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i write something nice about you

about 7 years

i might skip you if i don't know you because forced compliments are almost as bad as insults but i will try to get to know you and then i will get back to you

but if you post, you will get a nice thing written about you

be back later

sign this for glory
15 signed
i will strive for happiness. i will not beat myself up when things go wrong. i will take care of myself. i will conquer that which disrupts my progress. i will protect myself. i am amazing.
the best time to wear a striped sweater?
all the time
about 7 years

dooze says


i think you're really putting in a solid effort to be a good owner and i think maybe the nicest thing i can say since i don't know you well is that i definitely see that effort and i think you're doing as good a job you can considering all the resistance to your ownership. proud of u
deletedabout 7 years
here to be the next person you skip
about 7 years
about 7 years
Appreciate a pick me up =)
about 7 years

nepenthe says

aight let's do this

i'm here to make your job tough

just gonna reiterate this will not be difficult

you're a very unique and important individual. i think sometimes it requires a little getting to know you to get you but it's so worth it to put in that bit of effort. i think maybe it's easy to misinterpret you in negative but if you really pay attention it becomes abundantly clear that that's not the case at all! you're actually a fan of so many things and it's so enjoyable watching you talk about these things because it's evident that you CARE. you're so much cooler than you give yourself credit for. you have such a varied, unique, and interesting taste in EVERYTHING and i always wanna pick your brain because you're just that damn fascinating. you're a very loving critter and your devotion to the people you care about is so genuine and real and i aspire to it so much.

bence you're an absolute delight and just writing this kinda made me tear up because i think you're just that amazing.

this wasn't difficult to write at all, know that. it flowed out very naturally and from a very real and deep #space in my heart reserved just for you.
about 7 years

riskitforthebiscuit says

Can I be the space for this

i heard you might have left? i might be confusing you for someone else there but i hope not.

maybe sometimes your delivery is misguided or perhaps even misunderstood but it's very clear to me that you have your heart in the right place. i think you care about others and about humanity at large in a very real way. that aside, you've always been one of my favorite people to play with in sandbox. games are always really fun when you're there and you've always been someone who can manage to keep the games from being dull no matter if they're being played seriously or not.

thanks for being here
about 7 years

space says

@ SHWARTZ for some reason I can't quite on mobile but!!!!!

I am glad I have opened my eyes to the fantastic person you are!!!!!!!! You're a very passionate and optimistic guy and you seem very light of spirit. You have a very silly personality and that's WONDERFUL. You seem to enjoy finding different ways to have Wholesome Fun on here while making sure it's as much fun for everyone else observing or participating and that is just the loveliest damn thing.

Underrated user. Proud of u.

Thanks space! You just need to realize you aren't as bad as you think you are, and you'll find that your reflection of me and a lot of other people on this site is your own self.
about 7 years
about 7 years

sigh says

you dont know anything about me so how could you possibly

You are the cutest, loveliest wee that ever snawed. I always become instantly happy when you're around. You are such a delight to talk to and I appreciate you and your presence so very much. I hope you find every ounce of happiness in life that you're looking for. If I could, I'd constantly shower you in 1000 hugs. 1000 cosmic little hugs.
about 7 years
@ SHWARTZ for some reason I can't quite on mobile but!!!!!

I am glad I have opened my eyes to the fantastic person you are!!!!!!!! You're a very passionate and optimistic guy and you seem very light of spirit. You have a very silly personality and that's WONDERFUL. You seem to enjoy finding different ways to have Wholesome Fun on here while making sure it's as much fun for everyone else observing or participating and that is just the loveliest damn thing.

Underrated user. Proud of u.
about 7 years
about 7 years
about 7 years
i here
about 7 years

steph says

Something nice? About.. me?

Steph! Steph! Wowza! What a human being!

Where to even begin man

I remember the first time we bonded was when I was still TheodoreTwombly and we clogged with the folk american classic Anaconda by Nicki Minaj. The universe was trying to convey via that sliced banana that we were destined to uplift and support each other. You such an incredible person, top to bottom. Dullness cannot exist where you do. You are a beautiful person inside and out and you improve not just the lives, but the spirit of everyone you encounter and talk to. You are a force of good in a world full of pond scum. I feel infinitely grateful that you exist and I' don't have a single doubt everyone that's ever been in your life has felt the same. You have a really beautiful outlook on most everything, even things you don't feel particularly positive about. I know that no matter what you pursue in life that you will excel at it because you know how to persevere and you have the passion to conquer what needs to be conquered.

Thank u a lot for being alive
about 7 years
A compliment in return is in order, Space. I've seen you around the forums here and there and you always have something positive to say, which is pretty rare on EpicMafiaDotCom. You seem caring and loving and have a good word for everyone.
about 7 years
I am a person
about 7 years

somethingwhatever says

As promised I started paying attention. It's kind of hard to really tell what you're like but what I CAN say with absolutely certainty is that you're equal parts caring and passionate. You have this really great and bold way of speaking your mind and you carry yourself really well, even if/when you do lose your cool/patience with some folks. I admire you a lot and I'm certainly very glad that you're here.
about 7 years
about 7 years

bibty says


i adore you!!! you're one of the friendliest and kindest people on this site. you're able to get along with just about anyone with such ease and that's something that comes from having a strong command of social intelligence. i think you bring such a positive and welcoming presence to EM. you know how to handle yourself incredibly well and i think you're a top 10 human bean.
about 7 years
hey (:
about 7 years

BaneofMafia says

In you no one can hear you scream

ah man you're great
i think i said this in my ama thread but i think you've gotta a great and quick sense of humor and you seem incredibly level headed at all times. much like with platy, you've gotta really be trying in order to dislike you. i have absolutely nothing but well wishes for you any way the world carries you.

i want to be more specific w/ this but i feel like i'll run the risk of just repeating what i said be4
about 7 years
i dont know u well

all the more reason for you to belittle me
about 7 years
give it to me hard jenoris
about 7 years
( :
about 7 years
ur avi looks like a football