over 7 years


Research Tree

Tech List

Epic Nations is a game where you control a nation and interact with nations controlled by other players.You can perform virtually any viable action by just stating it publicly here in this topic or PMing it privately to me.

Each nation can perform up to 3 actions per 24 hours, and those actions can be just about anything (attacking others, sharing resources, constructing buildings, etc). At the end of each 24 hour period I will post a summary of what occurred and reveal the results of relevant actions.

Nations can communicate with each other both in this thread and over PM, although if you do communicate over PM you must include me in all messages you send.

Overall wealth is the only thing I officially keep track of. However, individual resources are still important and will be considered when you perform certain actions.

Keep in mind you can keep your actions private if you wish by PMing me.

There are barbarian encampments scattered throughout the lands, containing primitive people with no internal government who occasionally attack nearby nations. Encampments are located in every civilization's land and can only be removed through several attacks with an army.

Resource Map:

Map of nations:

Map of temperature:

Common Actions:

  • Build an army
  • Research a technology
  • Build a building (library, theater, factory)
  • Repair damages
  • Trade resources
  • Move all or part of your army
  • Form/spread a religion
  • Spy on another nation
  • Search for spies in your government
  • Assassinate a leader
  • Expand farming or mines (to boost economy)
  • Hold a public event for nations
  • Attend a public event a nation is hosting
  • Attack players
  • Attack barbarians
  • Create tax on exports
  • Send currency
  • Share research knowledge
  • Perform archaeological expedition

Common Diplomatic Moves (do not cost actions):

  • Form alliance
  • Declare war
  • Denounce
  • Create embargo

Past Days

over 7 years
Expand farms.
Begin boatbuilding.
Construct a second trading post.
over 7 years
okay i research physics
over 7 years
croned i did my actions
deletedover 7 years
I think he means you don't need to research for you to do what you want to do
over 7 years

The says

yachi says

research textiles

This isn't an area you need to research.

you don't know what i'm PLANNING
over 7 years

yachi says

research textiles

This isn't an area you need to research.
over 7 years
am i strong enough to kill people now
over 7 years
research wood crafting
train army
research textiles
over 7 years
research sailing

train my army AGAIN

expand my farms
deletedover 7 years
AUTISM expands farms

AUTISM researches carriages
deletedover 7 years
I build a library
deletedover 7 years
Research more weaponry
over 7 years

Bebop says

Shwartz99 says

I'll take note of that and tell my people not to drink anything

hey guys can you just not drink anything, i know you need to drink water to survive but just don't

On second thought, doug isn't even on my land yet and they can't poison anybody in my land because their streams don't flow into my lakes.

Thanks for the insight Bebop.
over 7 years

Shwartz99 says

I'll take note of that and tell my people not to drink anything

hey guys can you just not drink anything, i know you need to drink water to survive but just don't
over 7 years
So here's how the disease curing works.

If an infected nation learns basic medicine, it reduces the death rate from 10% per day to 5% per day permanently.

Once a nation learns intermediate medicine they can produce antibiotics to permanently cure the disease in their nation. They can share either the intermediate medicine knowledge or the vaccines themselves with other nations to cure them.
over 7 years

Doug1984 says

The dead bodies and extremely sick are thrown into Schwartzland's rivers and lakes thus poisoning his water supply, ensuring mutual destruction

Don't bring sarcasm to an autism fight, f'ucker

I'll take note of that and tell my people not to drink anything. You probably shouldn't have announced that to everyone too.
deletedover 7 years
The dead bodies and extremely sick are thrown into Schwartzland's rivers and lakes thus poisoning his water supply, ensuring mutual destruction

Don't bring sarcasm to an autism fight, f'ucker
over 7 years

Doug1984 says

the Dougles consume our dead for energy

Are you trying to destroy your entire army? lol
deletedover 7 years
the Dougles consume our dead for energy and continue running full speed at Schwartzland. The end is nigh for you, quasi-king Jew
over 7 years
The Kingdom of Shwartz will be cutting off the Bogdanian Federation's diamond supply until this talk of war against King Shwartz99 stops.

In the meantime, King Shwartz99 also issues an official apology for his head templar's inflammatory words against the Bogdanian Federation. He has been replaced.
over 7 years
There are now links to a research tree and technology list in the OP.

These are not all inclusive or final, and they may be modified in the future.

You can always attempt to build a technology that is not listed, and I will figure out what you need to research to do so.
over 7 years
End of Day 3


World Events

* Dougland's population and army have decreased by 10% due to deaths from the disease.
* A popular elected official from the United Province of Cats has died from unkown causes.
* A dirt wall has been constructed on Nigeria's borders. No nation has publicly claimed responsibility for this wall yet.


Player Events

* The Bogdanian Federation stationed its army at the Bogdanian-Shwartz border. It appeared larger than was last publicly announced by the federation and the soldiers were seen weilding pointy sticks.
* Dougland also moved its pointy-stick-weilding army to Shwartz's border.
* The Bogdanian Federation, the Commonwealth of Merlot, the Kingdom of Shwartz, and the Republic of Yachi all researched sailing. Now they just need to research wood crafting to build ships.
* The Republic of Yachi also researched projectile launching and, with the ultimate goal of building an atomic bomb, researched mathematics.
* In an effort to cure its disease, Dougland researched basic medicine.
* Cogemelandia performed an archaeological expedition and found an ancient tomb containing gold and diamonds.
* Shwartz attacked incoming barbarians with its army and suffered minimal casualties. The barbarian presence in the kingdom is now very weak.
* Shwartz created a road from its diamond mines to the Bogdanian Federation. The federation now receives daily diamonds while costing neither nation further actions.
* Nigeria further trained its army.
* The United Province of Cats was idle throughout the day.


Barbarian Events

* The barbarians attacked Shwartz's army head on, but the kingdom was prepared and so it was an easy win with minimal kingdom casualties.
* More of Shwartz's wood was set on fire, and so he is now running low.
* The food resources of the United Province of Cats were looted again, and a small portion of the population starves.
over 7 years
The day has ended, I'm currently finalizing the daily events and the research/tech trees.
deletedover 7 years
Genius. If only I was that fortunate my poorness would be solved
deletedover 7 years
While running towards Schwartzland screaming warcries one of our soldiers discovered a cure for diseases