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Symbolism Surprise!

over 6 years

I am currently working on something that I'm hoping will benefit sandbox a little but I'll keep it as a surprise in case it doesn't work out.

What I need from you guys (if you are willing to help) is some help thinking of things that symbolize iconic people from this lobby.


  • baabaa= sheep
  • dyke = rainbow

I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I would prefer people who are well known sandbox users. I'm hoping for at least one or two good ideas. contains a list of established sandbox users for reference.

Also, if you're a sandbox user and would like to say your own symbol or whathaveyou, I'll take that too.

Any other symbols or easily replicated images that you think represent sandbox would be appreciated as well.

Fingers crossed on this forum and my project working out.

  1. baabaa-Sheep
  2. dyke-Rainbow
  3. ReadyForBready-Bread
  4. rockgirlnikki-Penguin
  5. jacobkrin-ghost
  6. LeChuck-pirate
  7. dooze-pizza
  8. YellowPear-pear
  9. JimClassico-quiggle
  10. Tree-tree
  11. MissLynch-fufu(NOT noose)
  12. Ashe-star
  13. Herredy-cat
  14. SirAmelio-dolphin
  15. Sakin-*Her lick emoji
  16. Christopherzilla-dinosaur
  17. PissProblems-dragonair
  18. Snakegladiator-snake
  19. BurntToast-burnt toast
  20. Bebop-Spike Speigel(cowboy hat)
  21. Shigginator-wizard hat
  22. littlewhitey-dragon(white)
  23. riskitforthebiscuit-biscuit
  24. coconutnut-coconut
  25. 1candy1-candy
  26. Tidus-HAHAHA on paintbrush
  27. BlackLucio-Sui(noose)orLucio
over 6 years
beep beep
over 6 years

lucky says

littlewhitey says

i think it's only fair since lucky contributed so much

(also how come you chose a dragon for me? i'm not complaining cause it's basically tru but i'm curious)

isn't that a dragon in your avi? :0

*Cough* vaporeon *cough*
over 6 years
omg no bless it's vaporeon

(but its not like dragons have nothing to do with me since my username is short for littlewhitedragon anyway :0 )
over 6 years

littlewhitey says

i think it's only fair since lucky contributed so much

(also how come you chose a dragon for me? i'm not complaining cause it's basically tru but i'm curious)

isn't that a dragon in your avi? :0
over 6 years
i think it's only fair since lucky contributed so much

(also how come you chose a dragon for me? i'm not complaining cause it's basically tru but i'm curious)
over 6 years
I demand to be included in this
my icon can be a lioness
over 6 years

jingahegami says

jinga-trucy wright

you never added me to the list :(
over 6 years
I'm Elmo
over 6 years
This is gonna be epic(mafia)
over 6 years
i always thought chris was godzilla but it's a dinosaur?? The More You Know™
over 6 years
cool = coolkidro123
deletedover 6 years
tfw not dolphin or on list
over 6 years
ill take it
over 6 years

Alyssa says


Lapis's gem?
over 6 years
over 6 years

sana says

you cant make one for me because i am a unique individual =)

deletedover 6 years
sana: ouma kokichi
me, rigby: loving p*nis
deletedover 6 years
you cant make one for me because i am a unique individual =)
over 6 years
shwartz-flashy signature
over 6 years
my laugh
over 6 years
It seems you collected a good amount, Shoopie. I look forward to whatever you're going to do.

Im innttrriiiguted!
deletedover 6 years
bane = zen symbol
obitosigma = fire extinguisher
kenny = crow
negra = slab of bbq ribs
over 6 years
Well I think I've collected a good amount.. too much even.. thank you :)

I might call on everyone again if I cant make it all fit together to help weed out some names..
over 6 years
sakin = lick emoji

or a pile of trash
over 6 years
tigermom=lucy liu (it's me in the avatar but people say I look like her : ) So there's that for inspiration)