Since the beginning of time, there has been many social constructs on epic mafia. But none has been more prevalent then the dikdik. What IS the dikdik, you may ask, well you're in luck!
BAM. SO CUTE. This social construct has been the face of tricksterer for years, a member of our emboldened community. So what has Bebop done? Taken it away like a nasty poacher. We need dikdik back before they go extinct. This is WRONG.
What can you do, you may ask?
- Sign this petition
- Make dikdik your custom emote to keep people aware
- Put a picture on your profile with a dikdik(hint, type in ' dikdik' and click on images to get already uploaded pictures to save yourself the trouble
- Spam ":dikdik: OH BOY I WISH I COULD USE AN EMOTE PEOPLE USED :dikdik:" when a lobby moderator is present within the chatbox
- PM your local lobby representative demanding dikdik to come back.
Hello [Moderator], I am a fair member of [lobby name] lobby, and I enjoy the emote :dikdik:. However, it was removed in sandbox because of unfair management who previously got consent of the community on which emote to remove, but not this time. Please change it back. Sincerely, [User name here]