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Is bigger really better?

almost 7 years

I measured mine and it was considered average according to Google. Girls say it starts to hurt more after the average mark so I really don't know if bigger is better... Guys always feel more manly having bigger ones though and they say bigger is better regardless of anything so I am in shambles... What do you think?

almost 5 years
almost 5 years
almost 5 years

thecolonel says

wow when did jerkcity become funny?
almost 5 years
almost 5 years
to realize my full potential, which is roughly the size of a willy wonka nerd
almost 5 years
i often require a pair of tweezers
almost 5 years
the girth.
almost 5 years
Big nose, average nose, small nose. I dont know what relevance that has to anything :3
almost 5 years
good thing I am just a big boy
almost 5 years
men r trash either way
almost 5 years
almost 5 years
1 inch is satisfactory enough for an alpha female like me
almost 5 years
yeah suv's maaan
almost 5 years
we're talking about cars, right?
almost 5 years
almost 5 years
owo owo owo owo owo
almost 5 years

Songin says

I am going to fu­ck you up for bumping this, Nacl

well we know who got the short end of the stick

*Hi-5s xtal with pen15*
almost 5 years
I am going to fu­ck you up for bumping this, Nacl
almost 5 years
yes bigger better i agree
almost 5 years
yea bigger is better, you know what they say

bigger is always better
deletedalmost 7 years
a man? i thought he was a rock
almost 7 years

Orly says

also i somehow doubt that at the tender age of 20 you've exhausted the spectrum of relationships with boys/d.ick wielders.

maybe your subconscious mind is trying to tell you something, calling a p.ussy an inverted d.ick

just a thought

dude LOL its a joke im in a relationship with a man!!!
deletedalmost 7 years
you cut that out
deletedalmost 7 years
According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves

And so Sonseray spent his days searching for an awful but banging 10/10 wh.ore with little personality beyond f.ucking
deletedalmost 7 years
But she also has to be a s.lut