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Happy Birthday XFire!!!

almost 7 years

Today it is the birthday of one of the older-and-still-playing-games members of the sandbox community, XFire1994!

Happy birthday!!! If anyone here deserves a good bday its you :)

What do you like most about XFire?
love him
almost 7 years
good birth is happy birth
almost 7 years
happy bday good luck on your rolls
almost 7 years
happy birthgay

almost 7 years
happy birthday !!!!!!!! love u !!!!!!!! :D
almost 7 years
omggg xfire happy birthday !!!!
almost 7 years
Happy birthday!!!!
deletedalmost 7 years
happy birthday <3
almost 7 years
Thanks for all the good wishes i love you all <3
almost 7 years
Happy Birthday XFire!!! :)
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
Wow Xfire u have the same birthday with me, we have the same age too

Happy Birthday to both of us :3
almost 7 years
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a nice day!
deletedalmost 7 years
Happy rainbow text day fireeeee
almost 7 years
happ borthday
almost 7 years
weebfire is a the maddest of turks. They say on certain times, notably the nights anime airs, xfire can be heard chortling blocks away. Many a local boza cafe owners have thrown their cezve down in disgust over the loud night chortles.
almost 7 years
happy birthday!!
almost 7 years
Happy birthday!!
almost 7 years
happy birthday
almost 7 years
Happy Birthday Xfraudre
almost 7 years
Happy birthday my dude! I love this guy!! :D
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
I like his jew wife the most tbh.

Happy birthday man