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fixin' it w/cub

about 7 years

welcome to fixin' it w/cub where we fix everything wrong with epicmafia's dying userbase

hope you don't get triggered by bullet points because here are some ways to fix it

  • don't talk about how epicmafia is dying - when the big discussion on a website is about how dead it is, people start getting the wrong impression. or the right impression, depending how you define facts

  • help noavis - people are going to leave the site, that's inevitable. who's going to replace them when you run off all the noavis? your alts? what a nerd just be nice to the newbies and save yourself the impending shame of being alone

  • stop banning people - when you remove someone from the website, what happens to the total number of users? hint: it goes down. if you're a mod, you need exercise, and finger wagging is a good place to start. it gets your blood pumping marginally better than clicking "ban user"

  • everything is a joke, get over it - seriously why do people get mad on this website you know you're being trolled just troll back it's that easy. you know when's the last time i was harassed? idk a long time ago because i just f*ck with people who try

  • be more interesting - this one's a doozy: stop being boring and idling every game. you know why the game is boring? because you're boring. everyone just concedes to their self-inflicted boredom every game instead of doing something wild and wacky like ccing party host or shooting celeb. live a little you loser

follow these five steps (4 if you're a lowly normie outside the mod circlejerk) and i gaurantee your hair will start to regrow within weeks

i want epicmafia to thrive
10 signed
sign this petition if you genuinely like this website and want it to flourish so you don't have to go find another place to screw around in
select your favorite solution
become less boring
delete mods
good denizenship
denying the fact
accept trolling
about 7 years
im participating do you think i have a problem with this
deletedabout 7 years
this went from bebop's PSA to here really quick, cub should've seen it coming
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
oh are we post flooding this already
deletedabout 7 years
contouring is some god damn sorcery, dude.
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

Jimbei says

you can use makeup, get plastic surgery and literally redefine all of your physical features if you really dislike your looks

actually you can't change bone structure

you can't become tall or short or change your frame in any meaningful way

i prefer not to be overoptimistic because that always precedes grave disappointment

i mean there are surgeries. and makeup can create the illusion of structure you don't actually have.
deletedabout 7 years
im ben carson the space balls the movie
about 7 years

Jimbei says

you can use makeup, get plastic surgery and literally redefine all of your physical features if you really dislike your looks

actually you can't change bone structure

you can't become tall or short or change your frame in any meaningful way

i prefer not to be overoptimistic because that always precedes grave disappointment
about 7 years

cub says

you know how you make up for your faults

with *~`'perSonaLity'`~*

I mean you can also just get plastic surgery.
deletedabout 7 years
yeah theres definitely varying types of intelligence, i wasnt encapsulating what it means to be smart and putting it on some linear scale
about 7 years
Not bad topic
about 7 years
im ben carson the ben carson
deletedabout 7 years
you can use makeup, get plastic surgery and literally redefine all of your physical features if you really dislike your looks
deletedabout 7 years

harodihg says

am i alone here in thinking that constantly telling everyone "youre not ugly or stupid!" sort of emphasizes that appearance and intelligence is a super important thing in how society values you?

looks are somewhat subjective

for smarts(sorry for making u read!!)
about 7 years

harodihg says

i dont want to be compared to harrold

ok since you read my thread and that makes us friends ill refer to you as forrest from now on because harodihg is a terrible username no offense
deletedabout 7 years
or if not makeup, just print out your favorite anime avi on a glossy 8x10 and tape that sh!t to your face.
about 7 years

mist says

cub says

Jimbei says

cub says

you know how you make up for your faults

with *~`'perSonaLity'`~*

you can

or you can go improve on your faults instead of constantly beating yourself up for those reasons

there isnt a cure for ugly

makeup, my pal.

that wont give me D cups and a phat a*s
deletedabout 7 years
i dont want to be compared to harrold
about 7 years
no i agree with you harrold clone im just pointing out that you can negate that altogether by being interesting enough to draw attention away from it
deletedabout 7 years

cub says

Jimbei says

cub says

you know how you make up for your faults

with *~`'perSonaLity'`~*

you can

or you can go improve on your faults instead of constantly beating yourself up for those reasons

there isnt a cure for ugly

makeup, my pal.
deletedabout 7 years
am i alone here in thinking that constantly telling everyone "youre not ugly or stupid!" sort of emphasizes that appearance and intelligence is a super important thing in how society values you?
deletedabout 7 years
cub is my favorite internet personality.
deletedabout 7 years
Jamal is the checks in power in that situation buddy
about 7 years

Jimbei says

cub says

you know how you make up for your faults

with *~`'perSonaLity'`~*

you can

or you can go improve on your faults instead of constantly beating yourself up for those reasons

there isnt a cure for ugly
about 7 years
you dont think about the fact im 300 lbs and socially inept irl because i exude personality on the internet where it matters