borderline r'etardation

If you agree w/ JM upvote his post
about 7 years
Anyone who takes internet forum roleplaying memes seriously (like you) is not only an idiot, but also has borderline r'etardation
about 7 years

JM123 says

I thought everyone knew that Jamal's thing is a meme for all of us to have fun

now that I see so much drama and walls of texts I'm

That's because you're an idiot.
about 7 years
I thought everyone knew that Jamal's thing is a meme for all of us to have fun

now that I see so much drama and walls of texts I'm
about 7 years
Plissken is giving me way too much credit for creating the "Second Church" when it was in essence, nothing.