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I write how I admire you

about 7 years

I just had some cinnamon rice milk and was inspired by space's thread!

Spell a word
about 7 years

Bebop says

i thought u were going to mention the time i bought u tokens for no reason

I'll never forget that! I appreciate that, but it's not why I admire you. Don't think bribing will get very far. :ρ Keep up the great work!
about 7 years

Shwartz99 says

Will never forget this

You're such a helpful individual to the community. I often use your threads when I need a friendly reminder, and I appreciate your contributions. You're an amazing person and someone to look up to. Keep up the great work!

EDIT: I need to say more! I am in love with your profile. It's one of the best looking profiles currently. I can tell you really want to show off with your gif avatar and text formatting haha. I'm really looking forward to what you can do in the future. I'll be keeping a close eye on you. θ∠θ
deletedabout 7 years
where are my tokens ?
about 7 years
i thought u were going to mention the time i bought u tokens for no reason
about 7 years

BaneofMafia says

Do it

I would be lying if I announced you weren't one of my favorite epicmafia users. You're one of the funniest users I know, and I admire your neutrality to people and willing to make a smile on anyone's face. I get so excited when I see you in chat and often stick around to see what you'd say. You're a mysterious person, but - just like Negra - I don't want to know more about you because it would ruin the immersion of your Internet persona. I hope you stick around for a long time to brighten up our colorful community!
about 7 years

Bebop says

you're going to have to muster a lot for this one

I admit that there are occasions where I become offended over some things you say or do, but I never let those things affect how my impression of you. I admire how unbiased you are with dealing with people. I don't ever see you ban people you don't like, and I like how I see that you wouldn't mind conversing with anyone on chatbox, regardless of who they are. I'm also glad you enjoy cloudrap. Personally, I'm not a big fan of it, but the premise is similar to type of chill music I listen to when relaxing or studying.
about 7 years
about 7 years

Will never forget this
about 7 years

Pieoverload says


The word that comes to my head is charisma in reference to your presence. It's not often I see you in lobby wall or forums with the exception of the rare Daily Pie, but on those occasions we do exchange greetings, you do not hesitate to grab my attention. I appreciate your kind nature, and I love the effort you put into my avatars. It means a lot to me! Keep up the great work, you have achieved eminent status in my books!
about 7 years

ObitoSigma says

Disguiser says

I was messaged on Skype and told to post. You know who my main is, right?

You're a very fun and lively person! You like to make puzzles, and I think that's really cool. That's definitely something you should keep doing and get better at, because I think you could get much better and make some mind blowing and creative puzzles, testing the limits of how far simple games or puzzles can go through simple online interaction. Are you working on any ideas right now?

I can send you some stuff on Skype.
deletedabout 7 years
Do it
about 7 years

baabaa says


I love how open you are to discussion. If I ever feel bored or want someone (besides Jimbei) to talk to or pick on, you're always somewhere on the top of my mind. You're an awesome person with unique and interesting characteristics that make you shine and become unforgettable.
about 7 years
you're going to have to muster a lot for this one
about 7 years

steph says

Oh boy

You're an amazing and friendly person! This might sound weird to say, but I admire your innocence. Whenever you post on EM, I have a strong feeling that you're sincere and do not wish to concern yourself with conflict, even if you disagree with the actions of others. But often, I feel you are indifferent about what goes on with EM, and if so, then it's really cool for you to be down to earth with so many members of the community. You're open to discussion anytime, and I wish I had the patience or feedback to do that. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your streams recently (same with space). I've been so busy throughout the day but will try to make it to any stream I could! Thanks for being an amazing individual!
about 7 years

Kapuchino says

just dont call me teh n word and ill be happy

You're a chill guy who I don't know too well. Haha you're a vital chatbox warrior who adds flavor to the community. I really wish I knew you better, but there are only few times I see you. Still, I love seeing you in chatbox! What type of games do you play? I think I recall you opposing Nintendo during one of their directs sometime last year, but memory's too hazy to remember. :ρ
about 7 years
about 7 years

space says


I admire your ability to stand strong and proud! I didn't know you well until about a couple weeks ago. Before then, Jimbei told me a lot of nice things about you, and you were one of the few (like Carbink and SnowyB) that I wish I had gotten to know better since I was still a fairly new user at the time. In the past couple of weeks, I've seen a lot of personality from you due to your high activity, and I'm impressed! You're so ecstatic and willing to make friends, but you're also powerful and willing to fight for what you believe is right. Whether I agree with you or not, I'm happy to see you express yourself and share your positive ideas with others!
about 7 years

quiche says


I really wished I could get to know you better! About a year ago when you were a Games lobby mod, I often greeted you in chat and was happy to see you always respond! I think you were in dooze's Sandbox Assassin, and if so, I think I remember either of us being either's targets. But anyway, I haven't seen you around lately but am happy to see you on from time to time!
about 7 years
about 7 years
Oh boy
deletedabout 7 years

ObitoSigma says

Nakhhash says




Some people call you a hassle

some people are right

gen 1: electabuzz
gen 2: elekid (honorable mentions to mareep's entire line)
gen 3: zigzagoon (pickup makes me like pokemon really fast, especially if they keep it when they evolve)
gen 4: electivire
gen 5: victini
gen 6: froakie
gen 7: Oricorio (i never actually used it but i like how it has a different form for each island i think that's really cool)
about 7 years

Disguiser says

I was messaged on Skype and told to post. You know who my main is, right?

You're a very fun and lively person! You like to make puzzles, and I think that's really cool. That's definitely something you should keep doing and get better at, because I think you could get much better and make some mind blowing and creative puzzles, testing the limits of how far simple games or puzzles can go through simple online interaction. Are you working on any ideas right now?
about 7 years
just dont call me teh n word and ill be happy
about 7 years
about 7 years