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deletedabout 7 years

charley is not a good mod she is very rude and disrespectful calling people b*tches and dumb it wasn't just to one person she's done this to several ppl that i know of it is very unprofessional she never even apologized for calling dreamer a b*tch she just blamed it on her and said well ur fault for making me angry...

that is not how a moderator should act no matter what and also dreamer shouldn't have the vio they have you mods are so quick to give ppl violations when it isn't needed u could be nice about it i love charley but she shouldn't be mod if she acts like this to people charley claims that she is the best moderator and everyone agrees but i disagree 100 percent charley also told dreamer she was going to block her if she spoke to her about it... If you're a mod that's your job to handle those type of situation you can't just say OH IM GOING TO BLOCK YOU FOR ANNOYING ME that is wrong very wrong she acts very egotistical calling herself a f*cking angel

charley isn't professional at all and no one does anything about it bc they are afraid of her but i don't like it one bit i'm not afraid to stand up for what is right she is rude to many people and i think if she is unmodded it will be a good change of things and allow someone else to be modded shouldn't this be about what is right you can't read this and still say charley deserves to be a moderator she just doesn't

almost 7 years
b*tch are you dumb
almost 7 years

Enamored says

stop being salty about a vio you deserved

Kerry, you are still as bad as Sammie no matter how much you play in main tbh
almost 7 years
Mods are sods
deletedalmost 7 years
enam what i said was true
about 7 years
stop being salty about a vio you deserved
about 7 years

Becomeclear says

Enamored says

community vote to ban freshman?

why are you such a snitch

about 7 years

Orienteering says

Enamored says

community vote to ban freshman?

lmao Sammie STFU

there is always inspect element messing with the code


2. it's real
like i'd ever type out that word - true SJW
about 7 years
about 7 years
i have been made aware it's gone and i just need to clear my cache.

eat my as's mtlve.
deletedabout 7 years

JeffreyAaron says

i now support mtlve. as long as charley has a cigarette smoking avatar i can not stand by her. """unmod""" charley.

you need to clear your cache dude......
about 7 years
i now support mtlve. as long as charley has a cigarette smoking avatar i can not stand by her. """unmod""" charley.
deletedabout 7 years

dr3amer says

jess says

dr3amer says

jess says

you seriously still think im trying to ban you lol thats actually crazy to me

then why not give me the benefit of the doubt here and warn me like you would anyone else? You know that the forums would not be full of complaint threads like this, if you had done this. There is obviously a reason you all want me to have this vio and its so you can ban me asap...

if i wanted to ban you i would have done so already

then why not try to work to an agreement here? If a kid is in the lake drowning and a guy steals a rope to go save the kid, would you punish the guy for stealing the rope?

Like you have to consider the situation when deciding the verdict, and maybe go more lenient on something if there was a good reason for it..

i would push the both of you in the water
deletedabout 7 years
Are you trying to compare you report spamming on a mafia site to you saving a kid from drowning ? ? ?
deletedabout 7 years

jess says

dr3amer says

jess says

you seriously still think im trying to ban you lol thats actually crazy to me

then why not give me the benefit of the doubt here and warn me like you would anyone else? You know that the forums would not be full of complaint threads like this, if you had done this. There is obviously a reason you all want me to have this vio and its so you can ban me asap...

if i wanted to ban you i would have done so already

then why not try to work to an agreement here? If a kid is in the lake drowning and a guy steals a rope to go save the kid, would you punish the guy for stealing the rope?

Like you have to consider the situation when deciding the verdict, and maybe go more lenient on something if there was a good reason for it..
about 7 years
rest easy knowing that even if you're r*tarded she's as dumb as a f*cking brick dreamer
about 7 years

dr3amer says

jess says

you seriously still think im trying to ban you lol thats actually crazy to me

then why not give me the benefit of the doubt here and warn me like you would anyone else? You know that the forums would not be full of complaint threads like this, if you had done this. There is obviously a reason you all want me to have this vio and its so you can ban me asap...

if i wanted to ban you i would have done so already
deletedabout 7 years

jess says

you seriously still think im trying to ban you lol thats actually crazy to me

then why not give me the benefit of the doubt here and warn me like you would anyone else? You know that the forums would not be full of complaint threads like this, if you had done this. There is obviously a reason you all want me to have this vio and its so you can ban me asap...
deletedabout 7 years

Bebop says

mtlve is comparing being called a retard to murder. amazing.

comments like these are why I don't even bother to talk to any of the current mods.

being stressed is not an excuse for harassing someone. dude your a mod. Say i started calling jeff a bunch of names and harassing him and blame it on stress in my rl, like would you really let me off the hook for this? I doubt it. Why is it okay for mods to do it to us during official mod business then?
about 7 years
you seriously still think im trying to ban you lol thats actually crazy to me
about 7 years
mtlve is comparing being called a retard to murder. amazing.
deletedabout 7 years

joga says

dr3amer says

Bebop says

i dont think professionalism is the number one most important trait for a moderator to have, but charley still did go a little far. i'd say however that since the current workload of the mod team is divided up (fairly unevenly) amongst only four people with certain key tasks unable to be met due to the lack of admins, it should be at least understandable where charley's frustration comes from here.

sorry officer I am stressed from work so I killed the guy that confronted me? Like really? I mean Charlie has been this mean to me in games before she was like the only mod. I remember before I got silver the first time on townyy (same round she got gold), she went off in several games laughing that I could even run cause i am an idiot and so on... This has been going on for months and there were many active mods then

have you tried being a little less dumb and annoying

you cant come up with some better argument against what I say that you have you have to make personal attacks with the intent to harass me? Maybe I am actually not the dumb person here
deletedabout 7 years

dr3amer says

Bebop says

i dont think professionalism is the number one most important trait for a moderator to have, but charley still did go a little far. i'd say however that since the current workload of the mod team is divided up (fairly unevenly) amongst only four people with certain key tasks unable to be met due to the lack of admins, it should be at least understandable where charley's frustration comes from here.

sorry officer I am stressed from work so I killed the guy that confronted me? Like really? I mean Charlie has been this mean to me in games before she was like the only mod. I remember before I got silver the first time on townyy (same round she got gold), she went off in several games laughing that I could even run cause i am an idiot and so on... This has been going on for months and there were many active mods then

have you tried being a little less dumb and annoying
deletedabout 7 years
i left this earlier bc it's obvious nothing is going to happen no one is going to stop charley even tho she deserves to be unmodded bc everyone wants to kiss her butt
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years

Bebop says

i dont think professionalism is the number one most important trait for a moderator to have, but charley still did go a little far. i'd say however that since the current workload of the mod team is divided up (fairly unevenly) amongst only four people with certain key tasks unable to be met due to the lack of admins, it should be at least understandable where charley's frustration comes from here.

sorry officer I am stressed from work so I killed the guy that confronted me? Like really? I mean Charlie has been this mean to me in games before she was like the only mod. I remember before I got silver the first time on townyy (same round she got gold), she went off in several games laughing that I could even run cause i am an idiot and so on... This has been going on for months and there were many active mods then