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Oh hey there

over 6 years

How you doing? Good? Great.

Hey sandbox, remember me? That jackbox guy? Well, after taking a break for a month or so I'm kind of back. I bought a new gaming laptop sooooo you can probably guess what that means...

I can (finally) host jackbox without that irritating livestream software! I have mixer set up so we can do it there instead. If people are still interested in playing post here and i'll determine if I should start hosting jackbox again. It's been a while since I was last here (I kind of lost interest in epicmafia to be honest) but I'll still host if people want to play.

Sign here if
12 signed
you're interested in playing jackbox
peperony and chease
jackbox when
over 6 years
peperony and chease
over 6 years

snakegladiator says

wtf is jackbox

over 6 years
wtf is jackbox
over 6 years
came here to post that entil is gay
over 6 years
cant join cause i'm europetrash.
over 6 years
deletedover 6 years
he's finally back to kick some tail
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
bring back platybox