I wanted to make this thread on paradoxes because I saw a askreddit today about mindblowing paradoxes.
I will start this dicussion off with a thought experiment related to the multi universe theory its called quantum suicide and immortality I'll just make it simpler because I'm not that knowledgeable in quantum mechanics but basically lets say you have a gun and your aiming at your head but the bullet going off is measured by a
device that measures whether a particle spins up or down. If it spins up it doesn't fire if it spins down it fires. Assuming the many universe theory is true then at the point you will shoot the universe splits into two. One where it spins up and you live one where it spins down and you die. If that happens you won't exist in one universe but you will in another. SO basically you will only exist in the universe that you live in and the ones that you don't you don't see yourself die because from your perspective you don't die.
Sure others will see you die a lot of times but you will never actually experience your own death. Sense your perspective you never die that's whats known as quantum immortality.
Whenever you might die there is another universe in which you actually live. This is an interesting logical thing to think about and I think it's cool.
feel free to post other paradox or problems below to think about.
In the first week, Bob does 0/3 assignments, and Dan does 2/7 assignments. In this case, Dan does better.
In the second week, Bob does 6/7 assignments, and Dan does 3/3 assignments. Using mathematics again, Dan does a higher percent of the assignments that week.
But looking from the total, Bob gets 6/10 assignments done, and Dan only gets 5/10 done, making Bob do more.
Depends on what layer you're going to be on when you start drawing boxes around things and labeling them. At the layers where we talk about cells, atoms, etc, then yes. At the layers where we talk about organs, individuals, and up, no.
Let me resolve your paradoxes with another paradox:
You have two identical universes.
This violates conservation of information. You can't have distinct labels for two things which are completely identical unless you introduce more information into the system, because that label is information. Your two identical universes are in every way, just the same universe, and there is only one of it. Your two ships either admit a distinction, or they are the same ship and there is only one of them.
ill post one of the top comments I found interesting The ship of Theseus.
Imagine there is a boat made of 100 different parts, and every year one these parts is replaced. It is always a different part that is replaced. After 100 years the ship is still sailing strong. Then some person comes along and buys the shipyard where the replaced parts are stored and builds a ship of his own.
Now which one is the original ship?
this is something interesting because the original ship with the parts is the one replaced yet the very first ship built has none of the other parts is it still the original?