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The Resistance - Game

almost 7 years


Current Game Status

Evil Wins!


  1. Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga [SUCCESS]
  2. Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas [FAILURE]
  3. Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo [FAILURE]
  4. Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff [SUCCESS]
  5. Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra [FAILURE]

Past Team Propositions

  • Jack: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra - (Approved)
  • Lelmoo: Elfen, Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Cammy: Was auto-rejected
  • Ultra: Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff - (Accepted)
  • Jeff: Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo - (Accepted)
  • Ginga: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Arisuu: Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas - (Accepted)
  • Vibrage: Vibrage, Lelmoo, Jeff, Jack - (Rejected)
  • Elfen: Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga - (Accepted)

Sending in Actions

When you want to send a game action (proposing a team or accepting/rejecting a mission), bold your action.

You can bold a comment by doing this: [b]Your Comment[/b]

If you are on the team and the mission is a go, you will send the pass or fail slip by private messaging me.

A rule that I forgot to add, is that you are not allowed to edit or delete any of your posts. So don't do that.

Finally, you are always free to message me your thoughts on what you think is going on, reads, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a player or a spectator.

almost 7 years
cause i don't see anyone pushing on them! confirmed my a**
almost 7 years
I mean, I think its you or why the heck would u accept that mission ashifashdif
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

Dariukas47 says

Lelmoo says

Dariukas47 says

Lelmoo says

idk im not tring jeff that hard tbh! That's why I in the first place said that in the first failed mission there could be more than one evil (assuming that Dari is evil because of his slip thing)

what slip? you should start thinking for yourself for once and stop riding Jeff's dck all the time

You literally accepted a mission when there was a confirmed evil from your point of view! Is that not a slip?

stop assuming my point of view i don't quite remember mentioning it

Mission with u me Jack Jeff = Fails

you accept next mission with me Jack and Jeff in it ??????????

ok so who was the confirmed evil
almost 7 years
so don't act all innocent when u've done the same thing to me literally ashdifahisdf
almost 7 years
but the thing is, you legit started pushing on me, "Elmo contribute more" and some like that lmfao
almost 7 years

Dariukas47 says

Lelmoo says

Dariukas47 says

Lelmoo says

idk im not tring jeff that hard tbh! That's why I in the first place said that in the first failed mission there could be more than one evil (assuming that Dari is evil because of his slip thing)

what slip? you should start thinking for yourself for once and stop riding Jeff's dck all the time

You literally accepted a mission when there was a confirmed evil from your point of view! Is that not a slip?

stop assuming my point of view i don't quite remember mentioning it

Mission with u me Jack Jeff = Fails

you accept next mission with me Jack and Jeff in it ??????????
almost 7 years
also you've been pushing with JEFF on me all the time! ever since he mentioned the "slip" you hopped on the BW
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

Dariukas47 says

Lelmoo says

idk im not tring jeff that hard tbh! That's why I in the first place said that in the first failed mission there could be more than one evil (assuming that Dari is evil because of his slip thing)

what slip? you should start thinking for yourself for once and stop riding Jeff's dck all the time

You literally accepted a mission when there was a confirmed evil from your point of view! Is that not a slip?

stop assuming my point of view i don't quite remember mentioning it
almost 7 years
Also I don't think I've "ridden his dck" all the time! I personally don't have same reads as him (-:
almost 7 years

Dariukas47 says

Lelmoo says

idk im not tring jeff that hard tbh! That's why I in the first place said that in the first failed mission there could be more than one evil (assuming that Dari is evil because of his slip thing)

what slip? you should start thinking for yourself for once and stop riding Jeff's dck all the time

You literally accepted a mission when there was a confirmed evil from your point of view! Is that not a slip?
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

idk im not tring jeff that hard tbh! That's why I in the first place said that in the first failed mission there could be more than one evil (assuming that Dari is evil because of his slip thing)

what slip? you should start thinking for yourself for once and stop riding Jeff's dck all the time
almost 7 years

Ginga says

jeff and lelmoo have been on 2 failed missions in a row so if neither of them are maf then WEW thats unlucky for them

girl u literally started it rn tho :o (and u didn't say anything when I've said that I have suspicions of u before!)
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

its also weird how u've been afk for last 5 days and now all of a sudden active. Makes one wonder!

ive always been here tho? i dont have any particular reason to be saying much but now that you're directly accusing me of being maf i'd y'know like to defend myself...
almost 7 years
its also weird how u've been afk for last 5 days and now all of a sudden active. Makes one wonder!
almost 7 years
idk im not tring jeff that hard tbh! That's why I in the first place said that in the first failed mission there could be more than one evil (assuming that Dari is evil because of his slip thing)
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

Ginga says

also its interesting that people SR me yet this mission was passed over the last with the only change being taking Jack out and putting me in so like idk what y'all were doing if you really thought i was scum and arent just trying to throw last second blame on me

literally the reason u were on mission was bc Jeff townread u hard m88888

i dont mean why i was ON it i mean why it got ACCEPTED because it was literally 5 yes votes immediately so again, why is everyone TRing jeff that obscenely hard to sheep his reads except when theres a fail then suddenly off the bandwagon baby
almost 7 years
so you believe that the two fails were Dari and Me? or Jack and me? and why are you TRing Jeff THAT much since he has also been on both fails and from your point of view you're inno i assume
almost 7 years
so IDK! Start paying attention LOL!
almost 7 years

Ginga says

also its interesting that people SR me yet this mission was passed over the last with the only change being taking Jack out and putting me in so like idk what y'all were doing if you really thought i was scum and arent just trying to throw last second blame on me

literally the reason u were on mission was bc Jeff townread u hard m88888
almost 7 years
almost 7 years
oh I thought Jack was on this mission instead of Ginga

THATS explains it Ginga is obviously mafia!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 7 years

Lelmoo says

Ginga says

sorry pals but i sent in a big fat pass

jeff and lelmoo have been on 2 failed missions in a row so if neither of them are maf then WEW thats unlucky for them

SO HAS JACK????????????????????????????????????

jack wasnt on this past mission are you feeling quite alright
almost 7 years
also its interesting that people SR me yet this mission was passed over the last with the only change being taking Jack out and putting me in so like idk what y'all were doing if you really thought i was scum and arent just trying to throw last second blame on me
almost 7 years

Ginga says

sorry pals but i sent in a big fat pass

jeff and lelmoo have been on 2 failed missions in a row so if neither of them are maf then WEW thats unlucky for them

SO HAS JACK????????????????????????????????????
almost 7 years
sorry pals but i sent in a big fat pass

jeff and lelmoo have been on 2 failed missions in a row so if neither of them are maf then WEW thats unlucky for them