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Getting rid of snow

about 7 years

It's easy using an adblocker. I use Adblock Plus.

Simply click on the icon and click "Block element" in the menu.

The little popup from the extension should look like this above. Click anywhere on the page.

When the next window pops up, get rid of all of the stuff that's already there and type this: "" (without the quotes). Hit "Add".

Refresh EM and you should be all good!

about 6 years
add this as a new row

about 6 years
The cold never bothered me anyways
about 6 years
how do i increase the snow
about 7 years
if you use regular AdBlock, go to options > customize > put the same link in the box and hit save > refresh page and it should work
deletedabout 7 years
download oracle and give lailai your password to make the snow go away
about 7 years
Shwartz is why the polar caps are melting
deletedabout 7 years
download tampermonkey, and then use this script:

bah humbug
about 7 years
this instructions are for BlTCHES ONLY
about 7 years
Rudolph does not approve.
deletedabout 7 years
these information threads make me feel patronised
deletedabout 7 years
back in my day we just had to make do with a shovel