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fixin' it w/cub

about 7 years

welcome to fixin' it w/cub where we fix everything wrong with epicmafia's dying userbase

hope you don't get triggered by bullet points because here are some ways to fix it

  • don't talk about how epicmafia is dying - when the big discussion on a website is about how dead it is, people start getting the wrong impression. or the right impression, depending how you define facts

  • help noavis - people are going to leave the site, that's inevitable. who's going to replace them when you run off all the noavis? your alts? what a nerd just be nice to the newbies and save yourself the impending shame of being alone

  • stop banning people - when you remove someone from the website, what happens to the total number of users? hint: it goes down. if you're a mod, you need exercise, and finger wagging is a good place to start. it gets your blood pumping marginally better than clicking "ban user"

  • everything is a joke, get over it - seriously why do people get mad on this website you know you're being trolled just troll back it's that easy. you know when's the last time i was harassed? idk a long time ago because i just f*ck with people who try

  • be more interesting - this one's a doozy: stop being boring and idling every game. you know why the game is boring? because you're boring. everyone just concedes to their self-inflicted boredom every game instead of doing something wild and wacky like ccing party host or shooting celeb. live a little you loser

follow these five steps (4 if you're a lowly normie outside the mod circlejerk) and i gaurantee your hair will start to regrow within weeks

i want epicmafia to thrive
10 signed
sign this petition if you genuinely like this website and want it to flourish so you don't have to go find another place to screw around in
select your favorite solution
become less boring
delete mods
good denizenship
denying the fact
accept trolling
deletedabout 7 years

this is really bizarre, crowds of people are scary
deletedabout 7 years
goodbye sigh, it was nice conversing with you
deletedabout 7 years
idk, i lost money overall and i had a great time

i guess the best way to describe it would be:

winning felt great

losing didnt feel bad and i was enjoying just being there at the time

the money i went there with to gamble i 100% expected to lose and just wrote it off as an expenditure
deletedabout 7 years
you went to vegas? your life sounds fun i'm glad and yeah i guess it could be fun if you're not betting too much money that you know could've been spent on something better

i liked this 3 way chat even it made me feel better i gtg now bye cub and harodihg aka forrest(?) i like the song on your profile btw
about 7 years
and you can't not be invested i mean it costs real money so you're literally invested
about 7 years
i think the joy of gambling is counteracted by the disappointment of losing
deletedabout 7 years
when i was in vegas i spent a lot of money just f'uckin around and had fun. sometimes just the experience of gambling IS the fun, ya know?

ur right cub, i shouldve probs specified but whats done is done
about 7 years
you didnt specify the money had to be used for fun though most people would invest it into something long term
deletedabout 7 years
bc you could've spent that 200 bucks on guaranteed fun
deletedabout 7 years
whats wrong with gambling when its just for fun?
deletedabout 7 years
omg that's cool except the gambling thing but i can see how it would be fun

id wash ur car for free
deletedabout 7 years
wow you really dont like clickpads
deletedabout 7 years
id buy like $200 in lottery scratchoffs

a car wash (i should do this anyway)

some random designer chocolate

a new painting + frame

theres tons of random sh'it to waste money on online too
about 7 years
id buy a computer that doesnt have a clickpad
deletedabout 7 years

harodihg says

what interests you sigh? if you had $1000 right now but couldn't save it or spend it on things like rent/payments etc

what would you do with it

idk give it to my dad what about you
deletedabout 7 years
what interests you sigh? if you had $1000 right now but couldn't save it or spend it on things like rent/payments etc

what would you do with it
deletedabout 7 years
im sorry im boring

i just dont know what to talk about
deletedabout 7 years
yeah i know resolution isnt the actual screen dimensions, im also not zoomed in on the page
about 7 years
also you might just be zoomed in on the page
about 7 years
i meant your picture was bigger which means lower dpi not like your actual screen dimensions
deletedabout 7 years

whats urs?
about 7 years
hi forrest your resolution is lower than mine
deletedabout 7 years

the world ended in 2012, the mayans & hollywood producers were right, everything youve experienced since joining has all been a sensory illusion
about 7 years

tigermom says

I don't understand why you think EM is dying?

relative to just last year its not as dead but it looked a lot different before then
about 7 years
I don't understand why you think EM is dying?