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deletedabout 7 years

charley is not a good mod she is very rude and disrespectful calling people b*tches and dumb it wasn't just to one person she's done this to several ppl that i know of it is very unprofessional she never even apologized for calling dreamer a b*tch she just blamed it on her and said well ur fault for making me angry...

that is not how a moderator should act no matter what and also dreamer shouldn't have the vio they have you mods are so quick to give ppl violations when it isn't needed u could be nice about it i love charley but she shouldn't be mod if she acts like this to people charley claims that she is the best moderator and everyone agrees but i disagree 100 percent charley also told dreamer she was going to block her if she spoke to her about it... If you're a mod that's your job to handle those type of situation you can't just say OH IM GOING TO BLOCK YOU FOR ANNOYING ME that is wrong very wrong she acts very egotistical calling herself a f*cking angel

charley isn't professional at all and no one does anything about it bc they are afraid of her but i don't like it one bit i'm not afraid to stand up for what is right she is rude to many people and i think if she is unmodded it will be a good change of things and allow someone else to be modded shouldn't this be about what is right you can't read this and still say charley deserves to be a moderator she just doesn't

about 7 years
BRB unlocking my thread
deletedabout 7 years
i stand by the poke in the eye reference.
deletedabout 7 years
Mod more people??????? omfg why didn't we think of that..... oh wait whos going to mod them??? calling an admin.. any admin.. nope gone? ok.
deletedabout 7 years
That was not how the issue was addressed the first time orienteering. I have explained to her on skype 4 times myself which i showed her respect doing. Jess has also tried explaining to her and prayag. Prayag made a group chat with us last night where we tried to explain to her and we got nothing and i was frustrated then i started insulting her. I admitted i was wrong to do so and i apologised to her.

Mtlve and a lot of you that complain are all the same. You btch and throw fits about us not doing our job and when we are doing our job you cry and call us corrupt for following the site rules because you guys aren't getting your own way. Pathetic.
about 7 years
Don't you think they've taken the adding more mods into consideration lol
about 7 years

charley says

Orienteering.. this problem was fixed earlier. Mtlve just didn't like that the mods refused to remove her violation. Its her way or no way.

the way you responded to the issue was inappropriate however,

just take my view into consideration
deletedabout 7 years
Orienteering.. this problem was fixed earlier. Mtlve just didn't like that the mods refused to remove her violation. Its her way or no way.
about 7 years
really funny how the youngest active user on the site is able to get this problem fixed

mods not getting stressed out+sharing work+more experienced being solved=happy website, I really hope you take my idea into consideration
deletedabout 7 years
yo freshman.. your thread is here stop reporting me for deleting it

about 7 years
You guys make speculations with no proofs
You guys talk abt how mods handle sh1t
You guys have no evidence to back ur arguments.
Sorry mtlve and freshman. But if u got sh1t on by someone in the internet who has more autorithy than you then guess what.
Thats what autorithy is for.
If you care more abt what happens in em than in ur real life then ur a really sad sad sad person and should consider self delete.
deletedabout 7 years

Orienteering says

but that is not an excuse to ban mtlve, she is trying to make a point, but is upset that the mods won't listen to the critique, thinking of it as a personal attack.

no one is trying to ban her we are all bored explaining to her the rules
deletedabout 7 years
She then would call us corrupt stupid etc. She doesn't understand when she is wrong its like talking to a wall. The only time she actually listened to a word i said was when i called her dumb. She took nothing from our hour long chat about the violation. She was going around in circles. We admitted where we were wrong and removed the forum spam 2nd violation and over other matters and we didn't constantly harass her over it. If she read the rules like you are supposed to do we wouldn't be having any issues. Don't not read the rules then cry when you get a violation and say "oh i didn't know :((" The rule page is there for a reason. I was at my wits end with mtlve. I had had enough of her constantly spamming me on skype over something that we had discussed in great detail 3 times this bloody week.

Have a nice day :))
deletedabout 7 years
[00:19:22] charley: Hi
[00:19:32] mt: hi
[00:19:47] charley: I'll start by apologising for the things I said in that chat but you have got to understand how frustrating it is for me and jess.
[00:20:04] mt: Yeah probably is with no help
[00:20:16] mt: you should get some more active mods tbh
[00:20:31] mt: You can’t really control the admins though lol

Hey freshman why don't you try making threads about things you actually know about. Mtlve left out a great chunk of what happened on skype. She's called me dumb, corrupted and a all in the past i just don't have a vendetta against her to post it. Do you know what its like to have 1 person complain over and over again and not realise they are wrong? To constantly harass me and the rest of the mod team over a violation which is infact warranted. She filed 43 reports which were all no violations within 2 weeks. She has admitted that she knew they were NV's by saying "she was just making note" So tell me again how to report spam violation was not warranted? Shes going to come here and say "you didn't warn me" When she was infact warned by 2 moderators on the reports she filed but because she apparently (dont believe it) didn't see it that is our fault. She constantly badgered me on skype (and other mods) and we all told her the same thing.
about 7 years

PatrykSzczescie says

Wasn't it mentioned that EM users don't get violations for offences that happened outside the site? And that charley was reported for a thing that hadn't happened on EM site at all?

that too, that was unnecessary
about 7 years
lmao, this is really used to instigate something between the mods. Charley is just remembering back when she was the best moderator,but now she just gets mad that she is blamed for everything that goes wrong.

in all reality, we need more moderators to share the workload so Charley/Jess/Prayag/Bebop don't get overworked or overwhelmed.

but that is not an excuse to ban mtlve, she is trying to make a point, but is upset that the mods won't listen to the critique, thinking of it as a personal attack.

I really hope this isn't like last year where we actually had a throwdown against Edark, and got him banned from being admin
about 7 years
Wasn't it mentioned that EM users don't get violations for offences that happened outside the site? And that charley was reported for a thing that hadn't happened on EM site at all?
about 7 years
where was the bin from? was it from a discord or Skype chat?
deletedabout 7 years
deletedabout 7 years