I'm quite good at the Ratatouille video game for the Wii. I remember I was a rat in a tin can with a paddle and I were to race other rats in tin cans with paddles. I think I came in 2nd place so I might win this time.
deletedabout 7 years
in my humble opinion, the title of this thread shouldn't be who CAN cook it should be who would like to. according to the movie ratatouille anyone can cook but its a matter of who is willing to do this. certainly not me, and apparently not you, either.
anyway ratatouille was a pretty weird movie. in the first 20 minutes a woman points a shot gun at the protagonist and attempts murder and gasses her own house. then the main protagonist which is a rat meets a son of a dead chef and almost dies again several times. its also a pretty explicit movie for a kids movie considering the antagonist brings the son into his office and gets him drunk because he wants the kid to admit that he’s a successful chef because of a tiny hair-pulling rat puppeteer who lives in his hat. also throughout the entire movie the rat is struggling with an ethical conflict of whether or not stealing is wrong and how to reconcile wasted excess of capitalism with his belief in private property and self-earned worth, especially when he comes from an impoverished background where stealing was necessary.