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dikdik tribute

about 7 years

Since the beginning of time, there has been many social constructs on epic mafia. But none has been more prevalent then the dikdik. What IS the dikdik, you may ask, well you're in luck!

BAM. SO CUTE. This social construct has been the face of tricksterer for years, a member of our emboldened community. So what has Bebop done? Taken it away like a nasty poacher. We need dikdik back before they go extinct. This is WRONG.

What can you do, you may ask?

  • Sign this petition
  • Make dikdik your custom emote to keep people aware
  • Put a picture on your profile with a dikdik(hint, type in ' dikdik' and click on images to get already uploaded pictures to save yourself the trouble
  • Spam ":dikdik: OH BOY I WISH I COULD USE AN EMOTE PEOPLE USED :dikdik:" when a lobby moderator is present within the chatbox
  • PM your local lobby representative demanding dikdik to come back.


Hello [Moderator], I am a fair member of [lobby name] lobby, and I enjoy the emote :dikdik:. However, it was removed in sandbox because of unfair management who previously got consent of the community on which emote to remove, but not this time. Please change it back. Sincerely, [User name here]

about 7 years
about 7 years
No. You had your chance in the giveaway chat thread.
about 7 years
can you give me tokens so that i can buy custom emotes
deletedabout 7 years
Bump for awareness!
about 7 years
i cant believe my wife tricksterer is dead

as a new widower ill accept tokens donations to pay for our kids education
about 7 years
Thank you for this very important thread. I have used a medium to contact the ghost of dik-dik and dik-dik shares their appreciation too, along with some fun facts, such as:

Dik-diks have the driest poop of any ungulate.

Dik-diks cry black tears to mark their territory.

Dik-diks mate for life.
about 7 years
about 7 years
Courtesy of Christopherzilla:

Courtesy of coolkidrox123:

about 7 years
save the dikdiks
deletedabout 7 years
The subspecies of dik-dik, known as Silver dik-dik, are small antelope found in low, dense thickets along the southeastern coast of Somalia and in Acacia-Commiphora bushland in the Shebelle Valley in southeastern Ethiopia.It is the smallest species of dik-dik, with a length of 45–50 cm (18–20 in), a height of 30–33 cm (12–13 in) and a weight of 2–3 kg (4.4–6.6 lb). Its back and flanks are grizzled silvery, while the limbs, ears and muzzle are ochraceus in colour. Little is known about its status, but numbers are believed to be decreasing.
about 7 years
I approve of this message. Save the endangered DikDik.
deletedabout 7 years
I too love dik