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Sandbox Assassin - Return

over 6 years

Welcome to Sandbox Assassin v3!

How to Play:

Every person is assigned to another player who they will have to assassinate. No one knows anyone else's target. The point of the game is to be the last person standing. Once you kill your target, you receive their target and it's an ongoing chain until the last person standing.

How to Sign Up:

MESSAGE me on this account telling me you want to join before 5th of January EST (alternatively, before the countdown on this thread expires).

General Game Rules:

  • If you are currently signed up as your alt account, please message me and change to your main account. It's not fair and inactive people / alts WILL be removed.
  • Please do not only use your alts / sui and avoid games with other players. It takes the fun out of the game.
  • If you are rude to current / eliminated players, you will be subject to removal.
  • Don't pretend to be someone's assassin / harass them about it.

If you break a rule, you get a warning. If you break a rule on more than one occasion, you may be removed from the game.

Rules of Assassination

To assassinate your target, you need to be in a sandbox game with them and kill them in one of the following ways:

  1. At night (EX: mafia, hitman, vigilante, killer, ww)
  2. With a gun (including fab guns)
  3. Mafia killing powers (EX: terrorist, voodoo, poison, arson)
  4. Jailer/Gator meeting
  5. Ghoul kills
  6. Granny visit kill
  7. Passing them a bomb/killing them with bomb when anarch
  8. Hunter shots
  9. Trapper/Ceptor kills
  10. Governor overthrows
  11. Bodyguard kills

You CAN NOT assassinate by:

  1. Lynching them
  2. Being lover/cupid on them & dying
  3. Culting them, then dying
  4. Starving them (if you're baker)
  5. Having them mismason on you
  6. Being bomb and them shooting you
  7. Other player randomly sui's

When you kill your target, you have to post the game link in this topic for verification. The person you killed is now out of the game. You have to message them telling them they were your target, and then they will message you your next target. If they don't reply / tell you your next target, message me and I will tell you!


Week 1

You will be assigned your first target on 5th of January. You MUST kill at least this person in order to go into next week. If you are killed/unable to make a kill, you will be removed.

Week 2

You will be assigned a new target on 12th of January. For getting to the second week, you are given a free cookie. This cookie, while inedible, will give you a "get out of jail free card for the remaining weeks. If you do not kill your person in any upcoming weeks, you will eat the cookie instead to fulfill your hunger.

Week 3+

You will be assigned a new target on 19th of January. If you have already used up your free cookie and don't kill your target withing this week, you will be removed from the game. This cycle continues every week until the game is finished.

Chart of Survivors

Countdown to end of second week

deletedover 6 years
over 6 years

Volta says

All survivors are people who literally never frequent Sandbox

>never frequent sandbox
over 6 years

Volta says

All survivors are people who literally never frequent Sandbox

Yeah I'm never here
over 6 years
All survivors are people who literally never frequent Sandbox
over 6 years
All targets are out - Week Two has begun!

Countdown to end of the week

Chart of Survivors
over 6 years
@xfire1994 But tree died legit-
oh that's the point
nvm then
over 6 years
Oh I meant putting up myself as the target.

I've a little solution for activity next time if I host it. I can't really go with your solution because it's weird to take attendance for a forum game tbh. But I do think it is a problem and I'll do my best to fix it.
over 6 years

XFire1994 says

This may have been a bad idea

not a bad idea, you couldve just handled things better
over 6 years
Literally only 3 games i haven't rolled granny or ghoul today

Anyway! Returning to Week Two without cookie: Marco, Tree, and lozershus!

Week two will start soon(ish).
over 6 years

over 6 years
over 6 years
only one more kill though
over 6 years
This may have been a bad idea
over 6 years
over 6 years

XFire1994 says

I did, everybody responded to their activity question. Unfortunately there is no way for me to check for activity beyond that.

you can check with them more than just once at the beginning, what if you ask them a question halfway through the week? try that instead of checking on everyone once and then booting people who want to play out of the game because their target wasnt active.
over 6 years

lucky shot at you xfire1994

But was it was worth going insane twice?!
over 6 years

HectorTheBandit says

Marco says

And I didn't see my target play a single game! RIP

I didn't see YOU play a single game

Maybe it's timezones screwing with us. :(
over 6 years
Countdown to end of 24 hour period to get back into game

Reminder, you have to do it like a normal assassination and post it in this thread.
over 6 years
I did, everybody responded to their activity question. Unfortunately there is no way for me to check for activity beyond that.
over 6 years
If your target was never on

XFire1994 says

Lirim says

What to do if your victim hasn't played for two months?

dooze says

If your partner is removed for inactivity then you won't be affected ^^

I'm curious if xfire did this, not accusing just curious
over 6 years
i feel like this needs a way to encourage people to play even when their target isn't on, to avoid people sitting in lobby waiting for their target, joining for a single game (killing their target) and then sitting in lobby again forever until they get their next target
over 6 years
my target was never on, this was kinda broken
over 6 years
half of the technique of assassin is stalking their timezone by when they post in forums & play games
over 6 years

dooze says

when u only joined anon games so I aimlessly followed hoping I'd role maf and kill everyone and hopefully you but we were maf partners like every time lmao

over 6 years

Marco says

And I didn't see my target play a single game! RIP

I didn't see YOU play a single game