almost 7 years

im taking a break from this. im sick of all the drama and negativity and wronging someone every time i try to do things for people. the polls are all boring, the currently pinned setup sucks, the emotes are awful and gave me leukemia; anything you do people will try to make you feel guilty about it and even if it's a minority it still feels bad

also im just plain tired of mafia for now, and it doesn't feel right being lobby owner and not even playing the game

im giving ownership to dooze because the "other half" of sandbox wanted her instead, and there wasn't a thread about it because i don't want to deal with this anymore. i can pretty much guess where people stand, and for those of you who stand against it: get over it. stop drawing lines between everyone. just talk to people you goblins. dooze probably won't lose sleep over appeasing people who just berate her, that only works on patsies like me

goodwill pledge
38 signed
sign here if you promise to try to look at things from the new owner's perspective and understand that she can't appease everyone when you inevitably disagree on something. just be nice
over 6 years

blood4bloodgod says

what are the chances dooze ever steps down?

up there with consistent daily polls
over 6 years

blood4bloodgod says

what are the chances dooze ever steps down?

not high enough
over 6 years
what are the chances dooze ever steps down?
over 6 years
it didnt have to be this way
over 6 years
i love you cub
deletedover 6 years
almost 7 years
wait a second, dooze isn't a random noavi what the heck cub
almost 7 years

groshu says

omg i cant believe i will say this but... im really hard RN, farewell cubby, "JUSTICE BONER" achieved <3

almost 7 years
omg i cant believe i will say this but... im really hard RN, farewell cubby, "JUSTICE BONER" achieved <3
almost 7 years
aw farewell cub!! i will miss u!
almost 7 years
defense against rude words
almost 7 years

nepenthe says

sandbox ownership is the equivalent of defence against the dark arts

And cub was lupin
almost 7 years
sandbox ownership is the equivalent of defence against the dark arts
almost 7 years
being owner of this lobby isn't a privilege, it's a curse
almost 7 years
as long as me and ppl i like dont get banned, irdc who is the owner, cub was good tho, nice banners although mine were never chosen :(
almost 7 years
Sad to see you go, foxie. Hope you still decide to stay!
almost 7 years
Bye cub, one of sandbox's greats :(
almost 7 years
rip cub, the best owner this lobbys ever had imo. definitely better than i was.

further proof this site doesn't deserve good things,
deletedalmost 7 years

and so it was.
almost 7 years
now it really is sadbox
almost 7 years
If it is any consolation, I thought you weren't the worst owner around. Hope you can enjoy real life for a bit, while we fkheads try to make people miserable.
Fare thee well cub.
(in before omg Entil said something nice, hes so biased OMGGGGGG)
almost 7 years
almost 7 years

YellowPear says

Today at EM school I was gang-banged, and when I tried to tell authorities, they all laughed at me, said that Dooze is owner so they can do what they want, and then one cop even forced his fingers into me. I cried and tried to go home, but had to hide in the bushes as I witnessed my LGBTQIADG+ friends chained up being herded into vans to go to concentration camps. My neighbour set a womyn of color's house on fire while the cops applauded

almost 7 years
you did very well cub. thanks for taking up the responsibility!
almost 7 years
Today at EM school I was gang-banged, and when I tried to tell authorities, they all laughed at me, said that Dooze is owner so they can do what they want, and then one cop even forced his fingers into me. I cried and tried to go home, but had to hide in the bushes as I witnessed my LGBTQIADG+ friends chained up being herded into vans to go to concentration camps. My neighbour set a womyn of color's house on fire while the cops applauded