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The Resistance - Game

almost 7 years


Current Game Status

Evil Wins!


  1. Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga [SUCCESS]
  2. Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas [FAILURE]
  3. Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo [FAILURE]
  4. Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff [SUCCESS]
  5. Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra [FAILURE]

Past Team Propositions

  • Jack: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Elfen, Ultra - (Approved)
  • Lelmoo: Elfen, Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Cammy: Was auto-rejected
  • Ultra: Ultra, Alice, Jack, Elfen, Jeff - (Accepted)
  • Jeff: Ginga, Arisuu, Jeff, Lelmoo - (Accepted)
  • Ginga: Jack, Jeff, Arisuu, Lelmoo - (Rejected)
  • Arisuu: Jeff, Lelmoo, Jack, Dariukas - (Accepted)
  • Vibrage: Vibrage, Lelmoo, Jeff, Jack - (Rejected)
  • Elfen: Elfen, Vibrage, Ginga - (Accepted)

Sending in Actions

When you want to send a game action (proposing a team or accepting/rejecting a mission), bold your action.

You can bold a comment by doing this: [b]Your Comment[/b]

If you are on the team and the mission is a go, you will send the pass or fail slip by private messaging me.

A rule that I forgot to add, is that you are not allowed to edit or delete any of your posts. So don't do that.

Finally, you are always free to message me your thoughts on what you think is going on, reads, etc. Doesn't matter if you're a player or a spectator.

almost 7 years
i'm questioning everything
almost 7 years
how did that mission fail WTF
almost 7 years
wait omg i'm re-reading
almost 7 years
Oh I'm still not scum I just don't really care anymore. You guys ruined it for me because your too dumb to open your eyes and listen :)
almost 7 years

Vibrage says

Oh we lost a mission. That's too bad. :)

at least we definitively know one scum
almost 7 years
Oh we lost a mission. That's too bad. :)
almost 7 years
Agreed. The thing is, I have no idea who the supposed 2 more town are so that's fun
almost 7 years
fair enough, and there are 2 more town to find so i get not putting all 3 on the next mission
almost 7 years
oops I quoted u twice by accident but yeah, I think that Dari was the one who failed the last mission. But going with that line up would be still risky. I'm down if other people are down though
almost 7 years

jack says

jeff arisuu and lelmoo are hard town for me at this point

jack says

jeff arisuu and lelmoo are hard town for me at this point

though that's risky bc it would be only one switch from last mission!
almost 7 years
jeff arisuu and lelmoo are hard town for me at this point
almost 7 years
Funny, I said to put in Arisuu last mission. Yawn!
almost 7 years
is there a consensus as to people we can effectively say are town so we can put them in with a question mark or 2

ie it seems like theres a consensus on arisuu being a town so that would be one potential person in the next team
almost 7 years
I also see Arisuu as more good than I did before. Cammy and Vibrage are big question marks for me right now
almost 7 years
i'll be off for 5 hours at work and don't feel like dealing w/ mobile so just, i'm auto rejecting any team with dari or vibrage on it. anything else, we can discuss

oh also arisuu is town bc i sincerely doubt there was a coordinated effort to put a scum on that mission
almost 7 years
i tr lelmoo over dari but not by much. i've never been good at explaining my reads in detail but my read in lelmoo's been consistent all game and dari has like, been trying hard to seem like he's not trying. if that makes sense at all
almost 7 years

Jeff says

I'm annoyed and my level of participation is gonna decrease drastically at this point.

tbh i saw you post this, assumed you were making fun of vibrage, and didn't read further
almost 7 years
I actually have 0 clue who is scum in you 3. I don't even lean one way either. Jack and Lelmoo accepted something that I explained why it would be a fail and Dari the blatant town FOS me so now I wanna OMGUS soooo
almost 7 years
You didn't have to recognize it. I said it at the top of Page 21 and you Cammy and Lelmoo all still accepted after. You just have to read and discuss before you vote....
almost 7 years
however i still just think based on my reads that at least one of the people on the first mission are evil. so mixing and matching exclusively from both here is not the super best route
almost 7 years

Jeff says

There are only 6 good.

Mission one and two have 0 people in common, meaning 7 people. There is guaranteed at least 1 bad in the 7..... accepting past mission was choosing to fail lol

i'm a fcking moron for not realizing that, i'm sorry jeff
almost 7 years
There are only 6 good.

Mission one and two have 0 people in common, meaning 7 people. There is guaranteed at least 1 bad in the 7..... accepting past mission was choosing to fail lol
almost 7 years

Jeff says

You don't take 7 unique people as the players for two consecutive missions, that guarantees a fail & gives you absolutely nothing to compare between the two missions. If that's a line of logic you can't comprehend Dari then you'll probably never understand the game.

almost 7 years

Jeff says

You don't take 7 unique people as the players for two consecutive missions, that guarantees a fail & gives you absolutely nothing to compare between the two missions. If that's a line of logic you can't comprehend Dari then you'll probably never understand the game.

whew :o that BURN!
almost 7 years
You don't take 7 unique people as the players for two consecutive missions, that guarantees a fail & gives you absolutely nothing to compare between the two missions. If that's a line of logic you can't comprehend Dari then you'll probably never understand the game.