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How to remove the snow

about 7 years

For those of you wondering on how to get rid of the snow

Here is how:

  1. go to your adblock
  2. add a custom rule
  3. block "/javascripts/snowstorm.js?1512142210"

For those of you who use the adblock called adblock:

  1. Click on adblock at the top
  2. Options
  3. Click on the Customize tab at the top
  4. Click on the edit button next to Manually edit your filters
  5. Add "/javascripts/snowstorm.js?1512142210" and press save

For uBlock origin users

  1. Click on uBlock Origin
  2. Open the dashboard
  3. My filters
  4. Paste /javascripts/snowstorm.js?1512142210
  5. Apply changes

Shwartz99 Thread with pictures -

about 7 years
i did this and my driveway's still full of snow
about 7 years
how do you make it yellow snow?
about 7 years
yeah chrome for iOS hates it, my phone and my dad's macbook heats up extremely
about 7 years

groundhogday says

did lucid feel like spending 2 minutes here or is snow automatically set for december

automatically set for december
about 7 years

Nobody says

Shwartz99 says

What is this stolen thread

Furthermore, I DEMAND that you unsticky this as it clearly goes against lucid's intentions.

Didn't see your thread tbh(I'll link it in the post), I'm sure his intention of adding in snow wasn't also for it to ruin peoples experience - IT seems to lag out Cammy's computer so this is helpful for her and other users it may also affect

it doesn't lag anyone's computer Cammy just wants attention
about 7 years
did lucid feel like spending 2 minutes here or is snow automatically set for december
deletedabout 7 years
well i'm just happy CAMMY is all well and good.
about 7 years

Nobody says

I'm sure his intention [...] wasn't [...] to ruin peoples experience

You sure about that?
about 7 years

Shwartz99 says

What is this stolen thread

Furthermore, I DEMAND that you unsticky this as it clearly goes against lucid's intentions.

Didn't see your thread tbh(I'll link it in the post), I'm sure his intention of adding in snow wasn't also for it to ruin peoples experience - IT seems to lag out Cammy's computer so this is helpful for her and other users it may also affect
about 7 years
What is this stolen thread

Furthermore, I DEMAND that you unsticky this as it clearly goes against lucid's intentions.
about 7 years

Nobody says

Escurai says

Does anyone really hate it that much lol

I personally like it but yeah several people have asked me in the past about this.

Sad :(
about 7 years
what's the script to get rid of awful players
deletedabout 7 years
f the snow
about 7 years

Escurai says

Does anyone really hate it that much lol

I personally like it but yeah several people have asked me in the past about this.
about 7 years
Does anyone really hate it that much lol
about 7 years
nice try lailai