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The Resistance - Game

almost 7 years


Current Game Status

Evil Wins!


  1. Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga [SUCCESS]
  2. Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas [FAILURE]
  3. Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo [FAILURE]
  4. Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff [SUCCESS]
  5. Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra [FAILURE]

Past Team Propositions

  • Jack: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra - (Approved)
  • Lelmoo: Elfen, Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Cammy: Was auto-rejected
  • Ultra: Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff - (Accepted)
  • Jeff: Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo - (Accepted)
  • Ginga: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Arisuu: Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas - (Accepted)
  • Vibrage: Vibrage, Lelmoo, Jeff, Jack - (Rejected)
  • Elfen: Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga - (Accepted)

Sending in Actions

When you want to send a game action (proposing a team or accepting/rejecting a mission), bold your action.

You can bold a comment by doing this: [b]Your Comment[/b]

If you are on the team and the mission is a go, you will send the pass or fail slip by private messaging me.

A rule that I forgot to add, is that you are not allowed to edit or delete any of your posts. So don't do that.

Finally, you are always free to message me your thoughts on what you think is going on, reads, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a player or a spectator.

almost 7 years
Well, as I said I'll get over it. I don't like holding negative feelings towards others. I'll be here from now on.
almost 7 years
Well quite frankly based on your complete disregard for participation in this game, the feelings mutual. Maybe if you didn't decide to hold your opinions to yourself and not post, it wouldn't look like you're giving up

Hope you feel better Emile
almost 7 years
Sorry guys, I'm still going through food poisoning symptoms!

ACCEPT: Vibrage, Dariukas, Arisuu

REJECT: Jeff, Elfen, Lelmoo, Cammy, jack

No vote: Bob01

Jeff, it's your turn to create a 4-man team
almost 7 years
ok well you should have communicated that before you said we were all ignoring you!!!!
almost 7 years
I got mad at jack and honestly i'm not feeling very fond of him particularly now. Unrelated to the game but i'll get over it. The 4 people i've read as scum are Ginga, Dari, Arisuu, and I'm feeling a bit iffy on jack but i believe he's good. Not sure on a fourth. I'm heading to bed. Will reply to messages later.
almost 7 years
Literally no one knows what your options are that you're saying are being ignored ??? We are all confused what ur on about ???
almost 7 years

Jeff says

Vibrage idgi what are you so mad about? What is the thing that no one opens their eyes to? Do tell me the 4 scum then go on

almost 7 years
I just know that I've lost out on something i wanted really badly because i wasn't enjoying this game. So I'm here, I'm participating, but i'm not happy and would much rather just die right now.
almost 7 years
So apparently there is rumor going that I'm quitting this, but honestly I am not. I didn't say i gave up, i just said i wasn't enjoying it since my opinions were being disregarded. So i've kept them to myself. Sorry if that got misconstrued along the way.
almost 7 years

Jeff says

Bob01 says

I accept this mission because Ginga has not failed us yet.

about how much of this game have u read

i have not failed him yet have u read

almost 7 years

Bob01 says

I accept this mission because Ginga has not failed us yet.

about how much of this game have u read
almost 7 years

Jeff says

Reject I want da power to myself as next leader (;

jk already voted
almost 7 years
do i have hammer >:)
almost 7 years
I accept this mission because Ginga has not failed us yet.
almost 7 years
Jack: yes i want this team
Jeff: i agree
me: okay nice neither will yell at me maybe i can just get this done and out of the way and i can move on w/ my life
Jeff: nevermind F*CK THIS TEAM
me: guess i'll die

i do get why you're rejecting it its just like WHY
almost 7 years
mmm, that would confirm some peeps. certainly a feasible proposal but i'd like to see some other reactions
almost 7 years
ok so you agree ginga is good. yh im taking ginga arisuu myself lelmoo as my mission most likely
almost 7 years
or alice could be evil and dari failed it. but i don't think alice is evil
almost 7 years
well i think that if he's evil he would want to put another evil person on the quest (perhaps mordred but that might be a little too MLG to start thinking about specific scum roles), and he put the person who failed mission 2 on mission 3. MEANING, if ginga is evil then i have to assume lelmoo is too

i am not 100% sure if ginga is evil, so take that for what it's worth
almost 7 years
i wish the forums were live updating and we could see comments roll in
almost 7 years
what do u think of GINGA
almost 7 years

Jeff says


almost 7 years
yes yes i know this i was just like confused bc you were highlighting my experience earlier
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
i don't fos you for ur experience, you're literally in a pool of three w at least one confirmed