almost 7 years

A master thread for new emote ideas.

Current emotes:

Would you like it to be replaced with :rotate: or another emote?

  • if we reintroduce :rotate:, it would be changed weekly or biweekly, while other emotes would be changed whenever if there's an emote in :rotate: that people really like and/or a current emote the community doesn't use anymore

Post emote suggestions below! You can thumbs up comments for votes on certain emotes. Don't downvote ones you don't want just leave them alone especially if they're made by that person. We don't need that negativity.

Fufus are changed weekly, randomly.

almost 7 years
new emote selection process:
almost 7 years
This week, we'll be introducing a weekly emotes to go thread that will be deleted at the end of the week!
almost 7 years
So after talking around, it seems that :thinking: and :nerd: were both equally disliked (almost tied in the poll) so since :birb: and :pingu: were basically tied as well, I added them both.
almost 7 years
riots will start

almost 7 years

Volta says

Hey, you should remove :yum: ,after doing some surveys in the chat, people are only not voting it because NO ONE knows what it is.
Also, people said they hated it.

KILL :yum: , SAVE :thinking:

In the future, can you provide proof of these encounters?
almost 7 years
Emotes updated
almost 7 years
Hey, you should remove :yum: ,after doing some surveys in the chat, people are only not voting it because NO ONE knows what it is.
Also, people said they hated it.

KILL :yum: , SAVE :thinking:
almost 7 years
Did I do it right?

almost 7 years

Negra says

i fudged it up but i will not edit it due to already putting more than enough time towards that post

my hero
almost 7 years
i fudged it up but i will not edit it due to already putting more than enough time towards that post
almost 7 years
If you are using ublock origin.Will be similar to adblock

almost 7 years
next lobby emote this
almost 7 years
if :thinking: is removed, i'l remove my life too
almost 7 years

Alyssa says

dooze I wanted the birb gif give it to me

almost 7 years
dooze I wanted the birb gif give it to me
almost 7 years
If we're going to get rid of :thinking: we'd better replace it with
almost 7 years
Emote poll here. If it seems rigged or anything I obviously won't listen to it. If you have strong feelings about any emotes staying or leaving, write here.
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

what ever name u want
almost 7 years

dooze says

BurntToast says

Bring back :bird:

I have three birds are they any of these?

The first one
almost 7 years

Volta says

make this an emote to go with the :oko:

why can't you just use emojis
almost 7 years
make this an emote to go with the :oko:
almost 7 years
I agree they are useless in a world where even computers you can download the classic emojis on.
almost 7 years
the main issue w/ them is not that they are annoying but that they are objectively useless

so on a most disliked poll (like what cub did) they won't ever get 1st place but no one will use them anyway
almost 7 years

dooze says

Volta says

i hope you meant there's no point in having those both on polls because they'll never lose.

well what's your opinion on :oko: and :thinking:? I know a lot of people have told me they don't like them, as opposed to other emotes so maybe if enough people feel strongly enough about it then they'd vote them. We could also have a most specified poll.

apart from the default :) and :( , :thinking: and :oko: are probably the only emotes i use. Only exception was when :ecksdee: was around.